Browse through our rich repository of knowledge and helpful health advice from our resident Ayurvedic health consultant, Linda Sinden.
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Tips for Hay Fever Support
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 28 November 2024
Sinus congestion, watery eyes, catarrh, phlegm, a cold, coughing (with mucus) and sneezing at Spring time may be a sign of hypersensitivity to airborne tree pollen - commonly called Hay Fever. Ayurveda explains these symptoms indicate an underlying Kapha imbalance. Other symptoms can include lack of appetite and heaviness after eating, often with sleepiness and dullness. If this sounds like you or a loved one then you know how irritating this time of the year can be. Ayurveda can help. The root cause is imbalanced Agni or digestive fire. Here’s what to do... Spring Ease Programme...
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The most important thing to know, right now
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 16 September 2024
As we head into Spring I want to warn you that your body is going to release stored impurities into your bloodstream so it is important to know what to do, or your immunity may become overtaxed and weakened. This natural self cleanse Ayurveda explains is nature’s annual warrant of fitness! So let me guide you as to what to do right now to protect yourself and your loved ones. What to do... For 7 to 21 days adopt the following practices to ease your way into Spring and to recharge immune cells in your gut and respiratory system. ...
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Happy Microbes, Robust Immunity
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 10 September 2021
Did you know that unwholesome foods, along with mental and emotional stress impacts both the microbiome in your gut and the microbiome in your lungs. Why is this important? An unhealthy microbiome reduces the robustness of your immune system meaning your immune cells become under resourced and at a time when you really need it protecting you. Along with dietary suggestions (see below) Ayurveda recommends the best approach to immune power is to strengthen the person’s digestive microbiome and respiratory biome rather than targeting an invader, the way Western medicine does with antibiotics. This week we consider three key herbals targeted to do just thi...
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3 Tips - Meltdown support
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 10 August 2021
Do you worry or feel anxious, withdrawn or get angry in “meltdown”? This week we focus on 3 tips to help reduce or eliminate the need for meltdown. Read on! Tip 1 - Meltdown indicates you are feeling under resourced When feeling under-resourced Vata or Vata Pitta types will worry or feel anxious; Pitta types will get angry and Kapha types may feel overwhelmed, low in mood, unsupported and withdrawn. What is your go to when feeling under-resourced? Tip: Notice when you start to feel worried or anxious, angry, overwhelmed, low in mood, unsupported or withdrawn.Then stop, and ask y...
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After eating do you...
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 4 August 2021
Did you know that a good indicator of wellbeing is feeling fully satisfied and light after eating! How close are you to this ideal? Attention is often given to the quality of our food. Ayurveda explains that the strength of our digestive fire ‘agni’ is also very important. When our digestive fire ‘agni’ is burning brightly and steadily, food is digested efficiently, allowing nutrients to be transported to the cells of the body effectively and supporting your production of Ojas. Ayurvedic texts explain that ojas is the basis of one’s physical strength, immunity, clarity of perception, happiness, enlightenment and longevity. If however, your agni is weakened throug...
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RSV tips for speedy recovery
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 21 July 2021
Children, the elderly or immunocompromised are being seriously affected by the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) with over 700 confirmed cases in the week ending July 7th throughout NZ. In the high risk, RSV can lead to severe respiratory illness and pneumonia which may become life-threatening. With this in mind here is a two step programme to help protect or to help restore wellbeing for you and your loved ones now, when it is needed. Step 1 : Take the following herbals as recommended and enjoy a 10% savings now... Clear Throat Syrup - Helps with ...
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Winter - Lift your mood naturally!
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 15 July 2021
Do you notice your mood is impacted during winter when the sun shines less? This can be due to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which is a form of low mood or in the extreme depression, related to the change of season from summer to winter, and which affects people through the winter months. Ayurveda understood this phenomenon many years ago. As the warmth of the sun reduces during winter the Kapha qualities in all of us are impacted. We can find ourselves feeling slow, dull or heavier and Ayurveda explains this can lead to low mood, sadness or depression. It can be helpful to support one's mood with targeted herbals during winter with our Blissful Joy formula....
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All-Natural Immunity Booster!
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 23 June 2021
If a bone is broken the doctor may set the bone, but it is your body’s intelligence that knits the bone together so it is even stronger than before. Supporting this awesome power of nature’s intelligence within is your body’s best defense when surrounded by winter viruses and bugs. This week we focus on the powerful Bio-Immune formula which is a very special traditional formula that is designed to do just this! About Bio Immune (MA1000) Your immune cells, antibodies, organs and more work overtime to keep you in good health especially during winter. Bio Immune is a traditi...
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Praval Panchamrit - Rare freshwater pearl formula
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 16 June 2021
This precious purified freshwater pearl paste is infused in pure rosewater in the traditional way to make Praval Panchamrit. Traditionally used to soothe increased heat this formula helps to alkaline the body. It provides a natural source of rich calcium and has a calming effect on the stomach, colon, urinary system, respiratory system, liver and spleen. This allround tonic also helps to keep Vata and Kapha in balance too! Praval Panchamrit Take 3 pinches of this precious...
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Light at the end of the tunnel
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 8 June 2021
When going to sleep, staying asleep or getting enough sleep becomes difficult, life becomes hard. Kate first presented feeling anxious, frightened, overwrought and unable to get quality sleep over the past 6 months. At her wits end, Kate was only sleeping 2-3 hours a night and sometimes not at all. What Kate did to fix it! Kate turned to Maharishi Ayurveda to understand what was happening and to find a way to sleep better and to help soothe her other symptoms. Unknowingly Kate had severely aggravated Vata dosha with a diet of primarily cold and raw foods during the winter s...
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ReCharge Your Immunity
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 2 June 2021
With colder weather causing us to gather inside more and viruses living longer in colder temperatures, now is the time when we are more at risk of falling prey to a flu or cold virus. This time of increased vulnerability is not new. It is a tendency our forebears have lived with for hundreds of years. Fortunately the master physicians of Ayurveda have had hundreds of years to ponder this problem and the result is a rich understanding of how to support immune balance with healthy lifestyle choices and herbal tonics to bolster immune strength. This month our focus is to help you stay strong and stay well by bolstering your immune strength naturally with the “Charge Your...
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Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 27 May 2021
MAY FLASH SALE - Get up to 20% SAVINGS on Stress Relief, one of our most popular herbals. See why... Sally found her busy life flows more easily since taking Stress Relief. Sally feels more calm and less anxious and sleeps better. She finds daily stress easier to cope with and likes the nourishment Stress Relief provides for her immune system, adrenals and thyroid. It has made a difference with managing her weight. About Stress Relief Take 1-2 tablets before breakfast and even...
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Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 20 May 2021
Take a moment to answer the following questions to see if your body needs you to free yourself from the detrimental effects of toxins or impurities that build up and clog channels within you.. It feels good to get rid of junk in your life and it feels even better to clear it from your body! Consider each of the following questions... You wake up tired even after a good night's sleep. You feel lethargic Your tongue is coated especially upon waking in the morning You don't feel real hunger even when you haven't eaten for hours You have generalized aches and pains. They often are noticed the day after eating certai...
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Why is my Digestive Strength so Important?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 13 May 2021
There is an Ayurvedic saying “A person with strong digestion can make nectar out of poison while a person with weak digestion can turn nectar into poison.” This week our focus is to help you create or maintain a healthy digestive fire. When your digestive fire called ‘agni’ is strong then food is digested well, nutrients nourish your cells fully, waste products are released efficiently and a vital essence called ojas is produced. Ayurvedic texts explain that ojas is the basis of one’s physical strength, immunity, clarity of perception, happiness, enlightenment and longevity. What to do...
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Herb of the Month - Stress Relief
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 5 May 2021
If you already take Stress Relief regularly then you know from personal experience how helpful it is. Stress Relief is our herb of the month for May. It includes the powerful adaptogen Ashwagandha and the deeply nourishing Shatavari. My personal experience has shown it is a “must have for Vata and Pitta types” who lead a busy life, fabulous for those over 40 years of age, strengthening for the adrenal and thyroid, and a helpful sleep aid too. Make the most of this week's 10% SALE to stock up today! ...
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How's your sleep?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 23 April 2021
Would you say you wake feeling rested, clear and alert? If you are a mum or dad with young ones then the answer is probably no or sometimes. If you have had irregular sleep patterns (indicating an imbalance of Vata dosha) for a while then the answer is likely to be no. If you tend to sleep well past the rising sun (indicator of Kapha imbalance), then you may feel more dull or sluggish when you get out of bed. If your sleep is disturbed by feeling too hot or confronting angry dreams (indicator of Pitta imbalance), then you may wake up feeling like you have had active night and may not feel so rested. ...
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Bolster Your Immune Power
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 15 April 2021
Coming into winter is a good time to foster a strong immune system with the tasty treat of Chyawanprash herbal jam. This precious formula is prepared following the original recipe from classical Ayurvedic texts. It is the multivitamin of Ayurveda and is considered one of the best family tonics helpful for most ages, from young children to the elderly. Chyawanprash Adult: Take 1-2 tsp twice daily. Children: Take ½ txp twice daily. Made in a...
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Sore Back? Help!
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 25 March 2021
Most people (80%) experience back pain at some stage in life. The cause of back pain Ayurveda explains starts with weakened digestion that causes a buildup of ama (toxins from incomplete digestion). This waste product combines with Vata (Pitta and Kapha) and moves about the body accumulating in the minute channels of the body, leading to back ache. Other factors may contribute to the imbalance such as stress, injury, menstruation or illness. What about my pain? Ayurveda defines the type of back pain according to the dosha(s) that have become imbalanced. Which of the following be...
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Cellulite - what to do?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 18 March 2021
Ayurveda explains that the build up of cellulite (dimpling) and excess weight on your buttocks, lower limbs and abdomen is caused by an imbalance in Medha agni. This is a common experience for many women. So, what to do? Give your body a helping hand to restore healthy functioning of Medha agni in order to cleanse the tissue on your buttocks, lower limbs and abdomen by following this effective 3 Step Action Plan: Step 1 Take Triphala Guggulu and ...
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Are you thriving or surviving?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 11 March 2021
You may have heard about surviving or thriving in podcasts, magazines or even from a healthcare provider. I’d like to draw your attention to an overlooked secret of Ayurveda… When your body has more old cells than new ones you will inevitably find yourself unable to function at your best. The microcirculatory channels (shrotas) that deliver nutrients to the cells in your mind and body become blocked, depriving your cells of energy and vitality and slowing down cell regeneration. What does that mean for you? Basically when your body has more old cells than new ones, fatigue arises and when it is sustained then low mood and even depression can result.&nbs...
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Be Worry Free & Fatigue Free
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 4 March 2021
Do you sometimes feel wired, tossed around emotionally and wonder why you feel so tired? If this is an occasional experience or daily occurrence for you, a loved one or friend, then Gerard Tessier’s experience provides hope and a possible way through... Gèrard’s Story A gentle and sensitive soul, Gèrard felt tossed and turned like tumbleweed by his emotions. He said, "I felt very rootless and blown about by my emotions. As I grew older, the wind got stronger. Sometimes there wasn't much wind, but other times very windy." Gèrard remembers the exact date and time he began ...
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Strong Immunity as We Age
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 1 March 2021
With the latest ‘round-robin’ back into Level 3, I am both grateful for the cautious response of Jacinda and her team, while also concerned about the increased challenges posed by the new variants of COVID19. In the face of such challenges I am brought back to how important it is to actively support the strength of our immune systems by increasing the formation of Ojas - a substance ancient Ayurvedic physicians explained is essential for strong immunity. Fortunately Ayurveda has a special branch of herbals called Rasayanas designed to do just that. Plus there are ‘tried and true’ lifestyle recommendations for enhancing your production of Ojas too. So this week I ...
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Important: Pfizer Vaccine and Immunity
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 18 February 2021
Putting aside the question of whether to have a vaccine or not, as this is a personal choice, I’d like to share with you an insight gained when reading about the pfizer vaccine earlier this week. To give some context, you are likely to have read in earlier Insights that Ayurveda traditionally talks about the Land and Seed Theory when considering viral and bacterial infection. This theory basically says if your immune system is strong then when it is challenged by an approaching pathogen, it will ‘kick the invader to touch’. Meaning, the fighter cells within your immune system will protect you and the pathogen will not be able to invade. Thus providing protection from catch...
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How not to let stress get the best of you
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 14 February 2021
When life gets hectic or you feel under the pump your body secretes fight-or-flight hormones. then everyday life can become a battle. Daily activities become more difficult. Feelings of worry, anxiety, anger or sadness dominate and moments of happiness or joy become fleeting. As stress reaches overload a helping hand is needed! Ashwagandha (aka Indian ginseng or winter cherry), is the most favoured stand alone Ayurvedic herbal for stressful times. When you combine Ashwagandha with other botanicals it provides an even greater balancing effect. Ashwagandha Organic ...
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Want healthy, glowing skin?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 4 February 2021
How can we foster or maintain a glowing radiant skin that radiates health and wellbeing? Modern science has discovered that the skin contains microorganisms smaller than the naked eye can detect which together create your skin microbiome. Ayurveda intimately understands how to help restore and maintain balance of your skin microbiome and gives simple but effective guidance to help everyone enjoy a radiant lustrous skin no matter your age or stage. Have a regular Oil Massage with Sesame based massage oils that contain triglyceride-rich fatty acids to help feed your skin microbiome. Choose the massage oil that bes...
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Need to chill?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 28 January 2021
Need to chill? Too much summer heat? When the weather is hot then your Pitta qualities within can cause your body and emotions to become overheated! The effect may be felt as hot flushes, acid indigestion, blood pressure increase, respiratory issues, feeling weak or poor assimilation of nutrients leaving you craving high sugar and high fat foods. Skin conditions may be felt or get worse and your liver and blood may get a little hot. Others may find you short tempered, impatient, critical or intense. Does this sound familiar or do you have a friend or loved ...
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Final Top Up 2020
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 17 December 2020
Now is the time to do your Final Top-Up for 2020. Take the time to check your supplies of those essential herbs you rely upon to make sure you have enough for the next month. We can get them to you pronto! If in NZ we can ship until we close for Xmas on Wednesday 23 December and the courier service will have them to you in a jiffy! If in Australia select DHL as their service is taking 2-4 business days - so there’s still time to order to ensure you have what you need for Xmas and...
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Youthful Vigour & Gifts for you and yours
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 7 December 2020
Spoil your loved ones near and far with gifts that nourish the mind, body, and spirit. Below, you’ll find three gift ideas to let your close ones know you’re thinking of them. Tip: Choose DHL courier for Australian customers as they deliver within 3-5 business days. Give the Gift of Youthful Vigour with the Tasty Chyawanprash Chyavanprash is a powerful blend of herbs, raw honey, and clarified butter (ghee) that is renown...
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3 Tips - Stress to Ease and Joy Pre Xmas
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 26 November 2020
Has the Xmas ‘rush’ begun to be felt at home or in your workplace? Although we often look forward to Xmas, getting there can be stressful. This week we introduce you to 3 very powerful tips to help you turn the stress of this time to ease and joy! Tip 1: It can be really helpful to help the mind ‘take it easy’. In the whirlwind of pre-xmas preparations Vata and Pitta imbalance can arise or be exacerbated. Worry Free is designed to help balance the restless or easily irritated mind so you have the resources to automatically manage things differently. ...
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Your Antiviral Immune Boosting Trio
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 20 November 2020
Even with summer on the horizon the end of the world wide pandemic remains no closer and the trickiness of the virus is more apparent. The need is to stay vigilant, so this week we focus on a 3 Step - Antiviral Immune Boost Programme . We recommend you include one or all three into your daily regimen to support during this time of increased stress and challenge. 3 Step - Antiviral Immune Boost Programme The Antiviral & Immune Boosting Trio of Rejuvenation Plus, FluCol Defence and Inflam Protect make can be taken singularly or for extra resilience consider taking all three. Step 1 - ...
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Happiness Boost for You
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 12 November 2020
How would you score your current level of happiness? Ayurveda explains that the purpose of life is the expansion of happiness. Research from Harvard Medical School indicates positive emotions support longevity and wellbeing. Sean Accor - author of “The Happiness Advantage” defines happiness as the joy you feel moving towards your potential. How is our happiness determined? Positive Psychology say that happiness is 50% determined by your genes 10% by your circumstances and 40% by your attitude, your actions and the way you handle the situations you find yourself within. Sonja Lubomirsky, autho...
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Your Mind Power Trio
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 5 November 2020
Could your mind-power do with some amping up to support your mind, memory, recall and to promote the development of consciousness? increasing mind power helps create a sense of happiness and purpose in life, promotes creative thought, enhances problem solving and helps one feel more relaxed and composed. See how Ayurveda has taken nourishing the mind to a new level with the Mind Power Trio below... Youthful Mind - Organic Price $42.95 NOW $3...
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Be Physically Fit - Keep Your Edge
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 16 October 2020
Physical activity does promote your natural immunity. As the rising warmth of Spring makes way for Summer the desire to be more active and to be out in nature often arises. How about putting on your walking shoes and enjoying the spring flowers! Kapha dosha is strongest in all of us at this time of the year and exercise helps to stimulate and energize the body, reducing the tende...
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Reduce weight and SAVE
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 1 October 2020
With the promise of Summer just around the corner you may find yourself thinking it is time to lose those 2-3 kilos you put on over winter or lockdown, or want to address a longer term weight gain now. If so, Maharishi Ayurveda has just the right combination of herbal and lifestyle tips to help you get started. ...
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Immune & Respiratory Support - The One Herb You Should Be Taking
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 24 September 2020
Dr Ernst Schrott, a member of the German Ayurveda Association who runs an infectious diseases outpatient clinic for over 35 years recommends clients use FluCol Defence at this time of worldwide need to help promote natural immunity to support resilience to virus and microbes and to help strengthen the body should a virus be present. Here is what he recommends: Take 1 tablet of FluCol Defence 3 times per day. In times of need this can be increased to 3 tablets 3 times per day....
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SALE - Bowel Health
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 21 September 2020
Having a regular daily elimination that is well formed and easy to pass is considered an important sign of good health in Ayurveda. Lack of, indicates an imbalance that is considered very important to put right! Why are regular and well formed bowel motions important? A conversation about one’s bowel patterns is much like “getting under the hood” and taking a closer look at the health of your internal engine! When too much dryness or roughness accumulates causing an imbalance of Vata dosha, the pipes can become blocked causing backflow, gas and d...
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Build Resilience Naturally
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 11 September 2020
As the saying goes, "Life happens"! Despite our best intentions, life brings us challenges and sometimes setbacks such as job loss or work pressure, illness or serious health problems, family and relationship problems, a disaster or pandemic like COVID19, loss of a loved one, or financial stressors. Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of these challenges and emerging even stronger! It requires you to adapt or to bounce back to get through difficult experiences and often empowers you to grow and improve your life one step at a time. It usually involves stress and emotional ups and downs. Today we want to help you harness the power of Resilience in this ti...
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Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 3 September 2020
The STAY HEALTHY Trio Set Now Spring is on the horizon we want to help you stay healthy as Winter wanes and Spring arrives. The key to robust health at this time of the year is great digestion, elimination of toxins and reducing dryness (Vata) that has accumulated during winter while protecting against the increased moisture (Kapha) that Spring brings. The Healthy Trio Set aims to support you in doing just that. The Stay Healthy Trio Set is made up of Bio Immune for cellular regeneration and nourishment, ...
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"No 1" - Best Seller Sale
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 28 August 2020
The one product I would want with me should I find myself isolated on a desert island is Digest Tone . As Digest Tone is our “No 1” Best Seller, then it is likely that you already know the amazing benefits of Digest Tone from personal experience. This week Digest Tone 60 tablets and ...
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Wanting youthful vigour?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 20 August 2020
Have you heard about Chyawanprash ? This traditional formula legend says was initially prepared for a man who found ‘the love of his life’ when he was in his 90’s. So Chyawan went to Ayurvedic experts who specialised in the promotion of life saying he needed to become youthful again to bear children and live a long, happy life with his love. The unique preparation created for him helped to restore his youthful vigour. Thus the name of this exceptionally well known classic Ayurvedic formula became ...
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Our Respiratory & Immunity Sale
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 14 August 2020
With the trickiness of viruses, balance of mind and body becomes essential for natural immunity. Thinking about your needs and how to help we have created an immunity sale (whopping 17%) to help you with targeted herbals. The Powerhouse Immunity Set This combination of powerful formulas in our Powerhouse immunity Set builds upon the power of Bio Immune to add Organic Premium Amla Berry and Organic Digest Tone. About Bio Immune...
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Sweet antiviral herb for Respiratory support
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 31 July 2020
As the weather starts to shift (Kapha is starting to increase while Vata is still quite predominant), you may experience increased inflammation, mucus with throat irritation or cough; especially when mucus drains down the back of your throat or blocks your nose making it difficult to breathe. If you have this tendency or would like to protect yourself at this delicate time, FluCol Defence provides a powerful combination of respiratory, immune and digestive herbs that clients tell me they really find helpful. Let’s look at why FluCol...
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Brain health plus...
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 24 July 2020
Centella Asiatica, aka Gota Kola, is a must when one wishes to support brain health, energy, mental clarity, memory and recall. Used both in Ayurvedic Medicine and Chinese Medicine Centella Asiatica has a balancing effect on all three doshas, helping to calm emotions while also promoting concentration and alertness. Famous as a tonic for nerve and brain cells, Centella Asiatica also enhances cerebral circulation, intestinal health and sleep. Interestingly some think it's effectiveness on the brain may be due to its effects on the gut microbiology as it helps to balance the inner skin that lines the digestive tract, supporting the growth and maintenance of healthy microbes....
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What about Honey?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 15 July 2020
With the increased awareness of the negative impact of white sugar do you find yourself looking for alternatives to sweeten your drinks or to add to your baking? It is understandable if you have chosen to substitute with honey thinking you are making a healthy choice. As the Winter season deepens, you may find yourself wanting to have a lemon and honey drink with turmeric, ginger and cinnamon to help with sniffles or just because it tastes good! What do the Ayurvedic texts say? In the Charaka Samhita, the authoritative writings on Ayurveda, verse 243-248 Cha...
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Check out the Longevity Club!
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 8 July 2020
This month we are restarting the Longevity Club to support you in maintaining immune strength and the whole health benefits of Amrit Kalash Duo. This potent Ayurvedic Rasayanas supports the mind and body at its deepest level. When Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Maharishi Ayurveda released Amrit Kalash to the World, he was so moved at its power to promote wellbeing that he called it the Nectar of Immortality. The research literature makes it clear why Amrit Kalash is considered a ‘superstar’. If you know of the Amrit Kalash Duo already, then you will be pleased...
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Are you satisfied with your life direction?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 1 July 2020
When you feel satisfied with where you're heading in life; when you feel positive, fulfilled with what you're achieving, connected with your inner self, and at peace with any past shock or trauma that you may have experienced, then you are experiencing inner resilience. There can be times when your sense of peace and well-being are tested. You may feel dissatisfied for no apparent reason, disconnected from your inner self, or think your life lacks adequate meaning and purpose. These are common warning signs of stress overload, and signal that it is time to relax. Here is a checklist to provide a quick 'at a glance' assessment of how your inner world is contributing to ...
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Flu-Cold Season Tips
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 25 June 2020
Now most of NZ and Australia are showing good signs of recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic; let’s review the Flu-Cold Season tips to help you stay strong and recover quickly when needed from the seasonal colds and flu that are typical during Winter. Winter has officially begun and the colder weather makes us all more susceptible to chills which can lead into coughs and colds. Pair some late nights with large heavy evening meals and the stage is set for impurities to accumulate in the stomach which Ayurveda explains is the basis of a respiratory imbalance. When digestion becomes overloaded and impurities accumulate viruses and bacteria can more easily take hold and multiply....
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How to Reignite Yourself
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 18 June 2020
Now that Autumn is behind, and Winter is upon us have your noticed your energy is less than usual or that your energy has been fluctuating? If so, be reassured, this is due to the changes that come with this time of the year. At this juncture, nature supports our long term health by releasing into our blood and lymph the impurities that accumulated over Autumn. This process is part of our amazingly intelligent self-cleaning system that works quietly often unseen, to keep us healthy and well. Within the last week, a client commented to me that his digestion was flat and energy was down. He was spot on with his self-awareness. During this seasonal change as Vata becomes more...
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Why do I feel Anxious, Angry or Low in Mood?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 11 June 2020
When feeling anxious, angry or low in mood Ayurveda explains there is an underlying imbalance that is giving rise to these experiences that can be addressed to help you restore ease again. You may have noticed that you have a tendency to feel more anxious, or to get angry more easily or to feel low in mood more often. Although we can all feel these feelings at one time or another, our dominant dosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) or mind-body type gives us a tendency to move in one direction more easily than another. How Vata influences mood If Vata dosha is dominant in you...
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The Medicine of Laughter
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 3 June 2020
Voltaire's wit and insight beautifully expressed in the following quote brings light to the importance of humour to amuse and entertain in times of need. "The art of medicine consists of keeping the patient amused while nature heals the disease". As I walked this morning, I noticed how busy the roads were. Only a month ago the same walk was done amidst either no traffic or a small number of cars. It was slightly disconcerting as if I had walked into another familiar yet forgotten reality. Yes, lockdown did happen, and no we are not entirely through the COVID-19 pandemic, but with only 1 case unconfirmed and no new cases for 11 days, and the government has set a d...
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Express Yourself
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 26 May 2020
In many societies, people tend to be discouraged from expressing strong emotions. However, this can have a profoundly negative effect on our overall health. It is not wrong to express anger, sadness, jealousy or anxiety. In fact, it is healthy to release these emotions - just choose to do so constructively. Problems arise when we do not know how to express our emotions constructively, or we react in a way that is harmful to ourselves or our relationships. It is preferable to find safe ways to express negative feelings than to ignore them. Here are some tips that may help you to express and deal with emotions constructively. ...
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What is the best product for immune & respiratory health?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 19 May 2020
With the pandemic restrictions starting to lift and the realisation that a vaccine may be many months away, what remains is the awareness that all we can do (other than washing our hands and practicing safe distancing) is to boost our immune system and strengthen our respiratory health. With this in mind, and now that we have key tableted herbals back in stock here are targeted recommendations allowing for a range of budgets. If looking for just one product I’d suggest a choice between: Tulsi at $19.95 per month or F...
