5 Tips for Thriving in Lockdown

Author: Linda Sinden   Date Posted:26 August 2021 

Here again, in Lockdown. How do you survive the restricted movements, working from home, juggling children, work, cooking, cleaning and more… It can seem relentless especially with young ones.  At such times what I find helpful  is to

  1. Support my nervous system and mood by taking a herbal:
    1. Worried or anxious - Take 2 tablets of Worry Free after breakfast and evening meals
    2. Irritable and easily angered - Take 1 rounded dessertspoon of Pitta Rasayana at morning team and afternoon tea and bedtime.
    3. Low in mood, sad, withdrawn - Take 2 tablets of Blissful Joy after breakfast and evening meals to uplift your mood naturally.
  2. Have your main meal at lunchtime and make it a celebration! Give yourself a delicious dessert and celebrate the privilege it is to be alive. Take a 20 minute walk after lunch to aid digestion.
  3. Be in touch daily with close friends, family, loved ones. It’s important for your wellbeing and for theirs.  Seeing them is really helpful too. Consider touching base using Zoom, Skype or some other method that allows video connection.
  4. Take time to meditate (I prefer Transcendental Meditation) or nourish your prayer life. Inner stillness and alignment is very important at these times.
  5. Learn about something you have always wanted to… someone I know started learning the guitar last lockdown. Another person did some on line learning, another got into their art.. What would be fun for you?


Wishing you ease as you navigate the restrictions we all share.

Linda and the Get Balance Team

Linda Sinden has been a practising Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant since 1990 and is a regular contributor to our weekly Insights. She has a practice in Auckland, New Zealand and also provides phone or Skype sessions for those who need assistance, but don’t have a consultant in their vicinity.

Book an appointment with me

Email: lindasinden@orbislife.co.nz Skype: Linda.Sinden 
Mobile: +64 212237525


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