Vata Pacifying Diet

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Vata is the moving, quickly changing dosha and it adapts quickly to positive changes in diet.  You’ll notice that your energy level is steadier and that eating Vata settling foods helps you to feel more happy and calm.

Because Vata is cold and dry, warm, moderately heavy and well-cooked foods are best for Vata types. A diet including relatively high-fat foods such as olive oil and clarified butter (ghee) is recommended.  Cool, light, low calorie foods will increase Vata so salads and raw vegeta bles should be taken sparingly and with an oily dressing.  These guidelines are especially helpful during cold, dry winter weather.

Generous portions, a nourishing breakfast and heavy, sweet foods such as milk, pasta, bread and rice help balance the light quality of Vata.  Regular mealtimes in a quiet, settled environment are important.



Be sure to drink plenty of warm or hot liquids and avoid ice-cold and carbonated drinks which aggravate Vata.

Vata types often need an energy boost late in the afternoon.  Hot herbal tea and cookies can bridge the gap and a special herbal tea formulated to balance Vata is available.  To ensure you include all six tastes in your diet, you can use the Maharishi Ayurveda Vata herbal seasoning.

Favour the following foods
General Sufficient quantity, unctuous (slightly oily), warm foods and drinks. Sweet sour and salty tastes
Grains Wheat products, rice (whole rice is best), cooked oat flakes in small amounts
Beans, dhal Yellow mung dahl (green skin removed)
Vegetables Root vegetables such as carrot, beetroot, sweet potatoes with ghee , butter or oil,  zucchini, artichokes, asparagus, tender eggplant, tomato, cucumber, tender radish, green papaya, okra (lady fingers) and spinach in small amounts
Dairy All dairy products. Cheese should be soft and fresh
Sweeteners All sugar cane products. Honey in small amounts
Oils All
Nuts, seeds All except peanuts. Seeds in small amounts
Spices, condiments Cumin, ginger, mustard seeds, fenugreek, hing (asafoetida), cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, anis, fennel, black pepper (small amounts), salt, lemon juice, tamarind. All others in small amounts
Fruits Ripe, sweet and juicy fruits. Dried fruit is better soaked. Sweet grapes, pomegranate (sweet and sour), mango, papaya, sweet pineapple, banana, avocado, sweet and juicy apples and pears, sweet oranges, melons, plums, cherries, raisins, dates, prunes, figs, kiwifruit, peach, apricot
Avoid or Reduce the following foods
General Light and dry food. Cold food and drinks. Pungent, bitter & astringent tastes
Grains Barley, millet, corn, buckwheat, rye, raw oats
Beans, dhal All except yellow mung beans and red lentils
Vegetables Green leafy vegetables, orange pumpkin and squash, peas, potato, sprouts, mature eggplant and radish, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery
Fruits Unripe, dry, sour fruits. Guava, jambo, cashew, cranberries, persimmon (dried), chicory


Note Regarding Vegetarian Diet

It is not necessary to be a vegetarian in order to enjoy benefits from Ayurveda, although a vegetarian diet is considered to be the most healthy.  Ayurveda also includes knowledge of which meats are most suitable for which types of individuals.  In the treatment of many diseases, however, a vegetarian diet or moderation in the quantity of meat consumed may be recommended.

Modern medical research has also begun to find significant evidence that a properly balanced vegetarian diet may be the most healthy diet.  For example research has shown that the incidence of colonic cancer and certain other cancers is lower in individuals following a vegetarian diet.  In addition, the incidence of obesity, which is a major risk factor in many diseases including gall bladder disease, hypertension and adult onset diabetes, has been found to be lower in those following a vegetarian diet.  Also those taking less meat in their diet have been found to have fewer problems with cholesterol, a major risk factor in the development of cardiovascular disease.

Our diet is very important for our health.  According to the American Cancer Society, up to 35% of the 900,000 new cases of cancer each year in the United States could be prevented by following proper dietary recommendations.  Whatever diet has been recommended for use, please follow it in an easy and comfortable way.  If you are currently eating meat on a regular basis, start by reducing the number of meals in which you include red meat (beef, pork, veal etc.) and substituting poultry and fish during these meals.  Over a period of time, you will find that you are able to take less poultry and dish without creating strain on the physiology.  If your diet becomes uncomfortable to you, please discuss it with your consultant.

Every-day herbals for Vatas

Vata tea
Vata Seasonal
Spice Mixture
Digest Tone
Digest Plus
Stress Relief
Worry Free
Vata Massage Oil
Vata Soap
Vata Skin Care Cream
Vata Aroma Oil
Revitalising Cream
for dry or mature skin


The Herbs in Maharishi Ayurveda Products Are Prepared in the Traditional Ayurvedic Way. 100% Natural and Side-Effect Free. Made to Naturally Restore Balance in Your Body. Buy Now!