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Why are we all so different?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 13 May 2020
Why are we all so different? One person sleeps like a log, yet another person wakes if a pin drops! You may enjoy hot spicy foods with extra hot chilli sauce while your friend hates it. Yet your sister loves salad food and can’t stop talking about how good she feels when she eats plenty of vegetables and lean proteins while another person loves warm roast meals and can’t get enough of them. What causes these unique characteristics? Just as our fingerprints are unique, Ayurveda explains so are the tendencies in our mind and body. These individual differences Ayurvedic says are linked to one’s unique mind-body type. ...
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Food as medicine
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 6 May 2020
Healthy Choices on a Vegan Diet "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" (Hippocrates 460-359 BC). For over 4000 years, physicians of natural medicine have used food as a preventative to disease and as an essential part of medicine. Food is a major determinant of health that lies largely in your hands. While you cannot control pollution, hereditary factors, the environment, and the social and emotional behaviour of other people, you can choose what and what not to eat. Food is so important to human existence, and because it is utilised many times each day, i...
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Protection as we prepare to come out
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 23 April 2020
As we prepare to test the waters coming out of lockdown, we thought it would be helpful to ask Dr Arora’s what support is best for you at this time. Here is what Dr Arora said: “Clearly, people at this time need more support.” Then he recommended a three-pronged strategy: Energising and Immunity enhancing herbals Improving digestive fire as the digestive system is responsible for 70% of Immune cell production Antiviral herbals and adaptogens to support during this time of increased stress We have these in stock and can get them to you quickly. The recommended herbals are: 1. Energising and immunity enhanci...
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Ease During Lockdown & Social Distancing
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 14 April 2020
As we globally navigate the extraordinary situation we find ourselves in, we are having the opportunity to be with or to connect with our circles of family and close ones. Being aware of our vulnerability and the need to isolate within our bubbles and practice social distancing brings home the vulnerability we all share. In thinking about our needs and how we could be most helpful to you at this time, what came was to share with you the simple, yet powerful steps of the ideal daily routine. Now the external routine of work and activity outside of the house has changed for many, so has our familiar daily routine. This has left a vacuum. In this vacuum there is an oppo...
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Immune Boosting Herbs and Spices
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 17 March 2020
As the season of sniffles, coughs and colds nears here are some tips for how to protect yourself naturally. The body has an automatic defence system that kicks in to protect you when a new virus or bacteria enters your body. The following single herbs and herbal combinations work to support this natural protective mechanism helping your body be most effective just when you need it to be! A couple of the single ingredients you may know already - garlic and turmeric. Tulsi (Holy Basil) and Ashwagandha may not be as familiar. Read on to see what is common to them all... Garlic...
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Autumn Lifestyle - What's best now?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 16 March 2020
What lifestyle choices are best now? For over 3000 years Ayurveda has known about the importance of timing and has outlined ideal times to sleep, wake, exercise, meditate or pray, eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, work, play and de-stress for optimal balance. Recent research has shown that the body has a ‘master clock’ and every organ has its own ‘clock cells’ that synchronise your bodily rhythms. Ayurveda takes his understanding one step further by suggesting that there are best times of the day to do certain activities. The ‘best times’ are guided by the dosha that is most active at...
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Best Foods For Me Now...
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 11 March 2020
As the weather has become changeable one day warm and next day cooler I’ve noticed that I am wanting warmer foods. What have you noticed? The seasonal change is also seen about us as the leaves turn from green to their Autumnal shades of red, yellow and orange. At the local farmer's market, the array of seasonal vegetables has begun to change with a colourful range of fruit and vegetables available for our delight! Autumn is definitely on its way. To help prepare you for the seasonal changes that Autumn brings this week we will look at the best foods to favour during Autumn. Also, we will consider what you can do to support digestion as the stronger digestive power of ...
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Protect yourself - Seasonal Reset
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 4 March 2020
Protect yourself Have you noticed that the sun rises later now and the sun sets earlier? This heralds the coming of Autumn and is considered in Ayurveda to be the sandhi or gap between two seasons. This seasonal change has begun to be reflected in the pulses of people who are coming now for a seasonal pulse check in preparation for the coming of Autumn. Why? Because they have felt the benefit of a gentle seasonal cleanse or re-set in helping prevent or minimise seasonal flu, coughs and colds, especially during the change from Summer to Autumn and Autumn to Winter. ...
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Coronavirus - Ayurvedic Perspective
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 2 March 2020
The news about the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been unsettling, to say the least, and the news from the media at times confusing and alarmist. It may be that the world wide ability we now have to get news from all around the world is causing a hyper-aware state of this new virus. To give a wider perspective every year approximately 5-6million people become sick from the Flu virus and 10% die as a result of the virus. The death rate from Coronavirus has not been as high as this todate. Similarly to the Coronavirus the elderly or sick are most affected by a flu virus. The quick response of the national and international health teams when a new virus is found is ...
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Priority 1 tip for you!
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 26 February 2020
Maintaining physical power Thinking about the question below, If 10 is all of the time and 1 is none of the time, where would you score yourself on the following statement of physical power and wellbeing? I have abundant energy and vitality; my breathing is deep and regular, my muscles are relaxed, and my body feels ready for action! If you can say yes, that’s me (your score fell within the 7-10 range) then your physical resources are optimal and your day to day challenges are being met without discomfort. You are on top of the game. If so, the...
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Heat, acidity or stomach discomfort?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 18 February 2020
If you or a loved one have been experiencing heat, or acidity in your midriff or stomach region before or after eating you may wonder what is happening. It can be quite uncomfortable when acidity burns the back of the throat or the heat prickle of increased acidity tickles from the inside of the stomach just below the diaphragm. Ayurveda directs our attention to an imbalance of Pitta dosha being behind these symptoms and guides us to cool down Patchaka Pitta to help our body restore balance. Our digestive fire is on overburn! About the doshas Through ...
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Brain Gym
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 11 February 2020
Staying on your game from early in life by stockpiling cognitive reserves is what is recommended for brain health throughout life. However, if you haven’t thought about your cognitive reserves until later in life, that’s okay, as it is never too late to start and achieve cognitive strength and gains. Harvard neurologist Dr Alvaro Pascual-Leonie says: “As we learn more about this there is a great reason for being optimistic and joy. With a longer life span comes an increased risk for cognitive decline is what we have been told and come to believe. It turns out that this decline is not an obligatory decline for aging, it is a consequence of our brain not c...
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Best herbs to boost my immunity
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 5 February 2020
You may have been wondering what you can do to boost your immunity to help protect you from viruses. Without a doubt the herbal combination I would recommend to help strengthen and support your immunity is: ...
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Why is walking ideal?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 30 January 2020
"From physical exercises one gets lightness, a capacity for work, firmness, tolerance of difficulties, elimination of impurities and stimulation of digestion"—Charaka These are the benefits that Ayurvedic Physician, Charaka described in 300 BC. Our bodies are designed to move—movement and breathing is how we circulate Prana, our vital life energy. Exercise is meant to give more than it takes and be a pleasurable activity that you will look forward to. Why is walking ideal? Walking is considered the ideal exercise for all body types. ...
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Is Your Digestion and Elimination ok?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 21 January 2020
It’s a real pain when what is eaten sits uncomfortably in the stomach and one worries that something is not quite right. What happens to you when your digestion is off? Do you experience acidity, heartburn or reflux and maybe even loose or very soft bowel movements more frequently than 1-2 times a day? Does your food seem to be burnt up quickly and no matter what you eat, you don’t gain weight even though you may want to! Do you feel that your digestive system is not providing the nourishment you really need? If so, your digestive imbalance is expressing itself as a Pitta imbalance. This can lead to increased urination or hot urination, feeling irritable...
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Priority Tips for a Healthy Heart
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 16 January 2020
Here are a list of tips for boosting your heart health. As you review these tips, count up the number to which you can say.. Yes, I do that! Avoid spending excessive amounts of time watching TV, performing mental work or working late at night Make it a point to get deep sleep each night. Early to bed and early to rise Eat organic, fresh foods where possible. Avoid rich foods that are high in fat Eat in a settled, quiet atmosphere Eat home-cooked meals as much as possible Avoid fast-food restaurants Avoid coffee and carbonated beverages. Caffeine may increase your blood pressure Create a home env...
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Recommit to Being Healthy in 2020
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 8 January 2020
Recently I was asked what I would recommend as a new years resolution to support optimal wellbeing in 2020. This leads me to enquire is it time for you to take care of yourself? If so consider... What do you want to create? What obstacles will you need to overcome? What has worked for you in the past when you wanted to prioritise your health? If it is time for you to take care of yourself, then here are some pointers to help you get started. 1. Complete the free online Ayurvedic health test The Test Your Health quizz identifies your current imbalance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It then provides...
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Are you ok with the hot weather?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 25 December 2019
December to January is the season when in NZ and Australia the coolness of spring gives way to the full sunshine of summer. The changeable quality of Spring gives way to the sustained warmth of January into February. In some parts of Australasia the sustained warmth has lead to bush fires with heat waves worsening the situation currently. As the weather becomes hot around us, so to our internal thermostat can become challenged. Kapha Types If you are a Kapha type then dry heat will not worry you, as you are well able to contend with hot temperatures as...
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Talking helps
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 18 December 2019
Most of us talk all day with ease and confidence, and without any sense of self consciousness at all. So isn't it amazing that we often experience great difficulty in talking about the problems, issues, and concerns that beset us from time to time? We instinctively know that it is not wise or healthy to bottle these things up. But we are reluctant to share because we feel it's private, too personal, or nobody else's business. Christmas season can be a time where we join together with extended family and sometimes old difficulties can arise. Sometimes we can't or won't talk about a problem, because we tell ourselves we should be able to deal with i...
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Be enlightened about Premium Amla Berry
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 12 December 2019
A client said to me today that they really valued the purity and wholesomeness of the traditional Maharishi Ayurveda formulations they get from us. That in truth they trusted them more and felt confidence in using them for themselves, their family and recommending them to their friends and colleagues. That was of course lovely to hear. Our heart is touched when what we value so much is also valued by you too. She also went on to say that she felt it would be most helpful to understand more about the individual herbs in our products so that she would understand more why a product is so helpful and when it is most helpful to choose certain herbs or herbal combinati...
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Be Creative this Xmas
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 4 December 2019
Have you completed all your Xmas gifts? See our recommended gifts below. They can still be shipped to Australia in time for you to share them with your loved. Recently when thinking about the Xmas presents I enjoyed giving the most my mind went back to a time when I painted some plant pots with bright coloured flowers and filled them with soil and a beautiful plant. The joy in preparing and giving this gift I still remember today. It was so much fun and greatly enjoyed by others too! So why not be creative this Xmas in how you spend your holiday time. How Do You Know When You Are...
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Have fun - Exercise with the season
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 26 November 2019
Have you noticed that your exercise desire and tolerance can change as the season changes? Ayurveda provides a deeper understanding as to why this is so. As you may know Ayurveda explains there are three operating principles of nature called doshas - vata, pitta and kapha dosha. How do each of these doshas influence the seasons and our exercise tendencies? Vata guides all movement in the body and is strongest in nature during Autumn and Winter. The natural tendency for exercise at this time is guided by Vata dosha. Kapha guides cohesion of matter which creates our physical structure and is strongest in nature during Spring time. The natur...
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How’s your mood these days?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 20 November 2019
As you read the following quote from Shakespeare in his play Hamlet, pause and reflect upon how much you dentify with Hamlet’s sentiments... "I have of late but wherefore I know lost all my mirth, forgone all my custom of exercise, and indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory, this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with gold fire, why it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours. What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In...
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Your Daily Essentials
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 12 November 2019
A regular routine is key to maintaining high energy as the days get longer and summer fun begins. Consider the time you get up, your morning routine, how often you eat and exercise, along with your work time, "we" time and "me" time. Striking a balance between these components ensures that each day becomes a great day! Let’s review the key components or daily essentials Maharishi Ayurveda recommends. Morning Routine Have you ever wondered why when you are well rested, you naturally wake up early just before or as the sun is rising? ...
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The Healing Power of Touch
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 5 November 2019
“When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand" - Henri Nouwen. Touch to heal is instinctive, and part of what makes us human. Ayurveda has understood both the need and the power of massage for hundreds of years. It is used daily to support health, strength and resilience and periodically within Panchakarma an in-depth cleansing programme. A daily self-mass...
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Has your pace of life ramped up a little?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 23 October 2019
Does the pace of your life pick up a notch as daylight lingers longer in the evenings and we move towards summer? Moderation is needed most when life is busy and demanding. Have you noticed that being constantly 'on-the-go' can take a toll on your health and harmony within your close relationships? It can be hard to put the brakes on and have time out, especially if you enjoy the thrill of the chase in working towards a goal. If you answer yes then lookout for the early warning signs below that indicate it’s time to lighten your pace: Your emotional tone has lost its sweetness and your undertone is angry, intense, compulsive, sarcastic, or overl...
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Granola Recipe & Spring Tip
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 15 October 2019
As the changeable weather of Spring signals winter is now gone and summer will come soon, are you noticing a desire to change your breakfast from winter fare of porridge to something a little lighter? If so we have a tasty Granola recipe for you to try. During the ups and downs of Spring to Summer not only the weather is changeable. So to our digestive fire can be challenged as it helps to burn up the leftover of winter excess stored in our tissues while preparing for the rise of Summer. Spring Tip If you have noticed a change in your digestion then s...
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How is your inner resilience?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 11 October 2019
Consider the following questions. If 0 means not at all and 10 means most of the time, select how you would score yourself for each of the following questions. Are you satisfied with how your life is going? Are you achieving what you want to achieve in life? Do you usually feel at peace and happy? Do you feel rested, clear and alert when you wake in the morning and jump out of bed ready for another fulfilling day? Does your life have a purpose or meaning that lights you up? Are you free of past shocks or trauma that weight you down? ...
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Team Work
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 2 October 2019
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller Thank you for being part of the Get Balance Community. Your dedication to enjoying balance in your life and the lives of loved ones may seem a little contribution on the world stage; however, when pooled together with those around the world who choose life balance and sustainable ways of living, your contribution becomes significant. We are One Whenever you choose to have a warm lunch, or sip Pitta tea, Vata, tea or Kapha tea, or go to bed by 10 pm, or take some time to meditat...
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Excellence of tissue formation
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 24 September 2019
How close are you to the following Ayurvedic definition for excellence of tissue formation as a definition of wellbeing? If 10 is excellent tissue formation as defined below, and 0 is not at all, where would you fall in the range between 0-10? "Individuals possessed of the excellence of all the Dhatus (tissues) are endowed with great strength and happiness; ability to resist difficulties; self-confidence in all enterprises; virtuous acts; a firm and well-built body; correct gait; a resonant melodious, and big voice; happiness, power, wealth, enjoyment, honour, slowness of the ageing process, resistance to disease, and a large number of long-lived childr...
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How strong is your internal fire?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 17 September 2019
In pondering this question you may wonder the question... Is Linda asking about when I am under pressure and can get a little impatient, scratchy, a little fiery or angry? Is she asking about my body’s thermostat? Or maybe.. I didn’t realise I have an internal fire.. What does Linda mean? The ancient physicians of Ayurveda were concerned with three key processes within the body and mind. They called them Prana, Tejas or Agni and Ojas the most refined substance from full and complete digestion. Tell me about my internal Fire &nbs...
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Is it time for ...
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 10 September 2019
Along with the beautiful spring flowers comes a gradual increase in the warmth of our weather. It is at this time of the year that I feel the desire to exercise outside. Maharishi Ayurveda recommends an early morning walk. Have you tried it? Why walk first thing? The loud morning chorus of birds singing and the stillness of the early morning provides a peaceful yet energising start to the day. A walk first thing provides health benefits to both the mind and body. People with anxiety, depression or feeling stressed report they fee...
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Ayurveda and the Respiratory System
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 4 September 2019
As we breathe air flows through the nasal passages into the pharynx or throat which is shaped like a funnel. The passage of air and food move through this tunnel and it also acts as a chamber for vocal sounds produced by the vocal cords in the larynx which allows us to speak. This is often called the upper respiratory area. About the process ... Breathing or the process of respiration also provides oxygen to the cells and thereby stimulating metabolic reactions for the release of nutrients. The first portion of the pharynx or throat is t...
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Work stress?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 24 August 2019
A little work stress can provide challenge and enjoyment, but too much and one can become overloaded and distressed. Work stress can be tough as you can’t get away from it. You have to show up each day in order to provide for yourself and loved ones who may be dependant upon you. Extreme work stress impedes job satisfaction, negatively affects overall happiness and impacts your confidence and productivity while at work. When we worry about problems at work, deadlines, conflicts with colleagues, or job security, our ability to relax at home or while participating in recreational activities is often affected. It is essential to feel empower...
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Tell me about Nadi Vigyan - Pulse Diagnosis
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 19 August 2019
If you are new to Maharishi Ayurveda you are likely to be surprised by the depth of information an Ayurvedic doctor or specialist can gain from feeling your pulse for a few minutes. It is a health and wellbeing consultation with a difference! The knowledge of nadi vigyan - pulse diagnosis is drawn from Ayurveda, a healing tradition that is 5,000+ years old and provides textbooks and a body of knowledge that is truly amazing in its depth and volume. With the visit of Dr Arora who is a 6th generation Ayurveda Doctor in early September, I thought you may like to know a little more about what happens when the pulse is taken. Having your pulse taken by ...
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Why is this time of year so important?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 14 August 2019
We are just on the edge of the gap between seasons called ritu sandhi . This is a special time of the year where your body’s natural cleansing systems go into a “self-repair phase” to help cleanse accumulated impurities in order to rejuvenate you! It’s quite remarkable when one stands back and sees the wisdom in how nature has designed our self-repair systems. During winter we eat to stay warm and to support energy during the colder days when the energy of the sun is less. We naturally gravitate towards heavier meals during winter, with more carbohydrates, oils and fats. When we eat more than what we need, the excess is stored within the body’s tissues awaiting the...
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You are not alone
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 8 August 2019
Did you know that eighty percent of people in the western world suffer from back pain at some stage in their life? And it accounts for 11 million lost working days per year. Back pain, also known as dorsalgia, is sharp pain felt in the region of the back. The pain usually originates from the surrounding nerves, muscles, bones, joints or connective tissue in or around the spinal structure. Back pain may result from the stomach, back, a duodenal ulcer, cancer of the pancreas or aneurysm (large bubble in an artery). Pain is often lumbodorsal (lower back) and is present while moving or at rest. Other causes are spine neoplasia (cancer), infection, spondylotic (curvature of the spine...
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What is happening as we age?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 30 July 2019
Have you noticed that your innate energy or drive changes as you cross the decades? During the early stages of life Kapha dosha is dominant, guiding our physical growth and providing stability as we develop. When we get to about 15 years of age a transition begins with Pitta dosha starting to become more dominant. Between our 20’s and 40’s Pitta dosha is more dominant. This gives us energy and enthusiasm for life and supports the busy years of children, family life and career development. This is also a time where our activity can help us to build a nest egg for later in life. In late 40’s early 50’s we transition into Vata stage of life. At th...
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Arthritis and Ayurveda
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 24 July 2019
While commonly thought of as a degenerative disease, arthritis is not an illness that affects only elderly individuals. Symptoms include inflammation of a joint usually accompanied with pain, swelling, and stiffness. Infection, trauma, metabolic processes, as well as degenerative changes are all causes of arthritis. Definition The term arthritis implies an inflammatory condition of one or more joints. The features of inflammation are pain, swelling, overlying redness, stiffness and heat. In making a diagnosis to find out if a disease is pre...
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How’s your Blood Pressure?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 17 July 2019
Does this sound familiar? "All of my life I've driven myself and worked hard. I hadn't realised that living under this constant pressure could cause high blood pressure. I changed my diet, took supplements and exercised regularly. Yet my blood pressure remained dangerously high. In desperation I said to my doctor there just has to be something! She asked me ‘have you done Transcendental Meditation?’ and gave me the phone number of a teacher. As I learnt meditation my thoughts slowed down, my heart stopped racing. It is so deeply restful. As the stress unwound within me my blood pressure cam...
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Coffee... is my intake okay?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 10 July 2019
Do you take coffee in order to be more energetic or alert? Maharishi Ayurveda has it covered! Consider taking Energy Plus as it helps supports energy and stamina. Or take Fatigue Free . This unique formulae contains18 herbs & minerals that support the natural flow of mental & physical energy How is my intake of caffeine?...
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Winter's lows. What to do?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 2 July 2019
Cherie reported... "I don’t know what to do, my energy is down, my bowel motions are sometimes constipated and sometimes loose. I’m feeling sluggish. My fingernail's not growing back properly after a nail infection. And my sinuses are dripping down the back of my throat causing me to clear my throat frequently through the day. When I wake in the morning I often have to blow my nose and I wonder if my thyroid is a bit sluggish at the moment.” Cherie had come for a consultation over the last weeks as autumn transitioned into Winter. Her symptoms indicated a build up of ama or impurities from incomplete digestion during winter which had been released into her system as par...
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Are you thriving or surviving?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 25 June 2019
"I used to really push myself with 7 day weeks and no real downtime. It wasn't long before the crunch came. I started to experience extreme fatigue, panic attacks, low blood sugar, feeling empty, tearful and depressed. All coping mechanisms gone, I returned to NZ and had to exit the plane in a wheelchair. Learning how to balance my life, body and mind and having fun again have been very important lessons for me. Learning to respect my body's needs helps me to stay well." Louise, 38 years of age When you read the story of what brought Louise to seek help, did you relate to the story in some way for yourself? Would you say Louise was thriving or surviving? ...
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Work-life balance for optimal health
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 19 June 2019
What is Work-Life Balance? Work-life balance is about feeling satisfied with the way you divide your time and energy between paid work and the other things you need and want to do. The meaning of work-life balance changes for people throughout life, often in response to milestones during the course of life. What provides a sense of balance varies from person to person. It is not a simple formula of time spent at work, compared with time spent on activities outside of work. Hours worked is an important factor, but may not be the principal one. For some people, achieving work...
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Great Sleep Makes For a Great Day
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 11 June 2019
Quality sleep provides a 're-set' to the mind and body and is the foundation for a great day! Some of the benefits of quality sleep, defined as enjoying 7.5 to 9 hours of undisturbed sleep a night include Increased ability to focus, improved productivity and enhanced creativity Safety in the workplace and while driving More effective cellular repair Weight regulation Higher pain threshold Glowing complexion, bright eyes with a happier and healthier appearance Emotional stability You already know that lack of sleep doesn't feel good, but did you know it also puts you at greater risk of phy...
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Sinusitis, Virus or Flu?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 5 June 2019
When you get a sniffle or the start of a sore throat your body is alerting you to an imbalance that has either already begun or is just starting. If you are alert to the early warning signals your body is gently sending to alert you, you can nip it in bud before it has a chance to settle in more deeply. Recently I was sitting with a women with a head cold with strong sinus pressure, cough and the start of congestion on the chest. She had been unable to shake it off, so had come for help. Her history included some time away from home staying with family who like to eat their main meal in the evening. She had also been around some small children who had picked up a bug at pl...
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Tips for 50+ years
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 29 May 2019
Want to die young at a ripe old age? Age is a natural process and not something to be feared. It is one of the many ways to measure life. The great news is you can feel happy, energised and youthful at any stage of life; with the added benefit of wisdom that comes with increased life experiences. Many components are involved in healthy ageing. Hippocrates, Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates summarised the components for health (wholeness), the basis of longevity: "Positive health requires knowledge of man's primary constitution and the powers of various foods, both th...
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My Favourite Places
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 23 May 2019
We all have favourite places which inspire us, and to which we feel connected. Such places can positively affect our mental health and wellbeing - individually and collectively. These places are very personal. A wide open space in nature may create a sense of freedom and peace for one person, while making another person feel anxious or lonely. Likewise, a built-up enclosed area in an urban setting may make one person feel safe and part of a community, while another person may feel hemmed in and claustrophobic there. The key is to find places and spaces that bring you a sense of peace and well-being. You may like to choose a range of places as different settings will su...
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How to support your Endocrine System
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 15 May 2019
As you read this today, chemical messengers (hormones) secreted by organs within your endocrine system are busy at work, carrying chemical messengers to different parts of your body to guide your respiration, metabolism, sensory perception, sleep, stress response, growth and development. Isn’t your body marvellous! This amazingly accurate system, considering how complex it is, provides a system of checks and balances. Specific hormones increase, decrease or turn off activity, regulating activity within the body and mind within a narrow range of internal norms, in order to maintain equilibrium or homeostasis. As Dr. Claudia Welch explains in her book Balance Y...
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Colds - Prevention Tips
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 6 May 2019
As autumn is giving way to the increasing coolness indicating winter is on the horizon, it’s timely to consider what causes colds and what you can do to stay strong and prevent them... Ayurvedic understanding - What Causes a Cold? It is more common to have a cold during the cooler months, especially during winter and spring. The familiar symptoms of runny nose, cough, mucous, headache, aches and pains point mostly to an imbalance of Kapha dosha. Due to the colder weather the cool and moist qualities of Kapha increase within us. If we are eating ...
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Why go organic?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 1 May 2019
Because it tastes better and it’s good for you! You could think of it as an insurance policy for your health and wellbeing. Organic food Reduces the amount of toxic chemicals ingested Protects you from the unknown effects of genetically modified organisms Reduces the amount of food additives and colourings Increases the amount of beneficial vitamins, minerals, EFAs (essential fatty acids) and antioxidants consumed Appears to have the potential to lower the incide...
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Hormonal balance for the woman in your life
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 23 April 2019
As the colder weather settles in hormonal imbalance can become exacerbated for both women and men. This is due to the increase of Vata dosha that occurs during autumn and winter. Ayurveda explains there are 5 great elements that form the basis of all creation: Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. These five elements combine to create three doshas or organising principles of nature called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata dosha is often called king of the doshas as it governs our whole physiology. Without Vata, Pitta and Kapha cannot move, or said another way, where Vata goes, Pitta and Kapha follow! Classically, Vata is said to be responsible for 60% of i...
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Is your gut microbiome okay?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 13 April 2019
Popular science is confirming what Ayurveda has known for thousands of years - our digestive system is central to our physical, mental, emotional experiences and our overall well-being. It is fascinating to learn that our gut microbiome is made up of trillions of gut bugs or micro-organisms and their genetic material. Ayurveda explains that keeping the digestive system balanced and functioning well is essential. The flow-on effects of the health of your gut microbiome include healthy metabolism, weight, immunity, emotional regulation, brain function and much more. A healthy microbiome reduces the build up of ama or impurities from the partial or in...
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What foods are best for Autumn?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 8 April 2019
Officially autumn started down yonder on the 21st of March and will end on 22nd June, the day winter officially begins. Have you been finding yourself vacillating between... do I want some salad or would I prefer sauteed vegetables... then you are in step with nature! As Autumn arrives naturally our desire for foods change. The delight in a crisp, cool salad with cucumber and mint gives way to the desire for pumpkin soup, casseroles and warm meals. The food grown in summer gives way to the hearty quality of root vegetables like carrots, kumera, parsnips with brussell sprouts, butternut and yams providing tasty choices for stews and soups. When red...
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Time for a seasonal reset?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 2 April 2019
As the season turns, what do I need to do? Recently, I sat with a client who said “Now that Autumn is on the horizon Linda, what do I need to do? Summer was quite hot and my digestion was pretty good, now my digestion has become quite changeable, going between hot with soft bowel motions to not being hungry at all. So I think I need to do a seasonal cleanse. What do you suggest?” Ginny has been following Ayurvedic principles in her life for over 30 years and I regularly see her at the change of season. Now in her 70’s she is fit and hearty and her pulse shows a youthfulness ...
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Do you have brittle nails?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 25 March 2019
After a period of intense focus with much computer work, later nights than usual and little down time for about 6 months Adrienne came to see me. She was concerned that her nails were brittle, splitting easily and some nails now had ridges forming on the new growth. She wanted to know what was happening and what she could do about it. Ayurvedic perspective Adrienne learnt that the nails on our fingers and toes are a by-product of the formation of bone, which is governed by Asthi dhatu . She understood that healthy bone formation was therefore essential for...
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Cellulite tips
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 18 March 2019
If you, a friend or loved one have the dimpling of cellulite on buttocks, lower limbs and abdomen you may wonder what causes it from an Ayurvedic perspective and what Ayurveda suggests you can do about it. Interested? Modern science has identified There is a genetic factor - your mum or grandmother may have had a tendency for cellulite Your diet has an influence Your exercise habits have an influence Your stress level also plays a part What does Ayurveda say? Ayurveda sees cellulite as a soci...
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Being ahead of the game
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 9 March 2019
No matter one’s age and stage feeling well resourced to meet the day when we wake and as we start our day, be it at home or in the office, really does make a difference. This I call being ahead of the game . Maharishi Ayurveda has a question that identifies if you are ahead of the game. In the morning do you wake feeling rested, clear and alert? Thinking back over the last three months how would you answer this question: If 10 is Yes, I feel rested, clear and alert all the time when I wake in the morning , and 0 is No, I never feel rested clear and alert when I wake in the morning how would you score yourself between 0-10? ...
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Get serious about having fun…
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 4 March 2019
The definition of a healthy person in Ayurveda includes happiness as one indicator of perfect health. Physicians over 3000 years ago knew that our health is directly impacted by our sense of happiness - or you could say our level of happiness is an indicator of our wellbeing and maybe our self development too. ...
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What’s happening with my digestion?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 25 February 2019
As the turn of season brings changeable weather patterns and cooler nights, have you noticed your digestion has changed or become irregular? As one season fades and the next season starts, Vata dosha often becomes more active in us all. Vata’s role as the bringer of change can give rise to irregular digestion, bloating, gas, acid indigestion or an unusually sharp appetite, where you feel impelled to eat more than you usually do. These symptoms of imbalance occur when Vata accumulates within the digestive tract and starts to create some mischief! Vata’s mischief typically causes an imbalance in Samana Vata . ...
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Ease with your monthly cycle
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 18 February 2019
Has your monthly cycle changed? Do you wonder if you are experiencing Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)? Do you wonder if Maharishi Ayurveda can help you? Have your symptoms been present every month for at least the last three months? Are your symptoms felt from day 14 onwards? Are your symptoms absent after menstruation for a minimum of 7 days? If you say yes to all three questions then you meet the definition for PMS. Symptoms of PMS include Tension: This can be in the form o...
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Easy Start Tips
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 12 February 2019
With February now upon us, we are well and truly into the year. For those of you who have resolved to take steps towards better health, it’s worth considering a few simple Ayurvedic methods to get you started on the journey to mind-body balance - without the pressure of a complete overhaul. The tips below are easy and meaningful ways to explore how small tweaks to your lifestyle can benefit your wellbeing. Ditch cold water This is an easy adjustment you can make to your daily routine. While cold water can dull your digestive fire, warmer water (from room tem...
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Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 4 February 2019
Summer was always Maggie’s favorite time, but with two preschool children, temper tantrums were the order of the day during the hot season. There would be times when Maggie was sure the number of daily tantrums moved in perfect synchrony with the thermometer reading outside. Finally, Maggie discovered if she took her kids swimming once a day, peace was dramatically restored. She made it through the entire summer without a single incidence. Swimming is one of the activities that is very effective at soothing Pitta dosha . Pitta is associated with heat, and its effects are especially felt during the hot Pitta season from November through March. Whether you are a Pitta type...
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Start the New Year off Well
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 14 January 2019
Ah, the freedom of open blue sky, short-sleeved clothes, and beachwear. Summer has truly arrived. While the longer days of sunlight and the holiday mood allow one to go to bed later than 10 pm, is it now time to get back into a good evening routine? Say Yes to Great Sleep Sleep is our daily reset. It’s incredible what happens within us as we sleep. Do you know what happens as you sleep? Sleep is an area that is only now coming into focus for modern research now that more subtle recording and measuring equipment and brain mapping tools are availabl...
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Merry Xmas
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 22 December 2018
Tomorrow will be Xmas day and all of us at Maharishi Ayurveda in NZ wish you a special day with memories to cherish going forward. Here are some tips to help you make the most of the festive season over the coming days. Being present is the best present When a person is interested, attentive and completely present, it is a real gift. Sometimes amidst the giving of presents we miss the most important gift we can give to each other, our love and attention. This reminds me of a recent experience with my 3 year old granddaughter. I was driving her over to a fam...
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Finally... a time to rest
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 21 December 2018
Now with only a few days to Xmas do you feel the wind-down beginning? Or are you full on until the last moment with hardly a moment to catch your breath? It’s a funny thing preparing for a holiday… the excitement builds, last minute things to do and finally the time of departure or last day at work...
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Preparation for Summer
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 10 December 2018
The meteorological start of summer in NZ and Australia was December 1st. So welcome Summer! If we follow the tide of nature, some would say summer starts with the summer equinox on the 22nd December. The Summer equinox occurs when the sun reaches the most southerly point in the sky. So those of us who live in the southern hemisphere, experience the longest day of the year on the day of the equinox. ...
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Xmas Surprise!
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 3 December 2018
Today, while sharing a tasty lunch with family I heard a xmas carol Silent Night and it dawned upon me Xmas time is here! So to help you bless and spoil your loved ones with gifts that keep on giving, consider slipping one of the following products into their xmas stocking or under the Xmas tree! Summer bliss The following Pitta Balance Gift Pack is a great gift for anyone during summer when the weather is hot. If your lov...
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Why is Digest Tone Our #1 Product?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 19 November 2018
Traditionally it is said if a Vaidya (Ayurvedic practitioner) knows how to use triphala then they can help heal any condition… a bold claim of the ancient physicians who prized triphala so highly. Let’s take a look why. Triphala is a combination of three fruits called amalaki (Emblica officials or Phyllanthus embolic or Indian Gooseberry), haritaki (Terminalia chebula or Indian Gallnut) and bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica). Let’s take a leaf out of the traditional books on Ayurveda to understand the potency of these three special fruits The great Sage Charaka considered haritaki to be as nourishing as ...
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How to move - and move more
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 12 November 2018
As the days become warmer and sunlight hours longer, do you find yourself naturally wanting to be more active? Over the past 50 years humanity's pursuit of 'convenience' may have made life much easier, with access to elevators and lifts, automatic car washes, remote controls, home delivery services, internet shopping, electric golf buggies, electric scooters, electric bicycles, restaurant drive-thru's, lawn-mowing services, house-cleaning services, clothes dryers, cordless phones and more. While all these things make life simpler, easier and save us time, they also cause us to be less active, which has a cost. Access to large quantities of inexpensive calorie dense foo...
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What’s for breakfast?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 5 November 2018
Breakfast Time! At 10am this morning a colleague said to me I’m feeling faint… can’t focus and I really need something to eat! He had missed breakfast and was now really feeling it. Typically, James needs to eat a good breakfast as Pitta and Vata dosha are strong in his nature. When Pitta dosha is strong in one’s nature then the fire of digestion is strong and requires regular feeding at breakfast, lunch and the evening meal, or the person will get uncomfortable. Their metabolism burns up what they eat like a strong fire that consumes wood easily. If no...
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3 very special herbals
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 31 October 2018
Sometimes you may want to increase your intake of one specific herbal.That is why Maharishi Ayurveda also stocks key single ingredient herbals.This week we look at 3 single ingredients - Garlic, Tumeric and Holy Basil -Tulsi. All these herbals are certified organic. Take as recommended on the bottle. Hindi: Lashan English: Garlic Latin: Allium sativum Linn Garlic as we fondly know it helps to balance Vata and Kapha as it has a pungent and hot influence on the body. It helps to cleanse and ...
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Edible Ayurveda - Broccoli Walnut Salad
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 22 October 2018
Enjoy a rainbow of colour and nutrients Did you know… the different colours in fruits and vegetables signal the presence of helpful bioactive phytochemicals or compounds that plants use to protect themselves from predator insects, pollution and disease. Isn’t nature inventive! When we ingest a fruit or vegetable this protective influence can be helpful to us too as they provide powerful antioxidant protection. So here is a salad recipe to help you enjoy a power packed rainbow of colours. Enjoy! ...
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Your personal best time to exercise
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 15 October 2018
Best time to be active - for you As the days become warmer, my attention is naturally shifting to being more active physically. Are you noticing the desire to be more physically active or to step up your exercise programme? When is it best to be physically active for best results? Ayurveda encourages one to be in step with the rhythms of nature (circadian rhythms) as part of a healthy daily routine. Our dominant dosha also has a part to play in identifying the best times to exercise. It is interesting to note that modern science has identified how our body interacts with...
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All in one herbal
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 1 October 2018
Amalaki is traditionally described as a divine plant with remarkable properties. It is described as having longevity-enhancing and disease-defying qualities. A powerful and rejuvenating herb, Amalaki helps to cool, tone and nourish tissues and organs. The fruit is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C. It is considered one of the most powerful rejuvenating herbs in Ayurveda. Charaka Samhita, a text of Ayurveda says Amalaki is the best among rejuvenative herbs . It is known by the following names: Sanskrit Amalaki Hindi Amla English Indian Gooseberry Latin Emblica Officinalis, Phyllanthus...
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Holiday Fun
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 24 September 2018
Now daylight hours are getting longer and the days warmer, thoughts of summer holidays or an overseas trips are coming to mind. What are your holiday plans? Recently some clients asked me what to do to minimise the vata aggravating impact of international flights. This lead me to think that my answer may be of interest to you all. First, let’s understand what we mean by the vata aggravating impact of flying . Vata dosha is predominantly made up of the space and air elements, which have dynamic properties and effects. This dynamic effect is expressed in the body through Vata’s key qualities of dryness, roughness, coldness, coolness, lightness, ...
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Autoimmune Issues
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 17 September 2018
Treating the root cause If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis or ulcerative colitis then you are likely to have heard the term autoimmune disorder . Autoimmune conditions occur when the immune system fails to recognise self-antigens and mounts a misguided attack upon them. The common dysfunction is that the body starts to attack itself and general symptoms include exhaustion, muscle aches and low temperature. Maharishi Ayurveda identifies the lack of awareness of the Self as the root cause of all disease. Pragyaparadh...
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How to reduce weight for Summer
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 13 September 2018
Do you want to reduce weight or lose the weight which appeared over winter? Weight gain is a sign of Kapha imbalance. Kapha governs bodily functions concerned with physical structure and fluid balance. Kapha governs the healthy formation of fat, muscles, bone and sinew. It protects the heart and lungs and provides strong muscles. Kapha is responsible for lubrication of the joints, skin, nose, mouth, eyes, lungs and for the sense of taste which is essential for good digestion. The main seat of Kapha in the body is the lungs. It is very Kapha to Be happy with the status quo and preserve it Wake up slowly and need a coffee to get going i...
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Protection from pollens
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 3 September 2018
Over the last week clients have become concerned about runny noses, scratchy eyes and mentally feeling a little cloudy. Some have experienced headaches that don’t seem to lift. These are signs that the pollens of spring are beginning to be felt, as an over-taxed immune system delivers false alarms in response to harmless...
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Spring has sprung
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 27 August 2018
Have you woken up recently feeling drugged, heavy, somehow out of sorts and just not your usual energetic self? Adele , a long term client reached out to me recently beause she had started to feel out of sorts. Having followed the Ayurvedic principles in her life for a number of years she is finely tuned to feeling great. Feeling less than great is no longer okay for her. She has learnt by experience that it is in the nature of our mind and body to feel finely balanced, energetic and full of life, happy and at peace. It is one of the joys of my life to help people gain this deep insight and experience of how life, health and wellbeing can be. I explaine...
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Are you ready for spring?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 20 August 2018
Have you noticed that winter is already giving way to spring and your body is feeling different? It could be that you are experiencing the effects of our current seasonal change from winter into spring. A detox is considered most beneficial when nature is rejuvenating as spring arrives. Ar...
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Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 6 August 2018
Do you have a bowel motion less frequent than daily, even if it is easy to pass? Or when you go to the bathroom do you find it can be difficult, even a strain, to pass a bowel motion? After a bowel motion does your elimination feel partial or incomplete? Is your stool, dry, hard or pebble like? Do you typically pass a bowel motion after having a cup of coffee or tea? Does your stool sink or float to the bottom of the toilet bowl? Does your stool break up easily when flushed? If you said yes to one or more of the questions above, Ayurveda would say you are experiencing cons...
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Successful Ager
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 28 July 2018
Stress doesn't just make a person feel older. In a very real sense, it can speed up aging. The Washington post conducted a study in 2004 in which scientists identified the first direct link between stress and aging. Chronic stress appears to hasten the shriveling of the tips of the bundles of genes inside cells, which shortens their life span and speeds the body's deterioration (according to a study involving mothers caring for chronically ill children). Also a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that stress can add years to the age of individual immune system cells. Researchers che...
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Intelligent Food
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 23 July 2018
Recently, when talking with a colleague I found myself thinking how lucky we are to have access to the simple and profound knowledge of Ayurveda to guide our food choices. Ayurveda explains that the fresher and closest to nature the food is, the more intelligence it contains. Plants, like humans, need to protect themselves against disease creating pathogens. They produce special chemicals for that purpose. When consumed in the form of a whole food, we digest the intelligence, thus absorbing the plant’s ability to fight off ill-health. An organic orange has 30% more vitamin C than the average supermarket variety. Fresh, organic spinach has 1,50...
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Mental Ama
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 9 July 2018
We are all familiar with the notion that impurities can gather in the body much like oil in a car that overtime becomes thick with sediment. What may not be so widely known is that impurities (ama) can gather not just in the body but also in the mind. Mental ama is produced by the following situations Negative emotions such as fear, anger, self criticism and greed Eating while having negative emotions Psychological stress from family pr...
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Do you worry or feel more anxious in winter?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 2 July 2018
Being at Ease During winter Vata dosha increases in us all. For some this can lead to an increase of worry and anxiety as our inner stability is challenged. This week we want to help you stay on top of the hustle and bustle of daily life with increased ability to step up to the challenges while remaining calm and at ease inside. About Vata Vata controls movement or motion to guide breathing, blood circulation, passing of fo...
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The miracle of Triphala
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 25 June 2018
The famous three fruits Have you heard of the three fruits that combined together make up one of the most famous compounds in Ayurveda? You may have guessed it - Triphala. The three fruits of Organic Triphala have remarkable abilities to cleanse impurities, tone the digestive tract, nurture the body and restore health. Add in the important fourth ingredient, Cabbage Rose to address indigestion, flatulence and constipation and you have Digest Tone...
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About Tulsi - Holy Basil
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 18 June 2018
Next time you see a Basil plant at the local market, vegetable shop or supermarket pause a moment to think about the closely related Sweet Basil Plant. In medicinal doses Ocimum Sanctum (familiar name Holy Basil and sanskrit name Tulsi or Tulasi), is considered to purify the body, mind and spirit. Traditionally Sweet Basil is used with colds and flus to help purity and cleanse the respiratory tract of toxins to help relieve digestive gas and bloating when antioxidant support would be useful especially when under stress or feeling low to support the body providing anti-inflammatory support In the treatment of pain...
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Feeling heavy, bloated, congested?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 11 June 2018
Winter time can aggravate an already underlying condition making it necessary to take stock and do something about it. Raewyn’s story below shows how poor digestion can lead to a serious build up of phlegm and increase risk of serious illness. “I came to Linda because my lungs and sinuses were congested and nothing was moving it. Also, I couldn’t digest anything. It didn’t matter what I put in my mouth, I felt heavy, bloated and dead. I found people critical and was very reactive in what I said. I had visited my doctor and my cholesterol was up. My increased risk of heart disease was pointed out to me via a graph that showed me in an...
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Childhood Winter Ills
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 4 June 2018
The natural joy and stamina of children is inspiring. From the first days of life to their early teens to late teens, nature’s resilience and impulse to grow dominates. Even if your child by nature is strong in Vata or Pitta during the childhood years Kapha will be a dominant guiding force. Is your child…. Quick moving, a chatterbox who never sits still, with a tendency to be slight and sensitive to the cold - Vata nature Intense and goal centred, a natural leader with a medium build and tendency to get angry if things seem unfair and likes to wear few clothes - Pitta nature Easy going, strong, loving, considerate and a team player w...
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Cough or tickle in your throat?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 28 May 2018
Are you experiencing a build up of phlegm or a tickle in your throat, causing you to cough or clear your throat regularly? Winter is the time of year where coughs and cold increase as we move from the warmth of inside to the chill or damp of outside. Typically I recommend and personally use Clear Throat . Carole’s statement below shows other health professionals recommend it too. “My Ayurvedic doctor recommended this to me to purchase because it is fabulous! It works so fast and tastes wonderful. Well worth the money. And it wards off col...
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Ojas - The Source of Life
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 21 May 2018
Healthy production of Ojas As the winter season starts it is a good time to actively support your immunity, physical strength, vitality and vigour. There is a special substance in the body called Ojas that provides this all-round support. In Sanskrit, ojas means vigor and it is referred to as the physiological expression of consciousness . Ojas is the most refined by-product of full and complete digestion. You may be interested to know that although a meal takes about 24 hours to digest fully, it takes a full 30 days for the body to refine your meal...
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The 3 M's
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 14 May 2018
Epigenetics and you Do you think it is inevitable that you will experience the types of illness that run in your family? If your mum, dad, sister, brother or grandparents have an illness such as a heart condition, do you think you might eventually have it also? Latest research in epigenetics (the study of biological mechanisms that switch genes on and off) suggests that our DNA is not the only deciding factor in gene expression. Researcher Dr Pamela Peake explained that the blueprint in the DNA does not need to express itself as it has in our family or extended...
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Blood Sugar Metabolism
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 7 May 2018
Are you, a family member or friend experiencing Frequent urination Increased thirst Increased fluid uptake Increased appetite Rapid weight loss despite over-eating Lethargy Headaches If your answer is yes, then your blood sugar metabolism may be disordered. A routine blood test can be done to identify if this is an issue for you. If you, your family member or friend are experiencing a disordered blood sugar metabolism in which the blood sugar levels are abnormally high then they may be experiencing signs of Diabetes and a visit to their Doctor is advised. ...
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Sleep - Your Daily Reset
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 1 May 2018
Quality sleep provides a 're-set' to the mind and body and is the foundation for a great day. Don’t you feel so much better and mentally sharp when you feel refreshed and invigorated from a great sleep. This week we review key lifestyle tips to help you enjoy a great sleep and a technique to help settle you for sleep. Did you know… A study of almost 7,000 Alameda County residents in the USA over a nine-year period found that people who routinely slept six or fewer hours a night had about 70 percent higher risk of dying than people of a si...
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Is This You?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 23 April 2018
Susan explained… I didn’t feel right so I went to my doctor to find out why. After a check up followed by blood screening he said I was fine… but I did not feel right. I was running out of energy, regularly suffered from headaches, hot flashes and my weight had increased by 15 kilos over 15 years. I felt frumpy with no energy to do anything. I didn’t want the rest of my life to be like this. Knowing I needed to do something I turned to Linda for help. She had done a wonderful job with my husband. I had watched from the sidelines as Linda guided my husband in his recovery from a serious cardiovascular episode. The nursing and medical staff were very surprised wh...
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We Time
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 16 April 2018
Are you satisfied with the warmth and depth of your relationships? 'We time' can be described as time dedicated exclusively to building a stronger relationship with family members or friends. Dedicating this time to family and friends is considered to be one of the best ways to strengthen the bonds between loved ones. How to get more 'We time' It is widely accepted that it is the quality, rather than quantity, of this time that matters. What actually defines 'quality time' can vary from person to person. What is quality time for you? What does your loved one ...
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Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Respiratory Disorders
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 9 April 2018
When the airways become obstructed what do you usually experience? Coughing Congestion Restricted breathing Although symptoms of respiratory imbalance often express themselves as excess mucus and congestion (typically a Kapha symptom of imbalance), the excess mucus is often an underlying reaction to excess dryness of Vata or the inflammation or heat caused by increased Pitta dosha. During autumn (Vata time of the year) we often see an increase of respiratory distress when the weather turns cold and windy weather increases. This tendency becomes more increased when lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive travel, stres...
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Teen Skin Irritations
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 2 April 2018
If you are a teen, parent or extended family member of a teen who is struggling with acne, pimples or skin irritations then read on. “Youvana Pidaka” , the Ayurvedic description of youth skin irritation respond well to simple interventions that require minimal expenditure.The following tips can make a real difference and quite quickly. So first let’s understand what is happening within a teen’s body. With the fast pace change of the teen years, hormonal changes, along with dust and pollution, lack of sleep, fatty foods, and dehydration then your amazing body can become overloaded. When the liver and lymph system becomes overloaded impurities ba...
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Be a Winner this Easter
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 29 March 2018
As you relax and enjoy yourself this Easter...give a moment's thought about staying on top of your “Balance Game” this Autumn. And if you place an order during the Easter holidays we’ll treat you like a winner with some free Throat Lozenges . These tasty lozenges promote fresh breath, a clear and powerful voice and are wonderful for soothing the throat. Tips for Winning Your Balance Game Easter is a time where the weather is co...
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Healthy Glowing Radiant Skin
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 26 March 2018
I learnt something new today that makes my mouth drop with awe at the amazing intelligence of the body and the stunning accuracy of the Ayurvedic wisdom for keeping us glowing radiant and healthy. Did you realise that your skin contains a busy microbiome that is constantly at work even though they are smaller than your eye can detect… Your skin has 40 different beneficial staphylococcal microbes that work together to keep your skin healthy, whole and radiant. One species called staphylococus epidermidis produces a chemical 6-n-hydroxyaminopurine (6-hap) which research suggests works tirelessly to keep your skin clean, beautiful and looking rad...
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Autumn Recipe and Tips
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 19 March 2018
Now the weather is changing as the cooler breeze of autumn are being felt, here is a tasty recipe with Autumn tips to help you enjoy a healthy transition into Autumn. Curried Squash Soup Here is a tasty and warm soup with a little zing. It is great for a light evening meal during the seasonal change from Summer to Autumn. 1 large butternut squash 2 ¼ cups or water ½ tsp of rock salt 1 tablespoon of Ghee (clarified butter) or olive oil ½ tsp of ground cumin ½ tsp of ground cinnamon ¼ t...
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Your Thyroid Health
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 12 March 2018
Your thyroid sits below your Adam’s apple. It is like a small butterfly in shape with two lobes joined by a middle section or isthmus. This helpful gland secretes thyroid hormones primarily regulates your metabolism, energy, absorption of protein and calcium. It does not work alone and is intimately connected with all other hormone systems in your body. What you may not know is that your thyroid is like a sponge. If your body is exposed to environmental toxins, pollutants and chemicals then your busy thyroid quickly absorbs them. This in turn disturb your thyroids ability to regulate your energy, metabolism and absorption. When hormone production is low even intellectual c...
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How to prepare for a Healthy Menopause
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 1 March 2018
A high percentage of women suffer from hot flashes associated with menopause. Memory loss, mood swings, and vaginal dryness have become so common that women today consider them to be a normal part of menopause. It doesn't have to be that way. ...
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Blood Purifier
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 19 February 2018
No matter where you live in the world when your climate moves to a warm cycle then the elements of fire and a little water increase both within you and outside in the world too. Ayurvedically this is known to be Pitta Season where heat increases. If heat increases within you uncomfortably then signs of Pitta imbalance come about. Common signs of Pitta imbalance are: Blood-shot eyes and poor vision Skin rashes and acne Loose bowel motions Being overly focused on perfection Demanding workaholic tendencies Increased appetite or over-supply of stomach acid Early greying and balding Easily ange...
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Powerhouse Herbal
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 12 February 2018
Your body is woven from the food you take in through all of your senses. What we take in from our food and drink plays an important role in our strength, stamina and wellbeing. Herbs that help to rejuvenate the body and mind play an essential role in helping to even out the impact of life’s ups and downs. ...
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Already Know What You Need?
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 5 February 2018
Clients regularly share with us their delight in finding a natural product that is side effect free. The ingredients are backed by the weight of traditional use for many years… often hundreds of years. One might say our Ayurvedic herbals are well tested and have stood the test of time. Maharishi Ayurveda herbal formulations are not random mixtures based on the latest health craze. These formulas are derived from a health science as old as human history. Each formulation is made from whole herbs, because Ayurveda understands Nature's health wisdom is a delica...
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Inner Resilience
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 1 February 2018
With the start of February school starts again for families, christmas holidays are behind us and another year lies ahead. At this time take a moment and consider.. ● Are you satisfied with where you're heading in life? ● Do you feel positive, fulfilled with what you're achieving? ● Are you connected with your inner self? ● Do you feel at peace with any past shock or trauma that you may have experienced? If the answer is yes then you are experiencing inner resilien...
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Summer Tonic
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 22 January 2018
As the longer days of summer offer options for more play and longer days, are you feeling the need for a summer tonic to help support energy and remove fatigue? Summer is the time where heat increases both outside and within us. To maintain balance we naturally lean towards foods that help to cool us down like sweet fruits and fresh crisp salads. I am particularly enjoying lettuce leaves straight from our garden with fresh parsley or basil. I’m also enjoying crisp sweet apples and pears and juicy nectarines. I’m in heaven! What foods are you naturally drawn to at the moment? As food is considered to be a medicine in Ayurveda the first way to increase energy...
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How to Use the Sequence Meal Technique
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 15 January 2018
Now the Christmas and New Year celebrations with the delights of specially prepared foods are behind us, do you feel the need to take stock and reignite your energy and digestion? If yes, then today’s insight is just right for you... ...
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Symptoms of Imbalance
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 18 December 2017
What do you see are the most common symptoms of imbalance that people experience? The most common symptoms people come for help with are typically stress related concerns and seasonal imbalances particularly as the season changes. For example during summer time people come with more symptoms of Pitta imbalance, in Autumn/Winter people come with more symptoms of Vata imbalance and in Spring more Kapha symptoms of imbalance....
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How Ayurveda Helps
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 11 December 2017
Partnering with people as they restore balance is so inspiring.. Today I’d like to share a recent clients journey with you. Anita came to me in quite some discomfort. For 18 months she had been experiencing acid reflux where the junction between the stomach and the esophagus does not close properly. This allows the stomach contents to come back up into the oesophagus causing a burning chest pain or heartburn that was with her most of the time. Nothing seemed to work to stem the tide of the discomfort so her brother suggested she see if Ayurveda could help. Ayurveda has a very complete understandi...
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Get to know Linda, our resident Maharishi Ayurveda consultant
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 4 December 2017
Get to know Linda Sinden , our lovely resident Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant . This is part 1 of our recent interview with her. How long have you been practicing Maharishi Ayurveda? Linda: I had my first personal consultation in Netherlands one cold winters day when the snow piled up outside and I was enjoying a white Christmas. This was when I began practicing Maharishi Ayurveda in my own life about 36 years ago. I was attending a meditation course over the New Year ...
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Resolving Relationship Stress
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted: 20 November 2017
This week be aware of how you communicate at home and work. The key to resolving relationship stress more often than not is the "C" word. COMMUNICATION! Stress in relationships can arise from any situation. A new baby in the house, sleep deprivation, illness, injury, personal habits, hobbies, unpaid bills, outside work commitments, drugs, drinking, unwelcome visitors. The list goes on and on. Whatever the situation, we have to be brave, open and honest, and face up to what is the root cause of the stress. We have to communicate. Problem is, very often, we can't find the words to convey how we feel. Putting our cards on the table is never as easy as it s...
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Your Stress Check
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 13 November 2017
Stress is a fact of modern life. Proactively managing the impact of stress is a smart choice as stress creeps up on you, often while you are unaware.When compiling an action plan to build your resilience to stress and fatigue consider the 10 point plan below! 1. Take Breaks. No stress management “tricks” can support an exhausted person who has not rested and recovered as we are meant to. One day in seven rest, and after twelve weeks hard work take a long weekend at least for rest and recharge. The deep rest of Transcendental Meditation ...
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What About You?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 7 November 2017
When did you last take a holiday to a place where relaxation and enjoying nature in all her beauty, be it sun, rain or wind is the norm; when after only a few hours of arriving it seems like you have been there for a day or so… For me, it has been too long… What about you? As I sit in the shade of a tall coconut tree I am grateful that my twin sister Louise wished to celebrate our birthday this way. On reflection I would not have prioritised to come here otherwise and would have missed a beautiful and rejuvenative expereinced in Fiji at Paradise Cove in the Naukacuvu Islands. Does this sound familiar for you too? Ayurveda is ...
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Peace of Mind
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 31 October 2017
When peace of mind is hard to find life starts to feels lacking in joy or delight, much like a grey day when you would prefer the sun to shine. Maharishi Ayurveda understands this shift in mental wellbeing in terms of imbalance which leads to feeling disconnected from your underlying self. Interestingly the Ayurvedic definition of health is ‘swastha’ which means to be established in the Self. When we say ‘I am not feeling myself’ we are innocently acknowledging that we are feeling disconnected from this underlying source of consciousness and balance within. You may ask what causes this disconnection in the first place? We don’t like feeling sad,...
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Moringa Oleifera - “Miracle of the Plant World”
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 23 October 2017
The Moringa Tree grows quickly and easily in tropical or subtropical climates. It is native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in northern India. It is now widely cultivated in Africa, parts of Asia, Central and South America. It is known as the miracle plant as the leaves, flowers, pods and seeds are highly nutritious and provide a whole range of health benefits. Moringa also known as the drumstick tree, has long...
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Spring Fever?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 16 October 2017
Has spring fever crept into your weekend with a desire to spring clean and put things in order? Yes, you may say with surprise… how did you know? The longer days of spring time signal something deep within us. Sluggishness of mind or body while tolerated during winter, can begin to irritate. Spring urges us to renew ourselves in preparation for the activities of Summer. It is the time to put on our walking shoes, and follow the Energise Me Program below: Energise Me Programme ...
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Stretch and Ease
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 9 October 2017
Recently I have been sitting for sustained periods at my computer and to no surprise noticed stiffness in my shoulder and skull with some head pressure. Sound familiar to you? Our bodies are wonderfully flexible and I was reminded of the need to sretch in order to maintain ease and balance. Just in case, this might also help you I thought I would share with you 5 stretches that are easy to do and very effective at work or home and the herbals I recommend. Maintain a good posture and reduce back pain, headaches, tension and tightness in your back, neck and shoulders with the following work place streteches. The following str...
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How To Stay Strong & Never Get Tired
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 2 October 2017
There is an unlimited fountain of energy within you that supports your every breath! We see it in action as a child grows within a mother’s womb and in the amazing growth a child goes through in the first years of life. Yes, that amazing power helped you grow just like that too! This incredible fountain of energy is also seen within the brillant minds of those who are preparing to take us to the stars like we currently take a plane. Look at the advances in technology, wellbeing understanding and political activism to protect the unprotected and support what is evolutionary and life supporting. The world today is very different to how it was in the 90’s and will be ve...
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Blood Sugar Ups and Downs
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 19 September 2017
Blood Sugar Ups and Downs If you regularly experience the following symptoms and find they are relieved when you eat then you are likely to be experiencing blood sugar ups and downs. You can experience a cluster of these symptoms without being a diabetic. If you experience the first 5 symptoms intensely then it is time to visit your doctor to arrange a blood test to check how your blood sugars have been over the last 3 - 6 months. If your symptoms are intermittent or less intense and you wonder whether they could be due to blood sugar ups and downs then read on as we have som...
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Spring Eats & Treats
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 18 September 2017
Spring Recipes Enjoy a light and tasty Aztec Quinoa Platter as your body settles into spring and prepares for the coming of summer! This time of the year is also great to increase your intake of beans so we have included a bean and pumpkin casserole that is lovely to have for lunch or evening meal. If you have a tendency for post nasal drip or mucous congestion at this time of year then digestive support is needed. Suggest you take 1 tablet of Digest Tone...
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Happiness is
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 11 September 2017
Happiness is "Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within. It is not what we see and touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy; it is that which we think and feel and do, first for the other fellow and then for ourselves" (Helen Keller, 1880-1968). Perhaps it is one of the great paradoxes of life that we all want to be happy, yet so few of us seem to know exactly where happiness comes from. Happiness itself can be defined in many different ways, it may have different components, it may be a life’s work, or very little...
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Vata is the Naughty Boy
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 4 September 2017
Sleep tips for Vata If you are Vata by nature or have a longer standing Vata imbalance then sleep disturbance or insomnia is likely to be something you experience. Here are some mind, body and behavioural tips to help you enjoy a great sleep. This topic was suggested by Dan in our recent questionnaire. Thanks Dan! Tips to settle the Mind Resolving tension prior to bed is key to drifting off to sleep easily when you lie down. Otherwise the tension starts to be released as you lie down. It is the ...
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Is it allergy season for you?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 28 August 2017
SAR - seasonal allergic rhinitis Are your eyes unusually itcy? Is your nose running for no reason that you can identify? Are you experiencing a headache that isn’t lifting? If yes, then you may be experiencing SAR - Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis. SAR is caused by the inhalation of mold spores or pollen from the blooming of spring flowers, spring grasses or spring weeds combined with a weakened immune response. If you are sensitive to pollens you may also be sensitive to indoor allergens such as dust mites and the hair...
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Ahoy, spring has arrived!
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 21 August 2017
What do I need for Springtime? As the seasons change so do your health and wellbeing needs. This is a time where nature decides we all need a spring clean. With the changes in weather patterns the spring change has come a week or two early for my clients this year. Over the last 2 weeks I have been seeing people with flu symptoms, heavy coughs and mucous congestion in the sinuses… the Kapha influence of spring time is making itself felt. What I’ve also noticed is that these symptoms seem more intense than usual. Maybe it is due to the variable weather we have had this wi...
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Foods to combat stress
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 7 August 2017
When ‘stressed’ ill or feeling in need of a boost your body and mind will greatly appreciate eating superfoods . Superfoods are nutrient and mineral rich foods that often have antioxidant properties. They are considered a superfood because they contain significant amounts of antioxidants, anthocyanins, vitamin C, manganese, and dietary fibre. Antioxidant There is increasing evidence indicating that antioxidants improve long-term health by deferring or mitigating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Exercise-related research indicates that an...
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Keep winter bugs at bay
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 31 July 2017
Keep winter bugs at bay… Life is busy, isn’t it? Knowing the key choices to make helps the 80/20 rule work for your health this winter. I’d like to make your life and well-being easier by helping you stave-off the bugs in order to stay well amidst the changeable winter weather. Keep your agni (digestive power) strong! You digest everything you experience as well as what you eat. So keep your ability to digest your life and what you eat healthy and strong. A strong dige...
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Want to beat the jet lag?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 24 July 2017
Recently a mother, son and daughter experienced five days of disturbed sleep after a long flight home from London. Waking each night at 2-2.30am is not much fun, especially when school starts again. The symptoms they were experiencing of dry, itchy skin, feeling fatigued and spaced out indicated Vata dosha had become imbalanced. In addition sensitive eyes and waking early in the morning indicated Pitta dosha had in turn become imbalanced. Traveling by air for a number of hours disturbs Vata dosha in us all and those who have a predominance of Vata in their body type of nature can feel these symptoms more strongly. This is because Vata dosha is made of space and air wit...
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It’s a matter of choice
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 17 July 2017
In every situation there is a moment of choice … More poems, plays, books, songs, music and art have been created to celebrate love than any other subject known to mankind. Such is the power and importance of love in our lives. No matter what besets us, when we have someone to love and whom we know loves us in return, we can climb mountains. Love withdrawn, through loss or betrayal, or love not returned, can leave us bereft. We can succumb to illness and depression and take a long time to recover. This week focus on consciously adopting friendliness, being generous and having compassion for your self and others at home and at work. When the heart is bruised o...
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Feeling stressed emotionally?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 10 July 2017
Wanted: stress free emotions Have you recently woken like a bear with a sore head feeling grouchy and irritable? And wondered why your normally sunny and positive disposition was nowhere to be seen? If you can honestly say yes then you may be experiencing emotional stress overload which often goes hand in hand with fatigue. At such times your emotional stability is likely to be challenged with self doubt and lack of confidence. Thinking can become more cautious even negative and motivaton may falter. This in turn leads to a lack of fulfillment which leads b...
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How are your adrenals?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 3 July 2017
What is Adrenal Fatigue? Adrenal fatigue is a condition in which the adrenal glands have become exhausted from an acute or constant demand upon them. The adrenal glands normal functioning is to respond and deal with stress, manufacturing and secreting hormones such as cortisol, DHEA, noradrenaline and adrenaline. When we are exposed to an overload of stress long-term, either emotional (work stress, divorce, a death of a loved one, constant financial stress) or physical (chronic illness, over-exercising, alcohol or substance abuse, sleep deprivation) then our adrenal glands may not be able t...
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Easy ama buster recipe…
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 26 June 2017
Your tongue tells a story… After waking tomorrow morning take a moment to see if your tounge has a coating over it. Your answer to this question is both telling and important. Your tongue has a story to tell If it is pink with no coating then your digestive system is working well and you are in good shape. If your tongue has a white coating then your digestion has become cold and sluggish resulting in a Kapha imbalance If your tounge is coated with a yellow coating then the fire within your digestive system is burning too hot resulting in a ...
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Getting good sleep, naturally
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 19 June 2017
Want a natural sleep aid? Do you experience difficulty getting to sleep, where you toss and turn unable to fall asleep due to a busy mind? Or is your sleep light and restless? If yes, then you are experiencing an imbalance of Vata dosha specifically Prana Vata. Prana Vata enlivens your nervous system, senses, emotions and intellect. Imbalance is linked to worry, anxiety, an over-active mind, sleep problems, neurological disorders, asthma, respiratory complaints, tension headaches ...
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A touch of irregularity?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 12 June 2017
Gas, bloating and irregular? During winter do you find an increase of gas, bloating, or experience irregular bowel movements? A sluggish or irregular bowel is when bowel movements become less frequent than daily. The bowel can also be said to be a little sluggish when the bowel movement does not happen first thing in the morning, but at a later time in the day. Winter is a time when dryness increases in the body and when it does it often accumulates in the large intestine. This increased dryness can work to restrict the healthy flow of matter thro...
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Under pressure, feeling worried?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 22 May 2017
No worries no pressure Ayurveda explains that stress or pressure disturbs the link between mind and emotions making our emotions unstable. This leads to mood swings, less ability to focus or problem-solve, with worry, anxiety and feeling of being ‘on edge’. This in turn increases stress or pressure and the cycle continues. This stressful process primarily causes an imbalance in Vata Dosha and specifically Prana Vata which is the most important of the five sub areas of Vata in ...
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Winter’s here… are you ready?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 15 May 2017
Winter tips Now winter is here let’s consider how to make the most of this season. Along with the opportunity for winter sports, comes the joy of cosy fires, comfy beds and warm, hearty meals to fortify one when the weather is cold. Winter is the time of the year governed by Vata dosha. This means Vata qualities become stronger in all of us. Thus winter is a good time to be aware of how to keep the Vata qualities within you happy. Vata dosha in me Vata governs ...
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Do you have dry bones?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 8 May 2017
Dry bones? As I thought about what topic to cover today, a question from a reader came to mind. They asked me what foods and herbs could they take to support recovery from ‘dry bones’, which in a modern perspective would be called a tendency for bones to click and at a deeper level, for calcium deficiency in the bones, or osteo-arthritis. As I was thinking about this topic the old song “Them bones, them bones, them dry bones…” came to mind and I thought about how Ayurveda sees these bone imbalances being due to an imbalance of dryness in the tissue levels of Asthi and Majja....
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Caring for your joints
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 24 April 2017
Joint ease and comfort Do you notice increased stiffness or pain in your joints when the weather is damp or cold? If yes, then read on to understand why and what you can do about it. Ayurveda explains that stiff, heavy, swollen joints are the result of too many toxins or impurities in the body disturbing the healthy function of Shleshaka Kapha. When the sticky, toxic waste of incomplete digestion accumulates in the joint it first creates stiffness and heaviness and longer term swelling and pain, with symptoms worsening in damp, cold weather. ...
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Be a balanced techie…
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 17 April 2017
Techie health tips Was it really only in the 1990’s that the internet became a household tool and computer use and game consoles started to soar? The ease of mobile phones has made it’s way into most homes and “landlines” now seem antiquated relics of the past. Computers have become compact, powerful and versatile and are used constantly in the workplace and screen time often continues at home. Email, online shopping, blogging, playing games, watching tv online, facebook and engaging apps sneak in and take up our time. Along with the ease and benefits of these tools come...
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Your Genes Speak
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 10 April 2017
If you have early greying then Ayurveda explains this is a predominance of Pitta qualities. If you have curly or frizzy hair this expresses a predominance of Vata qualities. If you have thick and shiny hair then Kapha qualities are being expressed strongly in the formation of your hair. We would say these tendencies are inherent or natural to you. In modern science they would be considered part of your genotype or DNA. They are passed on through your genotype to the next generation. You may say “ of course, we all instincitvely know this to be true. When we hold our baby and see our child grow and mature over time ”. And sometimes the...
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What’s up for dinner?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 27 March 2017
Recently we were asked what’s best to eat in the evening? The answer to this question changes with the season. As the seasons change do you notice that you are drawn to different foods? The bright berries, juicy sweet summer fruits and crisp salads become less appealing as the cooler weather sets in with the arrival of autumn. This inclination to move towards warmer foods as the cooler weather arrives naturally guides us to eat what is best for us. Ayurveda recommends that we favour seasonal fruit and vegetables bought from local markets, or even better, harvested from our own garden. Where you can also choose organic. ...
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Ode to autumn
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 20 March 2017
As the days of sunlight are diminishing as autumn moves into winter do you notice a shift in your mood or your sleep patterns become irregular? Although all of us are impacted as the hours of sunlight each day become less, for some it can lead to low mood states, sleep disorders and what has been coined Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) by Dr Rosenthal, a lead researcher in the field. We have various body cycles often referred to as biological rhythms that stimulate and control the processess that re-ocurr daily, such as body temperature, hormone secretion, alertness and onset of sleep. 6.00 am The body responds to the mov...
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Healthy Bowel?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 13 March 2017
Is my bowel healthy? The ancient physicians of Ayurveda provided very clear guidelines for evaluating the health of your intestines and bowel movements. A bowel motion 1-2 times a day First bowel motion occurs upon rising in the morning Easy to pass without straining Motion is soft and bulky Colour is a healthy brown (no black tones, yellow tones or pale colour) Motion floats in the toilet bowl (indicating adequate amounts of fibre from food are present). If the bowel motion sinks this indicates it is heavy with waste f...
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Autumn, tis upon us…
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 6 March 2017
Now the leaves are turning, nature is pushing us towards a gentle seasonal change detox. It amazes and humbles me when I stop to think how our body knows exactly what to do and when to do it. We are truly in step with nature and when we follow her prompts can stay in top form. If you want to stay fully on top of your game with crystal clarity great energy and a body that stays the distance… then it is time to reboot your system with a gentle Autumn cleanse ...
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Experiencing heat and acid stomach?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 27 February 2017
Balancing acidity It can be difficult to pinpoint the everyday choices that cause or contribute to the discomfort of a burning sensation in the stomach. Ayurveda explains that burning in the stomach is a sign of Pitta imbalance and specifically imbalance within the sub area of Pachaka Pitta Pitta dosha looks after the various activities that we call digestion and metabolism. Patchaka Pitta is one of the five sub-doshas of Pitta and is located in the stomach and small intestines. When the internal heat of Pitta becomes inflamed within Pachaka Pitta it can give rise to burning sensa...
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The Magic of Manjistha
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 20 February 2017
When you are under stress, which is the first detox system to break down or become clogged? If you guessed your lymph system then you are correct. Many health concerns can be traced back to a sluggish or stagnant lymph system which acts much like a drain when it gets blocked. It causes a build up of waste that then starts to circulate throughout your body localising in areas that are sensitive or have been previously overloaded. Once the build-up in your ‘drainage system’ is addressed even long term and persistent symptoms start to melt away, as your body’s healing power comes back online. Ayurveda explains that your body’s tissues are formed through a seven-...
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Want More Energy?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 30 January 2017
There is a part of your body which is often overlooked, yet life cannot exist without it. This part of your body is a detox system draining waste from every cell and all the organs including your heart, brain and digestive system delivers nutrients throughout your body is the home of your immune system housing over 500 lymph nodes that house your white blood cells, providing a defence against toxins passing through your intestines, skin, respiratory tract and other systems. It drains 1.3 kilos of plaque and toxins from your brain each year helping to reduce psychological, cognitive and immune concerns. is the fall-bac...
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Happy summer days…
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 22 January 2017
Ah, the joy of summer when the chill of winter has passed and the intense heat of summer is not yet with us. The boundless blue sky and sparklling waters with the vibrancy of nature reflected on all sides. The freedom and joy experienced on such days seems to be reflected back wherever I look. A happy smile rests easily on such days. But as the heat of summer increases do you find your serenity and calm begins to waver? Do you notice that people’s behaviour can seem more iritating and in some cases even inflammatory? Should the weather become irregular with a mix of storms and bright sunshine, pressure increases even further. Have they changed or is it me? What is happening? You...
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What are you having for Xmas?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 19 December 2016
Eating for Xmas Christmas time is often a time of reconnection with friends and family and the beginning of summer holidays for many in the southern hemisphere. Here are some tips to help you have a merry and hearty xmas and new year, filled with love, joy and moments you will treasure. Christmas Day Tips Have a sit-down family meal at the table, ensuring the table is festive and dinnerware is set without television or other distractions. It is a t...
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A stitch in time…
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 12 December 2016
Have you recently noticed an increasing sensitivity to indigestion, runny nose, mucous congestion, aches and pains? It could be that you are experiencing the effects of our current seasonal change from Spring into Summer. During this transition our body does a mini cleanse and signs of ama (impurities) are a good indication to take stock and help your body detox in preparation for a great summer. Here are the typical symptoms of ama or impurity overload. Which ones are you experiencing? 1. You wake up tired even after a good nights sleep. 2. You feel lethargic 3. Your tongue is coated especially upon awaking in the morning...
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Solving your health puzzle
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 28 November 2016
Do you feel that your physical or mental energy resources are flagging? Do you experience tiredness and stiffness in the morning? Do you experience itchiness, skin rashes or acne? Do you get sinus build up when you eat dairy products or other foods? Do you retain fluid in your hands and feet? Do you feel bloated? For women Do you experience mood swings, PMT or find your breasts become tender and hold water during menstruation? Do you feel easily overwhelmed or suffer from low moods?...
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Itchy nose? Hayfever?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 21 November 2016
Does your nose start to itch as summer arrives? If yes, then you may suffer from summer hayfever or allergi rhinitis which is normally related to summer grass and weed pollens. Here is a list of what is likely to cause hayfever discomfort from December to March (southern hemisphere). December Canary Grass, Cocksfoot, Kentucky Blue Grass, Paspalum, Rye Grass, Wild Oat, Couch, Johnson Grass, Paterson's Curse, Pellitory, Plantain, She Oak January Cocksfoot, paspalum, Rye Grass, Couch, Johnson Grass, Pellitory, Plantain, She Oak February Annual Blue Grass, Cocksfoot, Paspalum, Rye Gra...
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Time to exercise…easy
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 7 November 2016
Exercise is great for balancing weight, enhancing digestive strength and overall metabolism, creating strength in the body, reducing insomnia and reducing stress and tension in mind and body. Ayurveda understands that although exercise can have profound benefits, like everything else, your exercise should be done to suit your nature, time of life, the season, the time of day and your overall strength. The Ayurvedic recommendation - exercise to 50% of your capacity This is indicated when you begin to sweat profusely and breathing becomes so heavy that you have to bre...
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Experiencing chest pain?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 16 October 2016
If you have had unexplained chest pain then you have probably wondered Am I having a heart attack or is this a precusor warning? Is this pain due to worry and anxiety and is my heart okay? It‘s always important to have chest pain investigated. Your doctor is likely to complete an ECG to ensure the electrical activity of your heart is within normal range. Sometimes an exercise ECG is also done to check what happens to your heart during exercise. Also a blood test is done to check for enzymes and proteins that are linked to the injury of the heart muscle. If these tests show normal functioning then a talk about what else has been happ...
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In need of a sugar destroyer?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 3 October 2016
Have you ever wished that you could resist that dainty chocolate treat that sits there ever so lovely on the dessert platter? Once a special treat, sugar rich foods are now plentiful and easily accessed in most places across the globe. As access to sweet treats has increased along with the epidemic of stress, so has weight gain and obesity. At this time of year your more close-fitting clothes may show the added layers around your middle due to the pleasure of winter's sweet foods, causing you to wonder maybe it’s time to cut back a bit? Yet reducing sugar rich foods may not be as easy as you think. Sugar addiction now si...
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Jason was ready for a change
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 26 September 2016
Looking in the mirror Jason saw that his profile was larger than he remembered. The round curve of his stomach had definitely got larger and his back was more swayed to compensate for the extra weight he was carrying. How did that happen? he thought to himself “ Working in a high-pressure sales environment, with long hours, late bedtime and irregular meals hadn't helped, plus sporadic exercise... let's be honest” he thought to himself “no exercise to speak of really for the last 2 years." As Jason took stock he remembered visiting his grandfather in hospital after his first heart attack. Grandad hadn't realised that his lifest...
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Healing power of aromas
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 19 September 2016
What scents do you like the best? The soft sweet fragrance of a tea rose, the enlivening scent of eucalyptus oil or the warming and relaxing smell of lavender? As the scent first dissolves in the moisture of your nasal tissue, specialised cells called olfactory cells send a message straight to the hypothalamus in your brain and from there to your whole body. At the same time the message of the scent goes to your limbic system which processes emotions, and to the hippocampus which is responsible for memory. That's why the smell of a sweet rose can help to soothe anger, lavender may transport you back to your grandmothers garden on a sunny day, or the aroma of appl...
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The lowdown on cholesterol
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 12 September 2016
If you have a family history of heart disease, diabetes or a tendency for being overweight, then healthy cholesterol formation is important for your wellbeing. Cholesterol is produced by your body as a part of normal and healthy fat tissue formation. It is essential for the body to function properly as it is used to build cell membranes, vitamin D, hormones and bile acids. Your body uses cholesterol to lubricate and support milllions of differenct channels that carry nutirents to the cells and waste away from cells. These channels are dry by nature and over time can become brittle, especially when we are older. Cholesterol helps these channels retain flexib...
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Need an energy boost?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 5 September 2016
We want to control what we can control. Yet with our genetics, nature has the last say. What we do have control over is our inner experience and the environment we create around us. When a seed has been sown into the soil, the garden environment will determine how it will grow. Doing all we can to nourish the seed, to help it blossom into a beautiful flower, helps us to be at peace. So this week we look at ways you can create and maintain high energy to keep your mind and body well-nourished with regular pit-stops. Great Energy Tip 1...
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Vital lady, vital man…
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 29 August 2016
Get back your energy and vitality Remember when you last looked in the mirror and saw a smiling energetic mirror image? Didn't it feel great! Your body has the ability to generate all the energy and vitality you would like. When energy resourses are high the world is full of possibilities and one has the mental clarity and physical resources to engage and enjoy life. When energy and vitality are low everything is more of an effort and struggle and obstacles more likely. Your current resource of energy and vitality ...
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The golden wonder spice
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 22 August 2016
It was with wonder as a child that I looked upon the yellow rice dish that mother used to prepare on special occasions. How did she make the usual white rice become yellow? It was many years before I realised that the delightful yellow colour had come from the combination of turmeric (Latin name Curcuma Longa) and cooked rice. And even later still before I learnt the amazing benefits of this culinary spice used for thousands of years within the Ayurvedic tradition. About Tumeric Tumeric comes from the same family as ginger - Zingiberaceae - and is ...
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Preparing for spring…
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 15 August 2016
September 1 st is the first day of spring and it is just around the corner. Don’t you just love the spring flowers and the weather as it warms up! It’s definitely a welcome break from the changeable and cold weather of late winter. Just as the earth wakes up as the cold thaws and warmth signals it’s time for change, so too our body goes through an important transition. As winter fades and spring arises your body is now gearing up for the spring seasonal transition. During this time the body releases stored impurities into the blood stream, ideally for release via the pathways of elimination – bowel, urinary tract, skin, sweat and breath. &nbs...
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The feel-good herb…
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 8 August 2016
There is a miracle plant in Ayurveda from the asparagus family, Asparagus racemosus, commonly called Shatavari and sometimes known as wild asparagus. This feel-good herb assists with the formation of all the tissues in the body and is particularly helpful for digestion and the reproductive and respiratory systems. Bitter and sweet with a heavy and unctuous quality, Shatavari has a balancing effect on Vata and Pitta and increases Kapha. It is an antioxidant and powerful adaptogen that has been used for centuries by both women and men of all ages. ...
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Is stress getting in the way?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 1 August 2016
Do you, or did you once feel bullet proof, able to live life to the full, burning the candle at both ends and getting away with it? Just like our bank accounts, if we spend more than we are putting in eventually our energy balance get's low until it’s overdrawn. Then distress occurs giving rise to sleep issues, lack of emotional balance, mental performance declines and health starts to suffer. In our 20’s and 30's we can often bounce back with a few days of good sleep and kicking back with some relaxation and fun. As we move into our 40's and 50's recovery can seem to take a little longer and in our 60's plus we become more sensitive to overload and may need...
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Zzzzzz… sleep glorious sleep
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 25 July 2016
Have you woken to the day feeling groggy, unrefreshed and wondering how you are going to get through the day, knowing that the backlog of late to bed and early to rise has finally caught up? Why do I feel so groggy? Sleep is one of the four must haves along with food, water and air. Sleep is an active regenerative process for your mind and body. Quality sleep improves your mood, sharpens memory restores energy, enhances your decision making, helps your brain mentally catalogue what you have learnt each day and enhances problem solving. A s...
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Organic Guggul is here
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 10 July 2016
I’m so excited to tell you that Guggul (commonly known as Bdellium) is now available in an organic form at Guggul is traditionally referred to as the one that protects against diseases . Guggul balances all three doshas in the body. It helps to balance Vata (nervous system), Kapha (fluid, fat and sugar metabolism) and Pitta (enhancing warmth, digestion, circulation and reproductive processes). Guggul is Known to be the most effective herbal for cleansing impurities (ama), which accumulate when digestion is sluggish. Ayu...
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Sinuses bothering you?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 4 July 2016
Have you woken in the night recently with a stuffy nose, unable to breathe fully through one or both nostrils? This can also be accompanied with pressure behind the eyes and an intense headache centred round the eyebrows and cheeks and radiating into the jaw. If yes, then your sinus passages are in need of help. These symptoms are due to an imbalance in digestion causing mucous to accumulate in the sinuses. A stuffy nose or one blocked nostril is an early sign of imbalance. As your sinuses become filled the pressure can build leading to an intense headache around your eyes and cheeks. This can also be the start of a head cold. ...
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Two hands cupped is enough
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 21 June 2016
Do you agree with the statement you are what you eat ? Think about a time when you have been on the run and missed breakfast. How was your mental energy? How did you feel physically? Did you find yourself craving that chocolate bar later in the day or did you find yourself grazing during the evening? If lunch was then on the run, did you notice a tendency for changeable mood, maybe even impatience or easily frustrated, hangry even? Or do you find that you rarely feel like breakfast as your appetite does not really kick in until around 10am? Refuelling in the morning breaks the fast after the 10-12 hours fast since dinner. ...
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Let food be thy medicine…
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 15 June 2016
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Quote from Hippocrates the father of modern medicine. “Eating the right foods and spices – and avoiding the wrong ones – could go a long way towards staving off everything from gut ailments to cancer.” Hopkins Medicine Magazine. Both the wisdom of the old and the new are coming to the same understanding that what we eat can have a huge impact on how our mind and body perform today and in the future. Ayurveda explains that food contains intelligence, which can be loosely translated as nutritional value. It also includes the quality, freshness and degree of life in the food. Ayurveda...
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Beating Depression
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 1 June 2016
Depression is becoming more common among the overall population today. Recently I was asked to visit a local school to talk about depression and how Maharishi Ayurveda helps recovery from depression. It was both enlightening and alarming to see how aware these young adults were about depression, with a number having first hand experience of it within their communities. So this week we thought to look at the causes of depression and suggest key strategies for preventing or recovering from depression. Did you know? Women are more likely to suffer fr...
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Enjoying life to the max
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 1 June 2016
Children are such good teachers... remember the excitement of waking on Christmas morning or your birthday, wondering what delightful surprises the day would unfold? Waking up with anticipation of something pleasant or enjoyable happening in the day is one of the behaviors that people with a high level of wellbeing embody. Simple as it sounds, adopting this practice is a subtle but important way to enhance life enjoyment, reduce stress and protect your wellbeing. So give it a go this week! Thinking back ... take a moment to reflect on...
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How's Your Sleep?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 9 May 2016
Do you know the three key reasons we have difficulty getting a good quality sleep, where we wake up feeling clear, alert and ready for an exciting and fulfilling day? The stress hormone cortisol can also be unusually high at night and our nervous system needs to be soothed after a full-on day. This causes occasional sleeplessness but can lead to deep exhaustion if sleep is disturbed regularly. Feeling so deeply exhausted that our body is wired and doesn’t have enough energy to sedate and calm us for sleep. This can be so frustrating as we lie waiting for sleep to come or find ourselves awake after only a little while, unable to go back to sleep. Uns...
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What’s bright red and good for you?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 25 April 2016
What is the dark red root vegetable that when peeled, coats the hands with it’s bright red juice? You’ve probably guessed it - the hardy and energy-promoting beetroot. Root vegetables are recommended during autumn and winter and the beetroot helps to keep you balanced during winter. This week we see how to keep your digestion and circulation powered up by including beetroot and Aller-GI in your diet, to support a healthy gut and intestines this winter. Yes to...
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Ready to take on winter?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 18 April 2016
As winter settles in have you noticed an increase of dryness or a change in your digestion? Clients often come at this time of the year wanting help with a sluggish bowel or with reduced immunity causing colds and flus and a flare-up of auto-immune conditions, like polymyalgia, arthritis and lupus. This is due to an increase of Vata dosha, as the qualities of Vata (rough, dry, changeable, penetrating, quick and changeable) increase during the winter season. Forewarned is forearmed If you are strong in Vata by nature, have a long-standing Vata imbalance or are in y...
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Need some magic in your life?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 10 April 2016
As I was sitting with a client today discussing his life goals I found myself saying with lightness and a sense of fun “If you are a magician, how would you ‘magic’ your life?” As he gently smiled I saw the playful comment had reached its mark. The realization dawned in his eyes that what he chose to do, or not to do mattered. His choices were the foundation blocks to his life enjoyment and success. So today, knowing we are all busy I thought to highlight the 5 key choices you can make to enjoy a ‘magic’ state of energy, vitality and happiness today and always. 1. Build your s...
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Support for angina
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 4 April 2016
Should you experience chest pain due to the lack of blood flow to your heart muscle then your doctor will diagnose a condition called angina pectoris . Modern medicine identifies these blockages as plaques. Maharishi Ayurveda understands them to be a result of ama, which basically means the waste product from anything that has not been properly digested. An important distinction Ama refers to the physical build up found in arteries due to poor diet and too much of the wrong fats. But the concept of ama does not stop there. Ayurve...
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Discomfort in your chest?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 28 March 2016
Discomfort or pain in the chest can be due to a variety of reasons such as panic or imbalance in the cardiovascular, digestive or respiratory system. The recommended Ayurvedic treatment differs depending on the cause. Take it seriously Chest pain is always a sign that something needs to be done. Take any chest pain seriously and if you are unsure as to its origins then be sure to get a check up with your doctor. Having a pulse consultation with a Mahaishi Ayurvedic Pract...
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Want beautiful, healthy skin?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 21 March 2016
Autumn has arrived and it’s that time of the year when skin complaints can get aggravated. Have you noticed that your acne around the mouth has increased or that your itchy patches of skin are more noticeable? If yes, then you are experiencing the build up of summer heat, which your body is trying to release at the moment. After summer season the body likes to clear out any accumulation of heat from the hot season. This can give rise to an increase of heat and impurities in your blood stream leading to an aggravation of skin conditions. Radiant Skin...
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3 most important habits
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 14 March 2016
Before you stop eating gluten or dairy… Do certain foods increase your bloating, indigestion, along with diarrhoea or constipation? Do you find big lunches make you feel sleepy? Have you been considering going paleo, vegan or raw foodist? Changing your food choices may settle your symptoms of indigestion but not get to the underlying cause of your imbalance. This week we have 3 tips that will make a big difference to how you digest your food no matter what your dietary preferences. These habits along with herbs to help reset digestion are part of a complete approach to keeping your digestion strong. These three most important habi...
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Love that seasonal cleanse
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 7 March 2016
March is upon us and with it the start of autumn. Our wish is to help keep you well this autumn and winter and throughout the whole year. Ayurveda is unique in that it aims to keep you well throughout a long and fulfilled life. You can make this timeless wisdom of health part of your everyday wellness choices. Timely attention to deviations in wellness and balance, is key to avoiding major health problems in the near present or future. As the saying goes: why rely on there being an ambulance team at the bottom of the cliff, when you can avoid the fall altogether? Change of season W.O.F....
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What is this universal medicine?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 1 March 2016
Which spice commonly found in the kitchen is the best and most sattvic of spices and is known as the universal medicine in Ayurveda? Here are some more tips to help you guess. This amazing spice: Has a concentrated taste so a little goes a long way Helps relieve digestive complaints when taken with honey for Kapha types, rock sugar for Pitta types and rock salt for Vata types Helps to relieve gas and tummy cramps including menstrual cramps Makes a great paste for pain and headaches Helps maintain joint health Gives zest to vegetables and lentil dishes Is used in baking and desserts in combination with othe...
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Time To Speak Out
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 22 February 2016
I wanted to bring you an important update for the future of Natural health Products in New Zealand. If you are from outside New Zealand and you use our products then this will affect you also. Note this legislation is not yet law, but in the final stages of being drafted. Time is of the essence The New Zealand Ministry of Health is now calling for final submissions on the proposed Natural Health Products Bill, w...
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Playing a diet tug of war?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 21 February 2016
When it comes to weight control, Ayurveda subscribes to a different approach. It doesn't focus on calorie reduction or appetite suppression because that slows down fat and carbohydrate metabolism, leading to excess weight. Ayurveda doesn't target calorie reduction because that typically leads to the yo-yo effect, in which people return to their previous eating patterns and gain back the weight they lost (and more) while the underlying imbalances are still there. Instead Ayurveda focuses on correcting the primary imbalance that is actually causing the problem. The primary imbalance causing weight gain also requires consideration of your unique mind body type....
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Surviving and thriving this summer
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 15 February 2016
One thing I love about summer is the variety of juicy fruit and vegetables that abound. As nature knows best they are just what we need when the weather is hot and we need extra hydration (see our tasty Tangelo Salad below). Keeping Pitta happy is key to surviving hot days and nights. When the heat increases in nature about us our internal ecosystem becomes warmer too. For some of us this increase is welcomed and enjoyed. For others it can be a little too hot or humid. If you are a Pitta type by nature then hot summer days can lead to an increase of body temperature (with a tendency to sweat more) and getting hot-headed (emotionally more reactive). Pitta symptoms...
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Managing your work stress?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 10 February 2016
After episodes of burnout or near burnout people tell me that substituting quality of effort with quantity of effort impairs their performance, causes burnout and may even shorten life expectancy. Here are some suggestions to help you manage the size and stress of work demands and your ability to cope as you get back into the swing of work again. Be disciplined around the amount of time spent on the job and in separating work life from home life Make better use of time spent on the job Make better use of resources within your work place Give your system some respite from the cascade of stress cortisol by taking ...
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Under stress at home?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 15 December 2015
The key to resolving home stress is often the "C" word… COMMUNICATION Stress at home can arise from any situation. A new baby in the house, sleep deprivation, illness, injury, personal habits, hobbies, unpaid bills, outside work commitments, drugs, drinking, unwelcome visitors. The list goes on. This week take a moment to be aware of how you communicate at home. Whatever the situation, we have to be brave, open and honest, and face up to what is the root cause of the stress. We have to communicate. Problem is, very often we can't find the words to convey how we feel. Putting our cards on the table is never as easy as it sounds. Someone is possibly g...
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Are you an evening grazer?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 15 December 2015
Did you know that traditionally the evening meal used to be lighter than lunch. Lunch was considered the main meal of the day. The evening meal provided a social 'coming together' for family, friends and communities at the end of the day. Since the industrial revolution this natural pattern of refuelling for the day's activites with a larger breakfast (breaking the fast) and lunch (noon day meal), and a smaller evening meal has changed. Now it is more common to have breakfast on the go. Some people find they miss breakfast altogether due to time pressure. Lunch has now more commonly become a lighter meal that is taken on the go, or consists of yesterday evening’...
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In Search of Emotional Balance
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 14 December 2015
Surprisingly, the start of a new year can be quite challenging. It can be difficult juggling holidays, change of routine, different eating patterns and food choices, added financial pressures that holidays bring, not to mention the challenge of the family dynamics. Feeling in control, positive, patient, and able to handle the inevitable frustrations that we all encounter in life indicates that your emotional strength is high. But when challenges become 'too much' emotional distress arises. You may notice that you feel sad for no reason you can identify (you may often feel like crying), frustrated, or irritable. These are common symptoms of emotional stress, a...
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Need to get up and get moving?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 14 December 2015
Is your idea of exercise lying on the sofa, punching buttons on the TV remote? If so you're in trouble. Exercise is not to be feared. Exercise is a habit. Far more dedicated couch potatoes than you'll ever be have turned themselves into healthy, fit, happy people - all through a bit of regular exercise. Why bother? Regular exercise helps you feel in control. It promotes wellbeing and relaxation. It cleanses the body of adrenaline. It helps lower blood pressure and relaxes tight muscles. It helps clear the head. You'll feel heaps better. You'll look heaps yo...
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Ready For A Great Summer?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 13 December 2015
The warmer weather, longer days and time off with family get-togethers is a highlight of the year for me. I like to be in tip-top condition so I can really enjoy the opportunities summer brings. With this in mind I’d like to share with you how I stay in balance during summer. What helps me stay on top of my game is being attentive to my early warning signs that an imbalance is arising. This enables me to ‘nip in the bud’ any imbalance before it has a chance to become more concrete and disturb my enjoyment. Be aware of the increase of heat Summer is a time when heat increase...
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Discover The Artist Within You
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 13 December 2015
Creativity comes in all forms and fancies. For some it lies in the flick of a paintbrush, for others in dulcet tones, while others find it in the kitchen or craft room. Being creative is not just about being able to paint, sing, dance, write plays or poetry, or play the mandolin. Creativity embraces every aspect of life. Allowing full reign to the creative side of your nature gives you a reason to do the job that earns you the money, to go on allowing yourself to be creative. If something pushes your buttons, why not make a new years resolution to go for it! How Do You Know Whe...
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A Stitch In Time
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 7 December 2015
If over the past 100 years doctors were paid to keep their clients well, I wonder what effect that might have had on our health system and our level of health and wellbeing right now? With all respect and gratitude for the advances that have been made in microbiology and understanding the disease process, it may be time to consider a model that places wellness at centre stage. In Vedic times an Ayurvedic physician was paid to keep their patients well and if a patient got sick, the doctor paid for their treatment! This worked because health care primarily focused on what one needed to do to stay well. As the saying goes “a stitch in time saves nine”....
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How’s Your Balance of Ojas and Ama?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 23 November 2015
Ayurvedic texts locate eight drops of ojas in the heart and explain that it is the basis of immunity and indeed of life itself. “It is the Ojas that keeps all living beings refreshed. There can be no life without Ojas. It marks the beginning of the form of the embryo. It is the nourishing fluid of the embryo and it enters the heart right at the beginning of its initial formation. Loss of Ojas amounts to the loss of life itself. It sustains life and is located in the heart. It constitutes the essence of all the Dhatu’s (tissue elements). The life force Prana owes its existence to it” - Charak Samhita When digestion is incomplet...
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Feeling Out Of Balance?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 15 November 2015
What are your telltale signs? We all have telltale symptoms when we feel a little out of sorts. Understanding what could be causing these subtle signs of imbalance can help remove or reduce their influence in our lives. Contrary to what we see about us you can be well and stay well, even if your parents had blood pressure, diabetes or other degenerative diseases. The genetic tendency may be there, but whether it has to express in you can be influenced by your everyday dietary, exercise and lifestyle choices. If you are experiencing some discomfort there is usua...
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How’s Your State of Balance?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 2 November 2015
Your mind body balance is in a constant state of flux, as you breathe, move, eat, drink and interact with your environment. When everything is working within healthy ranges we take our health for granted and get on with enjoying life. When mind body balance becomes unstable, discomfort attracts our attention. At these times there are some simple and easy choices you can make to restore comfort and ease again. This week we draw your attention to a free on-line service we offer our clients: Test Your Health Quiz and Report. At the junction between seasons (right now) is the best time to complete this quick check up and assess your state of mind body balance. ...
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Getting Ready For Summer?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 2 November 2015
Chances are your life is busy, right? Making it effortless and keeping it simple becomes particularly important when life is demanding. That means it’s helpful to know what is the single most important choice you can make to maintain mind body balance this summer. Balance the intense and hot qualities of Pitta this summer by 1. Adopting Moderation Adopt moderation in your lifestyle by balancing work hours with times to relax, meditate, chill and connect with loved ones. Consider making appointments in your diary for quality time with loved ones and friends and enjoy connecting in the outd...
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Your Fountain Of Youth
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 26 October 2015
It's not about the miles on the clock it’s about the condition of the engine! Traditionally a person’s age has been associated with birthdays. Your years increase whether desired or not. Your chronological age is simply the standard measurement of the passing of time since your birth. It is the age signalled on all-important documents and celebrated on your birthday. A person’s age and the process of aging are two very different things. Your body’s age (biological age) may be less or more than your chronological age. Charaka Samhita says “ Ayurveda (dietary, lifestyle and herbals) gives life to your years and years to your life. ” Modern insi...
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Stressed and Exhausted?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 19 October 2015
Over time some people gradually find they become tired and unable to deal with stress. While others may have a sudden change in health from one day to the next and experience a health ‘break-down’. What is your tendency? With constant and long term stress people find they become tired and sometimes feel wired and hyper alert all the time. The stress can be due to emotional or physical overload. Emotional causes of stress can include work stress, divorce, death of a loved one, constant financial stress or constant deadlines. Physical causes of stress can include chronic illness, over-exercising, alcohol or substance abuse, sleep deprivat...
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More Laughs = Less Stress
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 12 October 2015
Let’s take a look at what history can tell us about the importance of laughter… In the good old days, kings employed clowns - court jesters - to make them laugh. Back then a king was under a lot of pressure. Most of his attention and energy went into fighting just to keep his job. A king had to watch his back in case one of his nobles took a fancy to the crown and accidentally peppered it with a quiver full of arrows. Talk about stress! Laughter, having fun, was a serious business and the Jester was often a friend and confidant of the king, recognised as a person of influence, in a position of great power. His job was to look after the king… and this was the funny...
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Balancing Blood Sugars
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 5 October 2015
Happy Blood Sugars Do you sometimes feel shaky, tired or irritable when food is delayed? Or do you regularly crave sweet and fat rich foods such as cakes, pastries or cookies? If yes, your blood sugar metabolism may be imbalanced and need attention. Sugar rich and fat rich foods can cause difficulties as your liver and pancreas strain to do their job. As digestion and metabolism become impaired cell nutrition is lessened and impurities increase resulting in blood sugar disorders, fatigue, increased inflammation and mental dullness or irritability. It’s not much fun! ...
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A Woman’s Health Advantage
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 28 September 2015
Did you know that menstruation is actually a woman’s health advantage? It’s a time when the physiology purifies itself in order to maintain balance. Being in tune with nature allows us to experience our inner cycles more smoothly and thus get the maximum benefit from this monthly renewal process. Did you know? How easily a woman passes through her menstrual cycle is influenced by the amount of impurities and the degree of imbalance in her physiology PMS and discomfort during this process are simply the body’s cry f...
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Emotional Eating Part 2
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 21 September 2015
In Part 1 we took a step towards understanding comfort eating. Some of the facts we explored Food can provide immediate comfort but it will not solve the underlying problem Sometimes people use food to try and manage emotions, stress or problems There are healthier ways to deal with emotional overload, stress or problems that can provide positive benefits to our life and wellbeing such as exercise, meditation, relaxation or hobbies. ...
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Are You A Comfort Eater?
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 14 September 2015
Understanding Comfort Eating Sometimes people eat when they are not hungry. They eat to help fill in time, to forget worries, give themselves a reward, to escape or to celebrate. Reflecting back over your life, have you had periods in your life where you have eaten to gain comfort? When we eat to manage our emotional responses it can lead to over-eating or eating when we are still digesting our previous meal or snack. Personally I noticed that when I felt unheard or unable to fully express myself I would withdraw inside and feel lonely, sad, unhappy and frustrated...
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Eat Green This Spring
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 8 September 2015
Great salad tips for spring Are you feeling bored with your meals at the moment? If yes, or sometimes, then the seasonal change from winter to spring may be giving rise to a change in your taste buds. Because your body is part of nature as the season changes your body’s desire for sustenance changes too. Food boredom or a sluggish digestion can also be an indicator that a gentle spring cleanse would be helpful. See how ...
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Easy steps for the Seasonal Change
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 2 September 2015
It is now officially spring time for us in the southern hemisphere and autumn for those of you in the Northern realms. I love spring - the daffodils, the baby lambs, the warming weather and blue sky. Autumn has its beauty too as the leaves fall like a multi coloured tapestry covering the ground. Both seasons have their unique beauty. What do you like best about these seasons? As one season flows into the next season Ayurveda marks this milestone in the seasons as being important for our continued wellbeing and resilience. This seasonal change is a time where ama – the impurities from incomplete digestion during the previous season – is released by ...
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Get in the Swing for Spring
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 25 August 2015
Eating for Springtime It’s that time of year when the residue of a heavier winter diet is released by the body into the blood stream for cleansing from your body, as part of a seasonal Spring cleanse. Give some thought to your liver, which plays a crucial role in detoxifying your body and also try our fresh bean salad this week. It’s tasty and nutritious too. FRESH BEAN SALAD Preparation time: 15 minutes Serves...
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Sleep, glorious sleep…
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 18 August 2015
Great sleep makes for a great day Quality sleep provides a 're-set' to the mind and body and is the foundation for a great day. Not only does the length of time sleeping and the quality of your sleep impact your performance the next day, it also affects your appetite and mood. Long-term sleep issues have been linked to weight gain, cardiovascular disease and depression. So it pays to get a good night’s sleep most nights. When I need a boost to my sleep pattern I take a drink of ...
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Simply Amazing Triphala
Author: Maharishi Ayurveda Date Posted: 8 August 2015
Amazing Digest Tone If you were to choose just one herbal combination to take to provide strength, protection and a gentle cleanse that can be taken daily, then Digest Tone would be the one. Why? Digest Tone Organic contains Triphala (three powerful fruits) plus Rose Centifolia. Triphala is a potent antioxidant that has 600 times more antioxidant content than an orange. Each of the three fruits in triphala are powerful tonics and cleansers in their own ri...
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Get your winter check-up
Date Posted: 8 July 2015
Winter Check Up – Self test When your energy seems low and you feel congested somewhere in the body, the chances are high that ama or impurities have built up in your body. As these impurities build in the tissues they disrupt and confuse the delicate biochemistry, which can result in a wide variety of symptoms. This is often unseen until the imbalance of a seasonal cold, flu or aches and pains alerts you the body is overloaded. An early sign to watch for is a coating on your tounge first thing when you wake prior to cleaning your teeth. Tip: Check out your tongue ...
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Ayurveda and Premenstrual Syndrome
Date Posted: 17 June 2015
Are you one of the millions of woman around the world who regularly experience one or more of the following symptoms as menstruation approaches? Tension, tiredness and irritability Water retention with weight gain, abdominal bloating, breast soreness and swelling Headache or migraines Food cravings and alcohol binges Pain in the lower abdomen from ovulation to the first day of menstruation, which then eases Depression or low mood states Generalised aches and pains Premenstrual asthma, sinusitis or hay fever, loss of smell, dizziness or vertigo Cystitis or urethritis causing increased ...
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5 Ways to Move and Move More this Week
Date Posted: 17 June 2015
Let's Keep It Simple! Life doesn't need to be complex and neither does keeping active or loosing some extra weight when you need to. Here are five very simple steps to take to help you be active and feel great: 1. Move Just do something 2. Move more Aim for a minimum of 100 minutes of 'huffy puffy' exercise every week and 150 minutes when wishing to reduce weight. Depending on our lifestyle and what we can fit into each day or week, this could be split up into 10-15 minute sessions or a mixture of 10, 20 or 30 minute sessions. 3. Move more often Ai...
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Get a great start to your day
Date Posted: 9 June 2015
Breakfast boycotters get left behind Eating breakfast might be the last thing on your morning to-do list, or not even on your list at all. But breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially if you’re active. Eating breakfast has been shown to improve concentration, problem solving, mental performance, memory and mood… and just so we’re clear, coffee doesn’t count! Despite breakfast being the most important meal of the day, many people skip breakfast every morning. Breakfast can provide a significant amount of fiber, calcium, B vitamins and nutrients, which are unlikely to be made up during the rest of t...
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Vegetarian or vegan. Be nourished…
Date Posted: 26 May 2015
Food, nourishing food… It is important to eat a variety of different foods daily to ensure a balance of nutrients for everyone vegetarians, vegans and meat eaters. This becomes especially important when a person chooses to be a vegetarian or vegan as key food groups can be reduced. Vegetarian As a vegetarian you can get all the essential nutrients you need daily without eating animal products, but it helps to know about the nutrients in different foods when you plan meals. A well-planned vegetarian diet that includes breads and cereals, fruit and vegetables, dairy p...
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Support your health this winter
Date Posted: 12 May 2015
Yes, winter is now on the horizon with Monday 1 st of June the ‘official’ start of winter just around the corner. As the days get colder it‘s important to protect your health by ensuring your immune system is not loaded with impurities from incomplete digestion. When digestion is sluggish or irregular what is eaten cannot be fully broken down so impurities build in the intestines and spread throughout the body. The immune system is then kept busy cleaning up these impurities from partial or incomplete digestion. If there are also cold and flu bugs about in your environment then your busy immune system may not be able to cope with the internal clean up plus th...
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Calm Mind Smooth Emotions
Date Posted: 8 April 2015
Have you been feeling a little ruffled and wondering what to do to calm your mind and feel more emotionally smooth? Or is it more a longer term dissatisfaction with life that sits underneath your discontent? No matter whether the mood or emotions have been dominating for a little while or a long while, Ayurveda explains that behind this mood of the mind and heart sits a deeper underlying imbalance. The deeper imbalance is due to an imbalance of Vata, Pitta, Kapha dosha, or a combination of these doshas. You can know which of the doshas has become imbalanced by the mood and feelings that dominate. Vat...
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How To Reduce Embarrassing Gas & Odour
Date Posted: 29 March 2015
It can be embarrassing and painful when gas arises and finds it’s way out either upwards or downwards! Gas bothers some people more than others and can be accompanied with cramping pain and a smelly odour. Ayurveda explains that gas with cramping pain and odours arise when the digestion is weak. Along with the obvious cause of gulping air by talking with our mouth full, there are also other causes to be aware of. Read below to see which ones may be an issue for you: Common causes and solutions 1: Drinking cold water especially when hungry and drinking too much. Sip room temperature water, warm or hot...
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Anti-inflam Tips
Date Posted: 22 March 2015
I’m going to let you into a secret that can make a big difference in your wellbeing for the rest of your life. Inflammation is the body’s equivalent of a scouring rust that weakens and destroys tissue health and rapidly ages you from the inside out. Addressing the causes of inflammation is essential for long term wellbeing and a painfree life. So what is inflammation and how can it be reduced? Inflammation ( Latin , ...
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Riding The Transition Into Autumn
Date Posted: 17 March 2015
Now that the weather is becoming cooler with increased rainfall, this signals to nature that summer is coming to a close and the seasonal change to autumn has begun. The winds of change are blowing the heat that has accumulated during the summer season around your body. There is an increase of Pitta symptoms as the body tries to detox the excess heat that has been released into your bloodstream for a spontaneous seasonal cleanse. Clients I am seeing during this time reflect this seasonal change in their body and minds. As Vata dosha guides the seasonal changes people are noticing that their symptoms are more changeable, one day this and one day that. ...
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Riding The Wave Of Challenge
Date Posted: 9 March 2015
Stress is the body's response to changes that create challenging demands, but it’s not always a bad thing. It can often be a source of motivation and a necessary component for survival. However, excessive or prolonged periods of stress can be bad for our health. Stress can take hold in a number of different forms Heart palpitations, headaches, and excessive sweating are all physical symptoms of stress. Psychologically, stress can present itself through bad dreams and broken sleep, irritability, lack of confidence, and depression. Stress can aggravate an existing illness and make you more susceptible to viruses and infection....
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The Power Of Single Herbs
Date Posted: 4 March 2015
Potent Herbal Masters This week we focus on three herbal masters. In writing this, I continue to be impressed at the power of these amazing single herbs. Brahmi - Bacopa monnieri What a wonder herb Brahmi is. Known for its ability to enhance brain function, Brahmi helps reduce anxiety and supports concentration and longevity. It is also a potent wound healer as it increases the synthesis of collagen. This all round herb is used for all manner of imbalances from indigestion to dementia. It has grown popular in the west as students comment that it helps them retain information when crammin...
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Simple Yoga For Energy And Balance
Date Posted: 24 February 2015
Yes! It works… After years of striving to exercise I have finally found a way to exercise that involves the whole body and is fun to do – it’s called ‘functional exercise.’ And it is probably no surprise to you that in considering this style of exercise I had one of those ‘light bulb’ moments! Here was a superb functional exercise staring me in the face, which I have practised sometimes, but will now incorporate into my routine regularly. It is called the Sun Salutation and is traditionally known as Surya Namaskar . This ancient func...
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I’m Feeling Good In My Skin
Date Posted: 16 February 2015
Ah… beautiful radiant skin with a gentle blush of wellbeing ‘no matter ones age’ is a delight to see. A healthy radiant skin indicates that the internal fires of digestion, metabolism and the end process of elimination are all functioning well. The body has some very efficient ways to eliminate bodily waste via the bowel, urinary tract and respiratory system (through breath). If these systems become blocked or inefficient, then your skin becomes the default pathway. If you wish to have beautiful skin ‘no matter your age’ or you have a skin condition that you wish to address, then the following information will be very helpful for you. We would like to give you some ins...
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Stoking The Fires Of Digestion
Date Posted: 10 February 2015
How strong are your digestive fires? I love the simple analogy of Ayurveda that considers our digestive system to be a cooking pot with the fires of digestion being much like a fire in our hearth or fireplace. Recently I had the pleasure of sitting beside an outdoor fireplace, enjoying the cooler evening night and seeing how clear the night was - how brightly the stars shone in the clear night sky. As the fire strengthened the wind-blown smoke went up the chimney instead of over me and the warmth became welcome as the night grew colder. Our internal fire Much like the vagaries of this fire, our internal “fire” has ...
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Time To Balance Pitta
Date Posted: 3 February 2015
By nature are you intense or driven? Changeable? Or relaxed? Such human differences are familiar to us all and may seem random, but they are actually part of an intelligent pattern of nature that can be used to support our health and happiness. If you, a friend or family member can be intense or driven then the qualities of Pitta dosha may be strong. If this is so, then summer can be particularly trying. As the heat outside increases the internal heat can become quite uncomfortable. In this insight we focus on how to help yourself, or loved ones when Pitta needs a little cooling. Pitta characteristics The...
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Back To School...Revitalized!
Date Posted: 27 January 2015
For many the summer holidays are now complete and it’s back to school. We want to focus on supporting our young ones and all students no matter their age, as the new academic year kicks off. We think learning should be enjoyable and enriching, not strenuous and stressful. So here are some tips to enhance mental and physical performance to help make learning a pleasure. How to enhance mental and physical performance Get a good night’s sleep. If sleep is an issue deal with it, as it is really important to get a good nights rest. Take time out to recharge with Transcendent...
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Does Your Waist Measure Up?
Date Posted: 21 January 2015
As the joys of Christmas fade and we enter the new year, have you noticed an increase around your waist? Are your trousers fitting a little more snugly? Typically the weight that is put on at Christmas time becomes the new weight for the coming year. Over the years, our waists expand as year on year our girth increases! The objective way to see if your girth is putting you at risk is to check your waist size and your Waist Hip Ratio . My Waist Size What is healthy and what is not? A waist size of less than 80 cm is desirable for a female A waist size of less than 94 cm is desirable for a male ...
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Kick Off With Mind Power
Date Posted: 14 January 2015
After a refreshing holiday both the mind and body can feel more refreshed and invigorated. This week we explore how to maintain and enhance this mind power to help you kick-off for a great year. Getting the balance Just like a car runs well with carefully supplemented fuel so does our mind and body. I’d like to share with you a story about a client who made this patently clear to me early on in my career. A gentleman was bought along for a consultation as he was recovering from a series of strokes – 5 in all. This was resulting in sleepiness during the day and difficulty with comprehension, speech and moving about. After feeli...
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New Year New You
Date Posted: 6 January 2015
Doesn’t it feel great to be chilling out, enjoying good weather with people who seem to smile more, or is it just me? An Ayurvedic saying may provide some direction ‘the world is as we are.’ My world is brighter and it’s not just the sunny weather and beach swims, but also the opportunity to reflect on what’s next for the coming year. A key focus for me this year is to have loving attention on my family and my own self care. Even with all the knowledge of Maharishi Ayurveda and the experience of over 11,000 consultations, this past year my needs had become secondary to other priorities. Has this happened to you also? The first s...
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Digesting The Festive Season
Date Posted: 9 December 2014
Where does digestion of food start? Is it when the food enters the stomach, or after it moves from your stomach into the small intestine at the bottom of your stomach? You may have heard that effective digestion starts with how many times we chew our food in the mouth before swallowing. When I think of this, into my mind comes the picture of a docile and patient cow as it quietly chews its cud. Granted, it does have two stomachs to fill, unlike us with just the one! Being hungry is key to great digestion A well-functioning digestive system is essential for good health and nutrition. Appetite, or hunger, is nature's signal that you are ready t...
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Yummy Summer Juices & Smoothies
Date Posted: 9 December 2014
It’s a great time of year to think about increasing your intake of fruit and vegetables to help energise and vitalise your mind and body, now the longer days of summer have arrived. One way to do this is to have a daily drink of fresh juice or a smoothie made with whole fruits. From an Ayurvedic perspective, summer is the best time to take fruit and vegetable juices or smoothies. Fruit and fruit juice is best taken during the morning Vegetable juices are best taken during the afternoon Combining fruit and vegetables is generally not recommended Adding a little fresh ginger to fruit or vegetable juices is helpful for Vata and Kap...
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Herbal Wonders For Anti-aging
Date Posted: 2 December 2014
Rejuvenation for young and old Ayurveda has a whole division of medicine focused exclusively on rasayana - that which eradicates disease and aging. Just like the sap nourishes all parts of a tree, a rasayana nourishes our essence to support the whole of our mind and body.This is particularly important with the increasing elderly population, along with lifestyles that can prematurely age us if we don’t take sufficient care. Ancient texts on ageing The ancient Ayurvedic texts describe aging as a natural process that can be managed and its effects red...
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Tips For A Great Holiday
Date Posted: 24 November 2014
Isn't it fabulous to feel the warmth upon your face now that summer is definitely on the rise. This time of the year can also be a time of increasing pressure as we build up to Christmas and the holiday season. Has the build up started in your life? With only four weeks to go are your ducks in row? Or do you typically find that even with good intentions it can be a rush at the end to get those last moment things done? Heads up To navigate through to a happy and relaxing holiday there are some tips that clients have found useful over the years. The L...
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Happy Heart, Happy Life
Date Posted: 18 November 2014
My attitude to life is to look on the bright side, as I deeply understand the power of the mind and its importance in maintaining vibrant wellbeing. Having said that let’s not put our heads in the sand, let’s be responsible. Being around to enjoy the growth of loved ones and to achieve heartfelt goals can be a strong motivator to take care of oneself. Sometimes it’s important to stop and look at the facts, and to make informed choices… Heart, stroke and blood vessel disease (cardiovascular disease) is the number one killer of men and women worldwide. High blood pressure is the most common condition. An NIH- funded study in the USA shows that currently 19...
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Firing In All Cylinders
Date Posted: 9 November 2014
Yes! Summer is on its way. About this time of the year I typically start to feel housebound and want to get out and about more. Do you? As the daylight hours get longer and the thought of lettuce and salads start to become appealing once again, I know that summer is on the horizon. This week we want to help you fire on all cylinders . Here are 3 ways to help fire up your energy this week. 1. Get up and go breakfast smoothie Here is a Mango Almond Delight Smoothie to tickle your taste buds and help you get going this week. Ingredients...
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Get Up & Get Moving
Date Posted: 4 November 2014
Exercise with a friend As the days are getting warmer the impulse to become active increases. Are you noticing a desire to be more active outside? Being active regularly helps you to feel in control, promotes well-being and relaxation, cleanses the body of adrenaline, can lower blood pressure and relax tight muscles. It can also provide social support - and it can be fun! Exercising with a friend or a group of people can help make it more fun, interesting, and keep you motivated to continue with a regular exercise routine. There is no better way to maintain a healthy body shape than being active with your loved ones, best friends, pets or fel...
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Trim Me Down - 5 Simple Tips
Date Posted: 28 October 2014
5 Tips for Easy Weight Loss 1. Breakfast boycotters get left behind Missing breakfast will NOT help you lose weight. In fact, breakfast eaters are more likely to have better weight control and have lower cholesterol than those who skip breakfast, as this often leads to overeating later in the day. Eating breakfast has also been shown to improve concentration, problem solving, mental performance, memory and mood. 2. Choose your snacks wisely Snacks are important because they...
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Getting The Sleep You Need?
Date Posted: 21 October 2014
Amazing sleep facts Do you feel refreshed and alert when you wake in the morning? Or are you typically slightly or seriously sleep deprived? The ancient physicians of Ayurveda knew how important sleep is to the human mind and body. A sleep study by researchers at the Allen Institute for Brain Science and SRI International on how genes express with sleep deprivation, highlights some interesting facts. The control of sleeping and waking is associated with gene activity in the brain regions involved with sleep regulation and higher level functions. Neurons in the forebrain (neocortex, amayg...
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Amazing Health & Younger Old Age
Date Posted: 12 October 2014
One of the advantages of a system of health care that has its origins over 3000 years ago is the depth of understanding about how to preserve health and to age gracefully. Some of this wisdom fits within the framework of ‘common sense’ and some of it is leading edge. Here we highlight the two most important choices you can make to preserve health and negate old age. 1. Adopt a daily routine suited to your unique nature and needs. 2. Protect and nourish your mind and body by taking Amrit Kalash daily – a leading edge herbal formula. Ancient Wisdom for a busy life It is common sens...
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Three Tasty Drinks
Date Posted: 7 October 2014
Here are three delicious drinks to help provide your daily quota of fluids this week. Apple Ginger Treat , Spicy Apple Ginger and Spiced Milk with Almond. A note about fruit juice There are many benefits of drinking fruit juice, including high amounts of vitamin C and other nutrients. However, fruit juice is very high in sugar and very low in fibre. This combination of high sugar, low fibre can make blood sugars rise and fall rapidly. This means that it creates an increase in energy, followed by a rapid decrease, which can cause low moods and tiredne...
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Are You Feeling A Little Thirsty?
Date Posted: 30 September 2014
This week we look at how adequate fluid intake is vital for your body's health and your daily energy and clarity. Do you find it easy to get the prescribed 2 litres of fluid a day for women and 3 litres a day for men? The body is made up of about 60-70% water for men and 55-65% for women. Women have a higher body fat percentage than men, which accounts for their lower water percentage. Even 1-2% dehydration can cause physical and mental tiredness and everything can seem harder. Your body uses water to… Aid breathing and digestion Transport nutrients around the body Help pass e...
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Do You Buy Organic?
Date Posted: 23 September 2014
Why organic? “Choosing organic food is like an insurance policy for your future health” Coronary and Diabetic Care report UK 2004 How can I make organic foods affordable? Prioritize the items that you feel would benefit you and your family the most. Fruit and vegetables, grains and dairy products may take precedence, while you may decide that it is not necessary to spend the extra money on a bottle of organic tomato sauce. This is where you can make healthy choices. Co...
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Get Up, Get Moving…Energise!
Date Posted: 14 September 2014
Have you felt that wave of increased warmth and a lift in the air? The promise of summer is on the horizon now that spring is here. In considering the focus for this week’s article, my attention was drawn to the needs of clients recently. Would you like more physical energy? To feel energised and drawn to being physically active again? The bulkier clothes of winter may have hidden an increased waistline for some. Now is a great time to get active . Or would you like to energise your mind to support a happy and positive state of mind? Or is an uncharacteristic runny nose, cough and chest congestion indicating it’s time to do a spring c...
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Time To Turn Over A New Leaf (Or Two?)
Date Posted: 6 September 2014
Turning over a new leaf As we move from winter to spring it’s a great time to increase intake of a variety of crunchy vegetables and fruits. Time to see what nature has on offer and to increase our intake of leafy greens and other fresh, spring vegetables and fruits. You may even find the desire for some salad greens starting to arise again as the weather becomes warmer. Consider mixing and matching from a variety of leafy vegetables: endive, spinach, red chard, arugula, watercress, green and red leaf lettuce and raddichio (red or Italian chicory). Not only does the end result look colourful and inviting, it a...
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Congestion And Hay Fever Symptoms?
Date Posted: 31 August 2014
What is Hay Fever? As spring arrives do you find yourself experiencing any of the following... Runny, blocked nose or post nasal drip, which often causes a cough? Frequent sneezing, itchy, red or watery eyes? Itchy throat, mouth or nose? Loss of smell and occasional loss of taste, face pain or headaches? These are common signs of hay fever, which is also known as allergic rhinitis. Some people experience minor symptoms while others can experience quite debilitating symptoms. Causes Seas...
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Fast And Tasty Frittata
Date Posted: 26 August 2014
Fast Frittata… yum tasty! Have you noticed your taste buds are looking for a little zing, or that you’re prefering to eat lighter? These are signs that your body is gradually transitioning from winter to spring and desires less of the heavier winter fare and more of the lighter spring foods. Here is a tasty and gently cleansing meal to try this week. FAST FRITTATA – serves 2 Ingredients 4 fresh eggs 1/4 red onion finely chopped 1 Cup shredded spinach 2 large potatoes or kumara (s...
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When’s A Good Time To Detox?
Date Posted: 19 August 2014
Have you noticed how much smoother a car runs after it has had a tune up? It can sometimes seem as if the car is new again! Just as our car does best with a regular service so also nature has coded within our physiology two times of the year when a tune up can make all the difference to how we feel and perform – the transition from winter to spring and the transition from summer to autumn. After a gentle Ayurvedic cleanse people often comment about how much more energy they have, how their aches and pains have gone, and how much happier they feel. It makes sense that a cleanse can bring about such broad benefits when one considers how much better cells perform whe...
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Hungry? Or Just Not Satisfied?
Date Posted: 12 August 2014
Susie asks Linda… Lately I have been eating way too much, especially at night and I can't seem to stop. Anything I can do about it? I have not increased my exercise. I think because it's colder I get bored and want to eat. How can I stop myself from doing this? Linda replies Are you hungry, or just not satisfied? If you are hungry, it may indicate that you haven’t eaten enough, or enough of the right types of foods throughout the day. Many people trying to lose weight restrict their intake in the morning in the h...
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Allergy Free This Spring
Date Posted: 5 August 2014
Did you notice it’s getting warmer? Even though the weather is still changeable, spring flowers are starting to appear. Just today a client bought me a lovely bunch of bright and cheery spring flowers, a sure sign that the seasonal change towards spring is about to happen. Springtime brings people with stuffy noses and runny eyes to see me. As the thaw of winter begins and flowers bloom, the increased levels of pollen can be a problem for some. If this is you, be sure to stock up on Aller Defence to support the body's healthy response to allergies and get a step ahead of nature by detoxifyi...
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Love Your Liver - The Silent Servant
Date Posted: 26 July 2014
Give some thought to your liver this week. The liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying your body, helping to keep your immune system strong especially during the colder seasons. Your liver's job is to cleanse and filter the blood, promote the elimination of toxins and hormones, and to facilitate digestion. The liver also governs fat metabolism by releasing lipids (fats) and associated toxins into the blood for elimination. Your liver is a very important organ especially during winter when you want to stay well and be warm! When do I need to support my liver? Read below to find out how to recognise the possible signs of an overloaded liver...
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Tips For Ageless Living
Date Posted: 20 July 2014
What if the consciousness in your body has the ability to repair and maintain the health of your cells indefinitely? Modern research is exploring ‘how’ aging happens with some fascinating research coming out about the ability of DNA to repair itself Ayurveda explains that we age because we see others aging and this expectation within consciousness then guides the various transformations and repair mechanisms within the cell and body as a whole Wow, could that be true? Certainly some people look younger than their years… and people who practise Transcendental Meditation (a mental tech...
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Winter Warmer - Butternut Soup
Date Posted: 8 July 2014
Enjoy this recipe for a tasty evening meal this week! Where possible Ayurveda recommends that we be kind to our system by eating the bulk of our food during the day when it is most easily digested. This naturally lends itself to a light, tasty and easy to digest evening meal such as soup. During winter it is especially nice to sit down to a warm soup… Butternut Soup INGREDIENTS (Serves 3) 1 t vegetable oil 2 spring onions or ½ cup of leeks chopped (optional) 900g butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and diced 1 C water 1 flat tsp of cumin powder 2 tsp of grated ginger or 1 tsp ...
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Shilajit - Nature’s Powerhouse
Date Posted: 8 July 2014
Nature’s powerhouse Do you know about the herbal resin that Sherpa’s of the Himalayas eat to support their blood’s ability to carry oxygen more efficiently and to enhance their energy and vitality? It’s a resin from the Himalayan mountains called shilajit. As the mountain range was formed about 55-70 million years ago, tropical forests were crushed and compacted between large boulders. Over time the compressed forests became a nutrient and mineral rich resin found high in the mountains. Shilajit Shilajit also known as mineral pitch is extolled in the Ayurvedic texts as a potent rejuvenative that boosts physical stami...
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Asthma and Ayurveda
Date Posted: 1 July 2014
Learn about the Ayurvedic perspective on asthma, causes, and triggers. Then see what you can do to help reduce the symptoms. If you or a loved one experiences coughing (particularly at night) and after exercise has breathlessness (often with a wheeze) a productive cough and a tight feeling in the chest … then chances are high you are experiencing asthma. When working with clients who have a tendency for asthma, or a child with this condition, I always start by giving an understanding of what causes asthma from the perspective of Ayurveda. Dryness, irritation, inflammation and then mucous Cold, windy...
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Warm Winter Salad
Date Posted: 24 June 2014
Food is medicine … and so is happiness! So let’s bring together food, happiness and warmth this week with a tasty Roast Vegetable and Artichoke Salad with Cumin Ginger Dressing . Filled with root vegetables and warming spices this recipe is a winter warmer jam-packed with nutritional goodness to keep your digestive fires and immunity strong. As the weather gets colder outside our internal heat also becomes cooler. This can cause an imbalance in digestion leading to a build up of toxins or ama, clogging micro-channels and causing phlegm. As toxins and phlegm build up in the stomach, si...
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Vegetable Power
Date Posted: 17 June 2014
Widen your choices of vegetables this week and benefit from the variety and increased nutrition. The best vegetables to support balance during winter are root vegetables. Winter is the time of year where green salads are best left alone until the weather is warmer. Cooked greens such as silverbeet, spinach, bok-choy and kale are tasty and great options. If you love salads then a moderate amount of grated carrot, beetroot and ginger root dressed with olive oil and lemon or lime juice, with a pinch of rock salt and cracked pepper, makes a lovely addition to a warm winter meal. Your digestive strength can need support during winter ...
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A New Tip For Quality Sleep
Date Posted: 10 June 2014
When the mind is held in a state of suspense thinking about what has happened (or what will happen, or what could happen) then the body follows suit, unable to relax, unwind and let go, making it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. The following parable provides an interesting insight into one man’s solution to this problem. The parable “Once there was a family man with wife and children who owned many factories. He considered himself fortunate to be able to offer work to the many people who worked in these factories. This man was a devout Buddhist and considered his good fortune and worldly possessions to be a...
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Caring For Mother and Baby
Date Posted: 3 June 2014
Here we consider the needs of mother and baby, tonics, diet and daily routine. The foods a mother eats becomes available in a broken down and easy to digest milk that nourishes the baby perfectly. The quality of what is ‘taken in’ helps to determine the quality of the milk. When considering what is taken in, the definition of food from an Ayurvedic perspective includes all that is taken in through the five senses - all that is heard, felt (physically and emotionally), seen, smelt and tasted, are metabolised into the mother’s milk. From this perspective both what we eat and how we live become important ways of nourishing the mother and baby. ...
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Tips For Increasing Fertility
Date Posted: 27 May 2014
What a joy it is to consider holding your own child, a unique blend of you and your partner, with the delight of getting to know this wonderful person as time goes by. Why is it that sometimes conceiving a child (something that the birds and the bees show us can be quite natural and simple) can be difficult or even out of reach? Did you know an estimated 15 per cent of couples have difficulty conceiving a child? In one third of cases the reasons lie with the man's fertility In one third with the women's For the last third, both partners experience reduced fertility Causes of infe...
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Tasty Winter Warmers
Date Posted: 20 May 2014
Are you naturally reaching for a more sustaining breakfast that also warms you up? Now that winter is arriving in our home we are turning to warmer breakfasts that help sustain us through the morning and are tasty too! Here are two breakfast options for you to try… Spicy Oat Porridge Vata + Pitta Balancing 3/4 cup milk...
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Beat The Winter Sniffles
Date Posted: 14 May 2014
As the weather changes from warm to cool to cold, it is a time when sniffles may indicate sensitivity to the cold weather or early signs of a cold or flu. This week we hone in on what to do at the first sign of a sniffle or rhinitis. You have better things to do with your time than be sick… right? Origins of the ‘sniffle’ Nature in its wisdom gave us a nose and nasal cavity to warm, moisturize and filter the air we breathe in, so it’s the right temperature when it gets to the lungs and is free of irritants like dust, mould and environmental allergens. Overload...
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Feeling Low?
Date Posted: 7 May 2014
Feeling low? Have you wondered if your low or variable mood might be due to depression? Symptoms of low mood can progress into depression and express as a moderate, pervasive unhappiness a loss of interest or pleasure in normal activities low self-esteem, ranging through to an unshakeable depressed mood be accompanied with anxiety, suicidal tendencies, addiction or even violent behaviour. Maharishi Ayurveda understands that depression is a result of imbalance in Sadhaka Pitta – which impacts the heart and emotions and then the mind. Pitta is increased by mental stress, phy...
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Tasty Ayurvedic Party Dip & Chutney
Date Posted: 29 April 2014
Nothing like a recipe that uses simple and natural ingredients, is easy to make and tasty as…. Here are a couple of our favourites: Ayurvedic Garbanzo Party Dip The chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is a legume. The seeds of this ancient plant – the chickpea – are high in protein. It is one of the earliest cultivated legumes (7,500-year-old remains have been found in the Middle East). Other common names for the species include garbanzo bean, ceci bean, sanagalu, chana, hummus and Bengal gram. This slightly-tart, slightly-sweet dip is perfect for a party. It can also be used as a stuffing for quesadillas or as a pesto-type sauce. I...
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Knowing when to eat…
Date Posted: 22 April 2014
Sounds like a no-brainer, but sometimes we can fall into the habit of eating when our body is not really hungry. Hunger is your body's indicator that it is ready to digest your food, so that nutrition will be optimal. Ideally hunger comes at regular intervals coinciding with breakfast, lunch and dinner times with a small snack if needed, in between, to tide one over until the next meal. Eat when hungry Here is a simple way to get in touch with your body's messages around eating and food. If you feel it is time to eat, pause and use this body awareness technique to check-in, to see if you really do need to eat. If you are no...
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Weight reduction…Winning formula
Date Posted: 15 April 2014
We want to introduce you to the winning formula clients have used to maintain a healthy body shape or even drop 20-30kg when they needed to. First, learn about the dietary, exercise and life style recommendations that help to reduce weight and take the mystery out of what to do. By learning these natural ways to lighten your body and mind it becomes easier to set up the right environment for your body to melt away even stubborn fat. Best foods to reduce my weight Best exercise to help reduce and weight and maintain a healthy weight ...
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Warm Lunches...Easily
Date Posted: 8 April 2014
Save money, keep warm and healthy with these one pot or themos flask meals. Bringing warm lunches to eat at work cuts down on your overall food bill and also means less time spent outside when the weather is wet and chilly. Thermos flask meals are an ideal solution for those wanting to have a hot meal at lunch. It can be prepared in the early morning and will cook itself in the thermos in time for lunch. Find a good stainless steel food flask (which has a wider neck than a normal drink flask) and will not break if dropped. Give these tasty treats a go… Tip: for optimal nutrition If your appetite is variabl...
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Are you feeling wired and tired?
Date Posted: 1 April 2014
Keeping calm, cool and collected can be a natural state even amidst challenging situations, when your adrenals are strong and balanced. When I was 23 years of age I lived in a constantly tired zone… feeling tired but wired, knowing intuitively that something was wrong. I went to the doctor for some help. His prescription was valium. After just one tablet it was clear that this wasn’t for me. My journey towards understanding how to help my body heal itself and what my body needed daily to function well, began. At this time I did not know about Maharishi Ayurveda so I turned to a Naturopath who looked into my eyes and told me my adrenals were burnt o...
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Foods For Autumn
Date Posted: 24 March 2014
The change from summer to autumn is a period of time called Ritu Sandhi in Ayurveda. It refers to the gap between seasons. This is a delicate time for the digestion, because the doshas are fluctuating and digestive capacity can also waver. This time of fluctuation provides a natural opportunity to cleanse the body, and Ayurveda suggests that we make good use of the natural tendency of the body to cleanse itself. Keep it light and warm Maharishi Ayurveda recommends favoring lighter, warmer foods and skipping heavier foods during the few weeks when one season is changing into an...
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Healthy Digestion for Happy Joints
Date Posted: 18 March 2014
When did you last feel a little bit stiff or experience some joint discomfort or tenderness upon waking? Sometimes we live with slight discomforts or even pain for a few days or even a while … hoping our body will restore balance and remove the pain or discomfort. It can be surprising to feel free of stiffness and pain when it has become a backdrop for everyday living. “Ojas is the finest and most refined product of digestion and metabolism,” explains Mark Toomey, Ph.D., the director of Maharishi Ayurveda programs and health practitioner at The Raj Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center and Spa. “Ojas production dep...
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Why Happiness Starts in the Stomach
Date Posted: 11 March 2014
In the USA 2004 documentary "Super Size Me", Morgan Spurlock decided to eat a steady diet of fast food for 30 days to see how it would affect his health. Although he and his doctors expected some changes, they were shocked by how quickly his skin turned sallow, his cholesterol levels and blood pressure skyrocketed and his weight shot up 27 pounds. Worse, his mood changed from one of vibrancy to depression. According to ayurveda, there is not only a direct connection between the food you eat and your health, but food affects your emotions, your happiness as well. You could even say that health and happiness have a common source found in a s...
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How to Beat Fatigue
Date Posted: 4 March 2014
How to fight fatigue - Are you feeling mentally frazzled, emotionally stressed out, or just plain pooped? If so, you have company. Researchers report that the majority of adults today suffer from stress and tiredness. A stress-driven body and mind is the major cause of fatigue, and unfortunately, for many people this is a normal state of living in today’s hectic world. Most people have lost touch with the normal experience of “calm energy,” which is a state of low tension and high energy that allows for optimism, confidence, and the stamina necessary to enjoy success, love and happiness. Happily, Maharishi Ayu...
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Shilajit – Himalayan Mineral Masterpiece
Date Posted: 25 February 2014
We’re juggling it all and feeling the effects. As a professional, a parent and homemaker, it’s easy to plow through days feeling overwhelmed with social, business and family concerns. Taking care of oneself is too often the first thing cut from a much-too-busy schedule. That’s part of the reason that recent articles about taking the tar-like, ancient herbal supplement Shilajit (mineral pitch) are peaking interest. Some websites claim that it has calming, “rejuvenating” and aphrodisiac properties. Scientific analysis shows that it has 85 minerals and contains fulvic acid, a popular antioxidant. Shilajit, a mineral pitch, has been around for...
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Brahmi - Brain Power For Deadlines
Date Posted: 18 February 2014
You’ve been pushing to get a project done to meet your deadline. Fighting against the clock while working long hours, your busy mind resists sleep, if it comes at all. Other tasks take attention and energy; family, relationships, even office politics – all conspire to sap the focus and clarity your task requires. Patiently, though, an ancient ayurvedic herbal formula waits for you to discover how quietly and profoundly it can help you to accomplish your goals without being too exhausted to enjoy them. In ayurveda – especially the true formulations from Maharishi Ayurveda – stellar mental accomplishment isn’t accidental. It’s a traditional ...
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Organic Neem - The Wonder Tree of India
Date Posted: 11 February 2014
Neem , the “wonder tree of India,” is known in Ayurveda as a detoxifier, and, in traditional use, it is considered a multifaceted support for skin health. A cleanser and blood purifier, dexterous neem supports clear and healthy skin and promotes general well-being. Neem has long been treasured in India for its many benefits, and all parts of the tree are used to support various aspects of wellness. For ...
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Uplift the Emotions and Create Inner Calm
Date Posted: 3 February 2014
The power of the Ayurvedic approach is in its simplicity. The advice can be deceptively simple, but remarkably powerful. Any one of the following tips, practiced for a few days consistently, usually yields some results. Together, these lifestyle adjustments form a powerful package of support for emotional balance. The 10 Secrets 1. Consistently go to bed before 10:00 p.m. Earlier is even better. Getting enough rest is essential for emotional health, and falling asleep during the Kapha time of night generates a deep, restful sleep that truly refreshes mind a...
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Is Stress Keeping You Awake?
Date Posted: 20 January 2014
You know the feeling—you dread going to bed because you aren’t going to fall asleep anyway. If stress is keeping you awake at night, you aren’t alone. Millions of people have fallen into a vicious cycle, with stress during the day causing them to be too tense or worried to sleep well at night. And then the lack of sleep, in turn, creates more stress on the job and at home. Since the pace of life is not likely to slow down (let’s face it, all those time-saving electronic devices have just made everything more busy), it’s time to learn how to manage the stress during the day—and sleep better at night. ...
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Cool The Fires This Summer
Date Posted: 14 January 2014
Barbecues, beach picnics, and family gatherings are sure signs of summer. A host of delicious foods fill the plate. It’s common in summertime to take a vacation from the regular diet and indulge in some junk food. After all, who can resist a good barbecue while watching the cricket. And the ice cream man is pretty tempting when the temperatures rise. However, too many hot, spicy, and oily foods can cause the digestive fire to sizzle with increased stomach acid. Even too many sweet treats like ice cream and frozen mochas can throw digestion off balance. Don’t sweat it or fret it — you don’t have to stop, drop, and roll up your picnic. Nor d...
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Balance Your Skin this Summer
Date Posted: 6 January 2014
Summer is fun, but it’s a season that has its own set of demands. Your skin, overall beauty and digestion can take a hit. This time of increased heat can cause an imbalance of Pitta dosha, the mind-body operator that governs hormones, digestion and other metabolic processes in the body. You’ll feel better by managing this body-mind heat, and this will also keep you hydrated and help prevent summer breakouts and rashes. Here are a few tips for keeping your skin looking great, and you feeling great in summer. 1. Drink cooling spice water You’ve probably heard that drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day is importan...
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Digesting Christmas
Date Posted: 10 December 2013
As December 25th approaches do you light up with anticipation and joy, or cringe wondering how to balance your needs and the needs of others? It is meant to be a holiday, right? Christmas shopping, family gatherings, increased social activity along with increased spending, richer food and festive drinks can make this time of year a challenge. Read on to see how to get the most out of Christmas this year with full and complete digestion… mentally, physically and emotionally. 1) Plan ahead Schedule time to relax, chill and recuperate as well as spending time ...
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For A Smoother Cycle
Date Posted: 3 December 2013
A smooth cycle is what Nature intended. Modern lifestyles, diets and stress can knock your cycle out of balance. Ayurveda herbs can help to rebalance Apana Vata, the Ayurvedic sub-dosha responsible for the normal, downward flow of menstruation and elimination. Keeping this subdosha balanced is a priority in Ayurveda for a smooth monthly cycle. Specific Ayurvedic herbs can also help remove digestive impurities (ama) that, in the Ayurvedic model, can lead to menstrual discomfort. The herbs and minerals in Smooth Cycle help nourish and balance ...
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Herbals For Our Animals
Date Posted: 26 November 2013
When you see Meggan (affectionately Meg) bounding around the park at dusk chasing rabbits (but never quite catching them) you would never know that she has cancer of the tonsils and neck. At nearly 13 years Meg was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma and given 4-6 months. Now 8 months and counting, her loving owner Annette says Meg has the energy of a youthful dog. She used to be a little snappy but even that has gone and she seems very happy. Meg has lost no weight and her appetite has increased. Her quality of life seems to have improved amazingly and her happiness and joy in life is marked. At the park Annette is often asked if 13 year-old Me...
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Ancient Formula for Immortality
Date Posted: 19 November 2013
Maharishi Ayurveda's herbal food supplement, Amrit , is a Rasayana of Rasayanas‚ the quintessential ayurvedic herbal compound for all-around longevity, health and vitality. This super antioxidant contains dozens of ayurvedic herbs and fruits, each of which is a potent Rasayana in itself. Add to that the meticulous traditional processing, and you have a truly powerful Rasayana. What exactly, is a Rasayana? The age-old traditional Sanskrit definition is "that which negates old age and disease." In another translation, a Rasayana is described as "that which enters the essence." One of ayurved...
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Brain Boost For Students
Date Posted: 12 November 2013
In the last ten years, neuroscience has focused its attention on the adolescent brain and concluded it’s different from the brains of parents. Undoubtedly, parents and teens would agree. Researchers now know that remarkable changes occur in the brain during the second decade of life. Adolescence is a time of profound brain growth and change. This recognition is contrary to long-held ideas that the brain was, for the most part, fully "formed" by the end of childhood. During the years between childhood and adulthood, the brain’s “wiring” becomes more complex and even more efficient, especially in the prefrontal ...
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Travel Survival Kit for Vata
Date Posted: 5 November 2013
Travel stimulates new ideas, creativity, and personal growth. A change of routine and surroundings brings a sense of freshness to our life and relationships. However, a change of routine also causes irregularity in the body and mind. Due to Vata's inherent mobile quality, travel tends to aggravate the Vata dosha. Made up of the air and space elements, Vata governs all movement in the body. It's responsible for movement of the muscles, elimination, respiration, heart rate, and the flow of thoughts and emotions. These essential functions have a natural, regular cycle. So, excess movement such as long car rides, train rides or airplane travel...
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Taking a road trip with Pitta
Date Posted: 31 October 2013
According to Ayurveda, summer is considered Pitta season. Wherever you choose to enjoy summer, because of the heat you may want to pay attention to your Pitta dosha. Pitta is the dosha represented by fire and water and is responsible for digestion and transformation in the mind and body. Pitta has the qualities of being hot, bright, sharp, oily and liquid. According to Ayurveda, like increases like, so it’s important for Pitta-predominant folks to keep Pitta pacified (balanced) during the hot and bright summer months. When in balance, Pitta provides strong digestion, impressive organizational skills, and strong stamina. Out of balance, Pitta can be prone to occasional acid indig...
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Sugar sweet sugar...
Date Posted: 23 October 2013
The sweet substance Sugar is tasty... so why is it getting so much flack these days? If you experience sugar cravings then you may also be wondering, what can you do to reduce them? Here we consider these questions and what you can do to enjoy a sweet treat in a healthy way, with complete pleasure. The lowdown Sugar is a sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants such as sugar cane ...
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Energy, Strength and Radiance - The Power of Amla
Date Posted: 16 October 2013
As summer is peeping over the horizon it's a natural time to build up your energy strength and radiance… Premium Amla Berry is our key energising and rejuvenative herb and it is good for both men and women. It helps build vitality, strength and endurance both mentally and physically. According to Charaka Samhita, the traditional Ayurvedic text, “Amalaki is the best among rejuvenative herbs.” Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Helps balance all body types Is a powerful antioxidant for all ages Aids growth and renewal of cells Helps strengthen the lungs...
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Triphala - great for so many things...
Date Posted: 9 October 2013
There is a saying in India that if a vaidya (ayurvedic expert) knows how to use Triphala properly, he/she can help heal any disease. Digest Tone contains Triphala which is great for so many things. Triphala is Particularly rejuvenating for the digestive tract A deeply nourishing tonic for the eyes and the skin A herbal that gently detoxifies the body and can be taken for longer period of times An effective cleanser that goes deeply into the physiology to release deeply seated impurities Excellent for detoxifying blood, muscle and fat tis...
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How’s your heart health?
Date Posted: 1 October 2013
You've got to love your heart The wonders of the human physiology are marvelously expressed in how our heart functions. An unsung hero, the heart continues to pump day in and day out keeping our mind and body running smoothly. There are some early warning signals to be aware of in order to proactively support the heart and cardiovascular system. The major risk factors to be aware of are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, being overweight, blood sugar fluctuations or diabetes and the impact of intense or sustained stress. ...
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Be Allergy Free…
Date Posted: 17 September 2013
We ask our Maharishi Ayurveda expert to take a look at allergens and the ways we can protect ourselves from seasonal allergies. Q: What are the different types of allergens and what causes reactions to them? A: In Ayurveda there are two categories of allergen reactions. One is the type that a person is born with, caused by genetic predisposition. It can be a reaction to certain foods or to certain allergens in the environment, such as dust and pet dander. In Maharishi Ayurveda, we say that this type is caused by asatmya influ...
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Be Trim… Feel Good
Date Posted: 10 September 2013
As the warmer weather arrives have you felt that your waist feels a little fuller and your clothes a little tighter? Or is the thought of reducing those extra kilos that have miraculously come on over the last few years more forefront in your awareness? As the idea of warmer weather conjures up the image of less clothing and maybe even a swim, the motivation to shed those few extra kilos becomes more urgent. According to Maharishi Ayurveda certain mind-body types have a natural disposition to gain weight. Also, as one ages an increase of weight around the middle can happen to all body types, if exercise levels drop while food intake remains the same. Are you ready to t...
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Be Allergy-Free this Spring
Date Posted: 3 September 2013
Have you noticed the warmer weather and increased daylight hours? Isn’t it great to feel the warmer weather on its way? This change signals to the plant world that it is time to wake from the dormant days of winter and to once again begin the life-giving process of sprouting and growing. This does give rise to an increase of pollen in the air, which for some can be a concern. It’s that time when itchy eyes, runny nose and sneezing can be triggered as the seasons turn into spring. This week we take a look at what you can do to prevent an unhealthy response to spring flowers, dust, mould or pet fur. Helpful Herbals ...
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Spring Cleanse
Date Posted: 27 August 2013
While feeling the pulse of a client last week the importance of a gentle seasonal detox within the next 3 weeks really struck home. In that moment the focus for this week's Insight took shape. The realisation came that Susan could minimise a lot of discomfort and be protected from seasonal allergies, bugs and flus if she started a gentle detox within the next 2 -3 weeks. Knowing that this is true for all of us, I wanted to reach out to you and say "Be kind to your body and make a commitment to yourself to do a cleanse now". To help you get started we are giving you a link to spe...
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Digestion is King
Date Posted: 20 August 2013
A properly functioning digestive system is vital for good health. Our digestive system is responsible for all the energy production and metabolism that takes place in our bodies - breaking down food and liquid and creating blood, cells, tissues, organs and bones. The effects of improper digestion and metabolism can cause disturbances in most parts of the physiology. Poor digestion plays havoc with our skin, causes congestion in our respiratory and cardiovascular systems, weakness in our bones, teeth, nails and hair, impurities ( Ama ) in our blood and imbalances in the menstrual cycle and m...
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What’s your headache trying to tell you?
Date Posted: 13 August 2013
Ooh! As body tension and tightness increases, headaches arise. This pain is nature’s way of telling us something is wrong. The body and mind are experiencing distress…. When feeling “drawn tight” you are likely to be experiencing stress overload or distress. Stress is the body's response to changes that create taxing demands and it's not always a bad thing. From a positive perspective, stress is a source of motivation and a necessary component of survival. However, excessive or prolonged stress can be detrimental and may take a toll on our health. Acute stress problems Acute (short-term) stress i...
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The Lowdown on High Cholesterol
Date Posted: 6 August 2013
When you hear the word cholesterol are you confused about what is “good” cholesterol and what is “bad” cholesterol? Or does it spur you on to do something to prevent or reduce high cholesterol? People often think of cholesterol (a fatty acid that is mostly manufactured in the liver) as something bad, but in fact it is essential for the body to function properly. “Good” cholesterol or high density lipoprotein (HDL) is used by the body to build and repair cell membranes, boost vitamin D production (controls calcium absorption, protects your bones and raises energy levels) ...
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Want to learn more about Ayurveda?
Date Posted: 30 July 2013
Are you looking to study Ayurveda out of personal interest? Or perhaps you would like formal training to become a Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant ? Whatever your level of interest, there’s now a clear way forward to study when you want, and in the comfort of your own home. Our friends at Maharishi University of Management in Iowa, USA , have developed a series of distance education courses on engaging personal interest topics around Ayurveda. ...
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Be Happy this Winter
Date Posted: 23 July 2013
Have you noticed that a child’s spontaneous joy in life does not depend on whether it is raining or shining? Children are often just happy within, enjoying the delights of exploring what life offers. This winter we would like to invite you to remember the happy times in your life. Remember a time when you were the happiest you have ever been… what was happening at that time in your life? What does this tell you about what is important to you? If a close friend or partner was to speak about how happy you usually are …what would they say? On a scale of 1-10, with full happiness being 10 and lack of happiness being 1, how would you scor...
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Keep the fires bright, this winter
Date Posted: 16 July 2013
Brrr… it has been cold these last few days. I guess that’s winter! When a cold snap happens do you notice the chill and head to the warm clothes section of your wardrobe? Or do you relish the cold and think … fabulous, this means great skiing! When it’s cold outside, our internal thermostats need to ramp up in order to keep us warm. For some this increased internal heat is looked after automatically and the increased demand goes unnoticed. For others, low resources of energy can highlight the need to strengthen the internal fire in order to: Maintain a warm body (including hands and feet) Support healthy digestion and daily e...
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About Your Hair
Date Posted: 9 July 2013
Did you know… We are born with 5 million hair follicles of which only one million hair shafts show on the head. 5 million hair follicles is our lot for life. Stimulating dominant hair follicles is useful and essential for maintaining a healthy mane of hair that shines, and for managing common hair and scalp conditions . Before we consider the different types of hair conditions I'd like to tell you about Ellie, a woman in her early thirties who had been experiencing dry itchy ...
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Warming up our relationships this Winter
Date Posted: 25 June 2013
From time to time it can be helpful to pause and reflect on the relationships that are central to our life, be it at home, in the extended community or work life. Understanding others through the window of the Ayurvedic Mind Body types is both fascinating and can be helpful in creating loving and harmonious relationships. Understanding their Ayurvedic Profile We are all born with certain tendencies according to the qualities of Vata, Pitta and Kapha that are naturally strongest in us. Over time, due to choices made regarding diet, lifestyle, exercise and stress, a mask of imbalances can arise; then a normally laid-back and relaxed partner (Kapha nature...
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Digest Tone - More than Just A Digestive Tonic
Date Posted: 18 June 2013
Triphala, found in Maharishi Ayurveda's Digest Tone , is one of the most famous herbal compounds in Ayurvedic medicine. Triphala literally means "three fruits." The three fruits contained in Triphala are Haritaki, Amalaki and Bibhitaki. There is a saying in India that if a vaidya (ayurvedic expert) knows how to use the key ingredient in Digest Tone - Triphala properly, he can heal any disease. It is a highly revered tonic in Maharishi Ayurveda because the three fruits that make up the formula have remarkable abilities. Digest Tone is our most popular ...
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Safeguarding our Men Folk
Date Posted: 11 June 2013
This week is Men's Health Week and our focus is on how our men folk can safeguard their health in order to protect their well-being and lifestyle for years to come. Being proactive reduces worry and the danger of major health risks including stroke, testicular cancer, cardiovascular problems, diabetes and depression. As the saying goes it is better to be safe than sorry. Warrant of Fitness Check 1. Are your body stats within healthy ranges? Each year get your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose levels checked. If your levels are creeping up or outside of...
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The Power of Sleep
Date Posted: 4 June 2013
Good sleep is an essential daily reset. Quality sleep (or lack of) impacts our day to day energy, vitality and happiness. Recent research points to the fact that regular lack of quality sleep can lead to more serious problems than simply feeling dull and cloudy the next day – including weight gain, high blood pressure and reduced immune system function. One way to assess the quality of your sleep is to ask yourself: Do I feel rested, clear and alert when I wake in the the morning? To look even closer at your sleep patterns answer the following questions: Do you have trouble falling asleep? Do you often wake up during the night? Do you...
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Breathe Easy This Winter
Date Posted: 27 May 2013
Breathe Easy 2 is a potent herbal that helps to Reduce mucous congestion Reduce sensitivity to external allergens Relieve anxiety Reduce symptoms of Asthma Reduce symptoms of Hay fever Reduce cough and bronchospasm Breathe easy 2 enhances your natural immune response to allergens, helping to maintain a healthy upper respiratory tract. Helpful Tips The changeable nature of wi...
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Can the weather really affect my mood?
Date Posted: 6 May 2013
Do you typically find during autumn and winter you can … Feel less motivated Have difficulty waking up in the morning Tend to oversleep and over eat Crave carbohydrates which can lead to weight gain Experience a lack of energy Have difficulty concentrating on or completing tasks Withdraw from friends, family, and social activities Have a decreased sex drive Experience pessimistic feelings of hopelessness and lack of pleasure If you can say yes to a number of the symptoms above then you may be experiencing S.A.D – Seasonal Affective Disorder – as some people experienc...
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Amazing Joint Support
Date Posted: 2 May 2013
Elanor Anderson of British Columbia in Canada can’t speak highly enough about the results she has achieved with the help of Flexcel : “ I have told many of my acquaintances in my walking group, curling, aquacize, etc about your website and the extraordinary success that I have had, going from being severely debilitated with rheumatoid arthritis 2 years ago to the active almost 81 year old (young) that I am today. I ski, hike up to 300m elevation, am building a house, actively participate in volunteer groups and more. My cure, and it is a cure, owes much to Flexcel...
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Healthy Heart and BP Balance
Date Posted: 22 April 2013
Have you ever stopped and thought about how amazing your body is? Day in and day the body just does it’s job, pumping blood and oxygen about, digesting nourishment and eliminating waste, as it nourishes every cell, tissue and organ. We tend to take it all for granted until some strain or imbalance arises causing pain or dysfunction such as heart disease or high blood pressure. Fortunately the knowledge of Ayurveda along with Cardio Support and Amrit Kalash Ambrosia can help us to help ourselves. Our everyday choices c...
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How to do a 7-14 Day Gentle Seasonal Cleanse
Date Posted: 8 April 2013
1. Detox Herbals Take 4 tablets of Herbal Cleanse before going to bed each night to help eliminate impurities Take 2 tablets of Elim-Tox or Elim-Tox-O morning and evening to cleanse the liver, blood, sweat glands and the elimination system Which one is for me? If you experience heartburn, excess stomach acid, feel angry a lot of the time or suffer from acne take ...
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All About Me #2
Date Posted: 27 March 2013
Your #1 Priority “Your body today is the result of your choices yesterday. Your body tomorrow will be the result of your choices today” 4000 year old Vedic saying. Chances are life is busy, right? Doing less to accomplish more and keeping it simple becomes particularly important when life is busy or demanding. That means it’s helpful to know the one most important choice you can make to balance Vata, Pitta or Kapha within you. So first let’s get started with a little knowledge and then review the one key choice for you below. About the Doshas...
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All About Me #1
Date Posted: 18 March 2013
I am unique Have you noticed… Some people need 9 hours sleep a night, while others thrive on 7-8 hours sleep Some people never put on weight no matter how much they eat, yet others just look at food and gain weight! Some people thrive with vigorous exercise, while others find a walk is enough Such human differences are familiar to us all and highlight how unique we all are. Basically, because people are different their health and wellbeing needs do not fall into a one size fits all approach. That is why one diet approach may work for your friend yet be complet...
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High-Caffeine Energy Drinks—The Ayurvedic Perspective
Date Posted: 28 February 2013
Over recent years the increased number of deaths possibly linked to caffeine-rich energy drinks has alarmed health officials and raised questions about the safety of these beverages. Dr Mark Toomey, Ph.D., an Ayurvedic expert and Director of Ayurvedic Programmess at The Raj Ayurvedic Spa in Fairfield, Iowa comments: “Caffeine increases Vata dosha. Vata governs all movement in the physiology, such as the activity of digestion and the nervous system. With small amounts of caffeine we can see the increased alertness and the effect it has on elimination. But in large amounts this aggravation of Vata dosha can be experienced as insomnia, anxiety, worry, dryness, f...
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Amrit and Asperger Syndrome
Date Posted: 27 February 2013
We had a call from a lady called Jacqueline who had heard of our product Maharishi Amrit Kalash and was keen to know if it was available. When asked where she had heard about it, she told us she had Asperger Syndrome and had read about Amrit in a book entitled “Aspergirls – Empowering Females with Asperger Syndrome”. The book’s author, Rudy Simone, speaks of her experience with Maharishi Amrit and it’s effects on Asperger Syndrome. She poses that “autism is initially caused by a compromised digestive system which allows toxins from the environment and food to get into the bloodstream and impact brain development at crucial stages”. ...
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My Multi-Mineral Needs
Date Posted: 25 February 2013
It may surprise you to know that more people are deficient in minerals than vitamins. When the diet, digestion or assimilation is insufficient, minerals are the more important supplement to take. About minerals The human physiology is unable to manufacture minerals like it manufactures certain vitamins. Minerals are constituents of the bones, teeth, muscle, blood, and nerves. They are vital to our overall mental and physical well being Iron, magnesium and other minerals can only be found in the soil. Plants absorb them directly from the soil and we acquire them through the various steps of the food ch...
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7 Ways to Beat Stress & Stay Happy
Date Posted: 13 February 2013
First off, follow the 90/10 rule for a happier life. The 90/10 equation is as follows: 90% is what happens to you-it's out of your control. 10% is how you react to what happens to you-that is totally in your control. Here are some specific ayurvedic stress-management tips to help you cope at your best. 1. Herbal Help: Smooth Emotions - ...
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Herbs for Vigour and Vitality
Date Posted: 7 February 2013
If you have wondered what you can do to support vigor and vitality then this week’s insight spotlights the best herbs and foods for both men and woman. The key to sexual well-being is maintaining a high level of vital energy. When this vital energy is maintained both desire and sexual capacity are experienced at a healthy level. You may wonder what causes this natural vitality to become weakened? As this natural vitality is the result of high levels of ojas in the physiology, whatever weakens ojas can weaken your sexual well-being. Conversely whatever strengthens ojas also strengthens your sexual well-being. So, what is ojas?...
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Be a Vital Woman
Date Posted: 24 January 2013
Within each of us is a natural glow of vitality and vibrant youthfulness – no matter our age. Sometimes it can seem like a woman’s work is never done - and this natural vitality can become depleted leaving us feeling under-resourced physically, mentally or emotionally. This week we spotlight an amazing product called Vital Lady designed to help women feel composed on the inside and dynamic on the outside. It targets inner strength, energy and vitality. And because Vital Lady promotes stamina and resistance to day-to-day stress, it is the ideal choice...
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Tips for Healthy, Happy Kids
Date Posted: 21 December 2012
Every mother knows her child is unique and special; Ayurveda recognizes that as well. As the new year starts and children return to school it can be helpful to consider how to best support your child, grandchild, niece or nephew or friends child that you are close too. This week we aim to give you pointers to help support your young one in effective yet simple ways. To know Ayurveda is to know life. The principles of an Ayurvedic lifestyle, combined with herbal remedies for kids , can be very beneficial to the emotional, physical and spiritual health of a child. There are two herbal formulates that stand out above the rest in helping to support a happy ...
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Build My Fitness Please
Date Posted: 17 December 2012
This week we consider your exercise needs and what you can do to optimise the effectiveness of your exercise. There is no one size fits all when considering any area of your life from diet, lifestyle, sleep and exercise too. Some people love building up a sweat while they exercise, while others get overheated easily. Some people need motivation to exercise while others wouldn’t think of not exercising most days. Some people get easily addicted to exercise, do you? These and other choices are expression of your unique mind body type according to Ayurveda. Firstly, no matter what your body type, there are two herbals that a...
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Boost Your Inner Power
Date Posted: 13 December 2012
Many people are frequent visitors to their doctor's office, desperately wanting to know why they are always so tired and lethargic, feeling chronically fatigued. This usually occurs because there is a toxic overload within the body that blocks the flow of your life force which presents symptomatically with fatigue, lethargy, loss of excitement or vitality for life, poor digestion, aches and pains, and depression or anxiety. Fortunately, the human body is amazing and at its core being is the vital energy, which allows you to reverse the damage done once you return the harmony between the mind, body, and spirit and allow the life force to flow naturally and freely. ...
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More Energy = More Success
Date Posted: 12 December 2012
In this day and age, there is a high expectation to be able to multi-task, regardless of whether you are male or female. You may work a full-time role, and come home to another role as a parent, or even in a single role, you may be challenged to complete your daily multiple tasks. This can include being a supervisor in charge of others while managing your own client load, or even a stay-at-home mother looking after her children while ensuring the house is still in one piece. But in order to stay in order, you must sustain the energy and vitality to keep on top of your game to remain a player. It can be difficult to maintain adequate energy and vitality i...
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Digesting the festive season
Date Posted: 6 December 2012
Digesting the festive season can be challenging with the variety of tasty treats to tempt one! This weeks insight we consider how to support your digestive fires so that you will enjoy your food and remain comfortable. Just as your finger print is unique so to your digestive tendencies. What is your experience? Select your tendency below and see what you can do this Xmas to enhance digestion and protect your energy and wellbeing for the coming year: Is your digestion changeable - sometimes okay, sometimes slow, and sometimes hot and fast? This can give rise to burping, flatulence, dryness, constipation or altern...
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Late nights - how to cope
Date Posted: 30 November 2012
Ho, ho, ho - the festive season has arrived and the joy of party time is here! At such times it is natural to find a 10pm bedtime may go out the window as the festivity with loved ones and friends takes prominence. And that's okay as it's not what we do occasionally that matters, but what we do most of the time. So what can we do when we have a late night and want to maintain an overall balance at the same time? Late Night Recovery The natural enjoyment of party time has been with us for as long as we know and who can argue with that. To help you enjoy this season apply the following technique when you need to. No matter what t...
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Beautiful gifts for Xmas
Date Posted: 27 November 2012
Are you hearing Christmas bells now that it is only a few weeks away? What's neat about Christmas is the chance to show our love to special people in our lives. To help you do just that we have put together a gift pack to delight your loved ones. If your loved one is Quick moving, lively and imaginative person, who likes change and variety? Then they are more Vata . When out of balance they may appear changeable, indecisive, anxious, have spells of forgetfulness and tendency to dry skin. Balancing Vata creates energy, clarity and creativity, while decreasing restlessness and anxiety… ...
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Supercharge your exercise
Date Posted: 20 November 2012
The foundation of any physical pursuit is of course, a strong body that is vibrant with energy and health. We all know that adequate fluids, nutritious food, rejuvenating sleep, regular exercise and a happy work life balance are key to optimal mental and physical fitness. This week we look at what herbals you can take to give yourself an additional edge, helping you to achieve stellar sports performance! Our bodies are wonderfully complex and Ayurveda provides a sophisticated understanding and herbals to maximise energy and performance. When considering how to super charge your exercise it doesn't matter whether you are a beginner or an elite athlete - the herbals we suggest wil...
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"Easy as" Exercise
Date Posted: 6 November 2012
“Easy as” exercise is exercise that suits your nature and which is completed in an effortless way. This effortless way of exercising allows a person to enter the ‘zone’ – the place expert sports people speak of where exercise is easy, fluid and where amazing results occur. By understanding your exercise needs and adjusting your exercise patterns accordingly, you can find yourself experiencing this zone on a daily basis. Want to give it a go? Benefits of effortless exercise Being active has many benefits and can be surprisingly easy to incorporate into daily life once you know what is right for you. If you have felt the high that comes after e...
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Vata Exercise Recommendations
Date Posted: 6 November 2012
As your profile typically needs to build stamina you will do best with exercise that require bursts of speed with rest periods in between. Walking, Yoga, Tai chi, Pilates, easy cycling, swimming and light jogging are good forms of exercise for you. Let your choice of exercise be guided by your enjoyment and choose exercise forms that you really like! Begin your exercise by breathing comfortably through the nose. Monitor your pace and at the point where you would start gulping air through the mouth slow down and re-establish easy nose breathing. After 1-3 minutes at this slower pace then pick up your pace again and see how much further you will get this time before needing to res...
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Pitta Exercise Recommendations
Date Posted: 6 November 2012
Your profile generally has a strong, muscular body with loads of energy and drive, along with a strong desire to win. It is important to avoid overheating while exercising and to ensure you hydrate well, especially when sweating or in hot climates. To help you stay on track, it is necessary to balance heat and excessive competitive spirit with cooling sports that are more enjoyable than competitive. Your nature is also balanced by sharing accomplishments with others so team sports are good for you. Exercises best suited to you include walking (which encourages relaxation), swimming, any water related or team sport. Fast paced sports and competitive situations appeal to...
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Kapha Exercise Recommendations
Date Posted: 6 November 2012
By nature you are strong, with a good capacity for exercise. You do best with vigorous exercise that causes you to sweat. It can feel good to sweat and pump the blood through your veins. Exercise stimulates your metabolism and energises the mind and body and is essential for your long-term wellbeing. Your type suits vigorous exercise like power walking, running, jogging, aerobics and any vigorous exercise you enjoy. Your profile typically has the natural build for a long distance runner or distance rowing. When starting an exercise program consider asking family or friends to exercise with you to help you get started and to help you stick with it. Once you get int...
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Love Your Heart
Date Posted: 30 October 2012
How is worry reduced? Did you know that the human heart consists of two separate, but connected hearts? The physical heart acts as a pump to keep the body alive, while the emotional heart is the fountain of the whole spectrum of positive and negative experiences, from happiness to sadness. Loving your heart has many benefits! Your heart is a very busy muscle pumping litres of blood around your body via blood vessels, which transport oxygen from the lungs and nutrients from the gastrointestinal system to the cells of your body. It then collects waste and carries it away from the cells to be expelled. And it is happening all the time - when you are aslee...
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Be Worry Free
Date Posted: 24 October 2012
The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness according to Ayurveda… and the relentless demands and pressures of modern life can sometimes steal away the joy and replace it with worry. The demands of cell phones, emails, deadlines, competition, budgets, bottom lines and the difficulty we face getting the balance of our work, personal and family time can lead to a constant sense of worry, sleep disorders, anxiety attacks and even depression. This week we explore how to be worry free, living a life that is truly enjoyable, with peace of mind and even blissful. Would you like that? I’m guessing the answer is ‘Yes please!’ Being able to meet the mental demands of the d...
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Could it be my thyroid?
Date Posted: 17 October 2012
Are you constantly tired, cold when others are warm, with a tendency for one or more of the following? Loss of appetite Weight gain Slow pulse Enlarged thyroid gland - goitre Depression Dry skin Brittle fingernails Hair loss Constipation or diarrhea Joint pain Heavier menstrual periods High cholesterol Carpal tunnel syndrome Slow or dulled mental activity Joint pain or general muscular pain Unsteadiness while walking If the answer is yes then your thyroid gland may need some support. ...
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Asthma - a helping hand
Date Posted: 10 October 2012
What causes breathing to become labored? Is there anything one can do to reduce laboured breathing? Asthma begins in the digestive system not in the lungs according to Ayurveda. By understanding how asthma comes about one can intervene with symptoms at an earlier stage and thereby greatly reduce occurrence and severity. Now wouldn’t that be useful! When excess dryness, heat or moisture arise in the digestive system and mix with impurities from partial or incomplete digestion it can cause: Dryness which shrinks the bronchial trees leading to poor circulation. Increased heat causing the bronchia to be more reactive causing a build up of impur...
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Digest Tone – The Magic of Triphala
Date Posted: 3 October 2012
As one learns about the herbs in Digest Tone it is easy to see why it continues to be the ‘people’s choice’. The primary herbs in Digest tone were designed and formulated over five thousand years ago by the experts and physicians of Ayurveda and have been used by millions of people since then. You might say it has stood the test of time! And modern research is confirming its wide reaching benefits. Weight loss - Treats obesity in a nearly miraculous way. Aids fat burning, reduces fluid retention, regulates satiety (feeling of being satisfied) and decreases cravings. At the same time it...
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Recovery after cold and flu
Date Posted: 26 September 2012
How to restore strength and vitality One of our clients asked us to write about how to restore vitality and strength after a cold or flu. From an Ayurvedic perspective upper respiratory conditions begin in the stomach or digestive system. Digestive imbalance causes impurities to build in the upper respiratory channels (sinus, throat and lungs) keeping the immune system busy. This may then result in lack of efficiency in fighting off bugs and germs especially during seasonal changes or times of stress. During seasonal changes the body releases impurities that have built up during the...
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Weight Loss the Ayurveda Way
Date Posted: 19 September 2012
Each of us are unique with our own tendencies, likes and dislikes. This uniqueness is reflected back to us each time we see our reflection. Even within this uniqueness we can see general trends that run in families and nations. These trends are understood in Ayurveda to be a reflection of the five building blocks of nature - earth, water, fire, air and space. When one or more of these underlying elements becomes increased beyond a healthy level then an imbalance occurs. In the case of weight gain it is the water and earth elements that increase beyond a healthy level causing an increase of heaviness or weight. People who are strong in earth and water (Kapha typ...
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Triphala: One Of Nature's Best All Natural Remedies
Date Posted: 19 September 2012
In this age of fast food, fast-paced lifestyles, and improper rest, it is hard to find people that do not have issues with their health. Many people believe they are healthy because they do not exhibit outward signs of ill-health, but when you take a deeper look inside, trouble is lurking just underneath the surface. Often times, people will begin to exercise, start drinking more water, look towards all natural remedies , or change their diet and only then realize how unhealthy they really were before the changes were implemented. It has been a belief held for over five thousand years by those who practice Ayurveda that the root cause of disease lies wit...
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Your Prostate Health
Date Posted: 12 September 2012
The Prostate is a small gland (about the size of a walnut) found only in men. It lies just below the bladder and surrounds the tube (urethra) that drains urine from the bladder. Its job is to secrete a milky fluid, which becomes part of the semen and nourishes the sperm. During one’s 20’s to 30’s when testosterone levels are high the prostate functions happily and is off the health radar - the plumbing works fine. After the age of 40 a decrease in testosterone levels can cause the prostate gland to enlarge in some men, leading to obstruction in the flow of urine with increased potential for infection. Many men over 45 have some prostate enlargement, but symptoms are rarely notic...
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Natural Detox Remedies for Strengthening And Balancing Your Digestion
Date Posted: 8 September 2012
According to Ayurveda , digestion is one of the key foundations of good physical and mental health. When the digestive system becomes clogged and stops working as it should, the body's channels become congested, toxins are not properly eliminated, and they begin to accumulate. This will affect every part of your health including your emotional, mental, and physical well-being. There are many natural detox remedies out there that can help. Digestion is a Process In Ayurveda , a better word for digestion is processing. Everything your body does revolves around a process. When one process is off or is not ...
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Joint Ease and Osteoarthritis
Date Posted: 4 September 2012
Do you or a close friend experience joint stiffness , diminished range of movement or find it can be painful to get moving first thing? Living with these symptoms is painful and limiting. Knowing ‘what to do’ is an important first step in finding a way through. Ayurveda has understood this condition deeply for over 3000 years and has a unique and effective contribution to make. Take a moment to read below and start your action plan to address the root causes and thereby help to restore ease and mobility to your joints. Or send this email on to a friend or family member who you would like to help. There are a number of effective actions a person can...
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Which Detox is Right for Me?
Date Posted: 29 August 2012
Welcome to Spring! Spring is a time when your body's natural cleansing and rejuvenating mechanisms kick into high gear in tune with all of nature. Now is the ideal time to do an at-home internal cleansing program, to allow your body to release the impurities (ama) that may have built up over the long cold winter. Ama is the product of incomplete digestion - it represents sticky toxic matter that can clog the channels of your body that carry nutrients to the cells and waste out of the body. The following program includes a combination of dietary, lifestyle and herbals to provide a potent but gentle way to help you restore balance and reduce impurities. Select ...
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Your Kapha Gentle Detox
Date Posted: 29 August 2012
Recommended Duration: 15-30 days Welcome to the Kapha Gentle Detox. Just as nature has rhythms so too our body follows set cleansing cycles. Working with these cycles helps us maintain health and can prevent the seasonal coughs, colds, flues and allergies that come when the body is in need of cleansing. Between each season the body naturally likes to cleanse or detox any impurities (ama) that may have arisen in the previous season. Ama is the product of incomplete digestion, it represents sticky toxic matter that can clog the channels of your body which carry nutrients to the cells and waste out of the body. We like to think of the seasonal cleanses as being ...
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Your Pitta Gentle Detox
Date Posted: 28 August 2012
Recommended duration: 7-15 days Welcome to the Pitta gentle detox. Just as nature has rhythms, so to our body follows set cleansing cycles. Working with these cycles helps us maintain health and can prevent the seasonal coughs, colds, flus and allergies that come when the body is needing cleansing. Between each season the body naturally likes to cleanse or detox any impurities (ama) that may have arisen in the previous season. Ama is the product of incomplete digestion. It represents sticky toxic matter that can clog the channels of your body that carry nutrients to the cells and waste out of the body. We like to think of the seasonal cleanses as being like h...
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Your Vata Gentle Detox
Date Posted: 28 August 2012
Recommended duration: 7-15 days Welcome to the Vata gentle detox. Just as nature has rhythms, so too our body follows set cleansing cycles. Working with these cycles helps us maintain health and can prevent the seasonal coughs, colds, flus and allergies that come when the body is in need of cleansing. Between each season the body naturally likes to cleanse or detox any impurities (ama) that may have arisen through the previous season. Ama is the product of incomplete digestion - it represents a sticky toxic matter that can clog the channels of your body that carry nutrients to the cells and waste out of the body. We like to think of the seasonal cleanses as b...
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Ayurvedic Exercise to Strengthen Your Immune System
Date Posted: 26 August 2012
Experts of Ayurveda recommend getting some form of exercise on a regular basis for longevity and an overall sense of well-being. It is praised as one of the most effective natural immunity boosters around. You can strengthen your immune system while benefiting your body, your mind, and your spirit. The Physical Benefits There are numerous physical benefits to exercising with Ayurvedic principles, such as enhanced strength, agility and energy, increased vitality, the ability to strengthen your immune system naturally, and the ability to flush and eliminate toxins. Exercise for Your Mind-Body Type...
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Checklist for Dad
Date Posted: 22 August 2012
It’s time to celebrate our dads with some extra special attention… This week we spotlight Dad – the unsung hero who shares his strength and support, often selflessly. As you prepare for Father’s Day we suggest you return this love and care with some loving attention of your own. To help, here is a checklist of ways to care for Dad! ...
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Work Toward Natural Heart Health the Ayurvedic Way
Date Posted: 18 August 2012
While exercise is always recommended, Ayurveda cautions about not overdoing it and taking a moderate approach, as over-extending yourself can shorten your life span just as much as not exercising can. Many countries, especially Western countries, are sedentary, but all too often, people become obsessed with becoming thin. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to be in shape and wanting to take care of your body, it can be taken too far and turn dangerous to your health. The ancient science of life, Ayurveda, originated in India thousands of years ago and still uses the same principles of nature to restore balance in the individual now as it did then. The Ayurvedic approach t...
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Premenstrual Syndrome - there is help
Date Posted: 15 August 2012
When menstruation is on the horizon (5-11 days before it starts) if life gets a little or a lot harder, then PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) could be the cause. In this week’s insight we take a look at PMS symptoms and what can be done to reduce or eliminate them. The part of the body that is primarily responsible for a healthy menstrual flow is the area below the navel (Apana). It governs the downward expulsion of the menstrual flow, as well as that of other wastes. Providing a natural balance to the downward flow of Apana is Prana, which flows upwards from the navel activating the nervous system. Maintaining a happy balance between these two areas is the ba...
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Healthy Sugar Balance
Date Posted: 8 August 2012
The body likes to be finely tuned… just like a car. The better it is treated overall, the better each and every part of the body can be maintained. If one part is out of kilter, it will strain the others. As our diets have become more energy ladden and fastfoods easily accessible high blood sugar issues (kapha imbalance) have become more common both in adults and children. Too many sweet, heavy foods, long-term stress and lack of exercise all contribute to a sugar intolerance. Symptoms to look out for are: Signs of Kapha imbalance such as weight gain, cold sluggish digestion, fluid retention, drowsiness, lethargy, over-eating and sedentary life...
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Obtain Natural Heart Health With An Ayurvedic Lifestyle
Date Posted: 5 August 2012
Unlike Western beliefs, Ayurveda considers the heart to be the seat of human consciousness and one of the most precious organs. Ensuring natural heart health is essential, as the heart serves dual purposes. The first purpose is the physical aspect of its responsibilities, while the second purpose is to serve as the emotional centre for feelings such as love, sorrow, joy, and anger. In Ayurveda, the lotus represents the heart, and the soul is the jewel that lies in the tender and delicate folds hidden within the lotus blossom. What you feel within your heart determines how you connect with the world, and when your heart is healthy, happy, and balanced, you will t...
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Constipation - You are not alone
Date Posted: 2 August 2012
Embarrassing as it may be we have all suffered from constipation at one time or another. Constipation is a common condition which affects the digestive system, where the stool (bowel motion) becomes hard and elimination is difficult. If you have difficulty in eliminating (straining or discomfort) and do so less than daily, then we would say you are constipated. The stools that you do pass will usually be hard and dry or may be pebble-like. Maharishi Ayurveda understands constipation to arise when the lower intestines (Apana Vata) become imbalanced causing the natural downward flow to become reversed, making bowel movements irregular, difficult or obstructed. Why does this h...
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9 Ayurvedic Tips for Stress Relief and Happiness
Date Posted: 27 July 2012
Heart health is a concern for many people. In the United States, heart disease makes it to the top of the list as the number one killer for both men and women, resulting in someone having a heart attack every twenty seconds. If these statistics do not concern you, they should. One in four people in the US have some form of heart disease; every thirty seconds, someone dies as a result. Ayurveda, five thousand year old holistic approach to life and medicine, is still relevant for today's time, if not more so now, and offers many tips that can keep your heart healthy and happy with natural cardio supplements . Stress Relief In Ay...
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Keep the Fires Burning
Date Posted: 24 July 2012
When its cold outside then inside can get colder too. Just as we warm up our houses to provide a comfortable temperature, so too Winter is a time when our internal fire or digestive fire (called Agni) likes to be supported. Giving support at the right time makes life easier and helps to protect against a build up of toxins that results in strong allergies or susceptibility for colds and flues as Spring arrives. Be savvy and keep your fires burning bright! Review below to see what type of support would be helpful for you now: Does Kapha Dosha need support? If you often feel complacent or dull, tend towards overweight, slow digestion, experienc...
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Lean Superfoods
Date Posted: 24 July 2012
Get Lean with Lentils Protein packed lentils are a lean superfood that provides energy and power for a number of hours after eating. This week we have a recipe for you - Spicy Lentil Casserole . This tasty recipe is a great way to introduce lentils into your diet or to add variety. Lentils are often used as a cheap way to bulk out foods and add fibre to your diet and are delicious when cooked the right way. Health Benefits of Lentils Lentils are a small but nutritionally mighty member of the legume family and also a very good sourc...
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Spicy Lentil Casserole
Date Posted: 24 July 2012
Try this easy to make, tasty, spicy lentil dish. Tip: To spice it right use the spice mix or Churna that matches your current needs. See which one suits your needs: Vata Churna - If you are changeable, indecisive, fast moving or anxious; prone to insomnia, spells of forgetfulness, dry skin and constipation; need calming and settling, then Vata Churna is the one for you. Pitta Churna - If you are intense; critical; frustrated or angry; prone to overwork, have a ravenous appetite and excess stomach acid; prone to hot flushes and need coolin...
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What is S.A.D.?
Date Posted: 23 July 2012
As the months become colder, darker, seemingly longer it is not uncommon to feel unmotivated or sad. Read below to learn about Seasonal Affective Disorder. Could it be affecting you? Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that tends to occur (and recur) as the days grow shorter in the autumn and winter. It is believed that affected persons react adversely to the decreasing amounts of light and the colder temperatures as the autumn and winter progress. Seasonal affective disorder is also sometimes called winter depression, winter blues, or the hibernation reaction. Symptoms include tiredness, fatigue, depression, crying spells, irritability, ...
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Ayurveda And Yoga: Sisters For Emotional Balance and Health
Date Posted: 19 July 2012
Yoga and Ayurveda are interconnected, just as branches on the same tree. They have been considered sister sciences within the Vedic system since ancient times. These sciences use Vedic knowledge to encompass the human body, the natural world, and the universe for the sake of healing and balancing the mind, body, and spirit, or consciousness. While Ayurveda concentrates mainly on healing the body, Yoga is used for stress relief , emotional balance, and purifying your inner consciousness and mind. However, the two are not in conflict in their roles; rather, they embrace and complement each other, and it is often argued that one cannot be properly practiced as a dis...
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A Special Oriental Herb
Date Posted: 13 July 2012
Would you like more mind power? This week we focus on a very special herb that is perhaps the most important rejuvenative herb in Ayurveda that has amazing potential for enhancing your mind power no matter your age: Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) Also known as Thyme-leaved gratiola Effects Bitter, Cooling, Sweet Inhibits Vata and calms the nerves Rejuvenative for Pitta Helps reduce excessive Kapha Brahmi is the herbal choice for helping to revitalize the nerves and ...
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Ayurvedic Healing: The Amazing Amla Berry
Date Posted: 10 July 2012
The amazing amla berry, which is also known as amalaki and in English referred to as the Indian gooseberry, is revered as the best rejuvenating herb by the Charaka Samhita. All parts of the plant can be used for Ayurvedic healing , including the flowers, bark, roots, leaves, seeds, and fruit and consists of five out of the six tastes: pungent, bitter, sweet, sour, and astringent. While the fresh fruit is often used in relishes and chutneys in India, the supplement offered by Maharishi Ayurveda is a great way of including it in your daily diet in a convenient tablet form. The supplement is incredible and only contains one ingredient, amalaki. It requires a meticul...
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The Magic of Herbs
Date Posted: 6 July 2012
Herbs are seen in Ayurveda not just as powerful aids in restoring health and for rejuvenation, but also for awakening higher faculties and the deeper vital energies, or prana. Herbs work at the level of pranamaya kosha , the vital energy or pranic body. They link the body and mind together as they stimulate the flow of prana through the body and mind. Daily use of herbs benefits us all and like food, the benefits accrue over time. According to Ayurveda, the sap of plants contain a powerful life essence that combines with the plasma (rasa) in the body giving nurture and promoting healing and transformation on all levels. So next time you are taking a herb, stop and...
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Ayurvedic Nutrition and Power Foods to Increase Vitality
Date Posted: 30 June 2012
Youthfulness, energy, good health, and vitality are attributes most people would say they want more of in their lives. Choosing the right foods for your dosha-type is one of the key concepts in Ayurvedic nutrition . Ayurvedic food covers a wide array, including shad rasa (the six tastes), spices, cooking, dosha-specific choices, and so much more. You can unlock your inner fountain of youth with Ayurvedic foods , and even better, Ayurvedic power foods. While this list is not complete, it will give you a great idea as to what Ayurveda demands of food and the food groups prized in Ayurveda for being power foods. Grains and Cereal ...
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Super Healthy Kids this Winter
Date Posted: 29 June 2012
To help your kids be super healthy this winter let’s first understand how conventional medicine and Ayurvedic medicine view the tendency for children to get ill in Winter. Then let's see how to keep your kids well and what to do to help recovery as needed. We have drawn upon the help of a great book that is now available (while stocks last) based on the experiences of Dr Kumuda Reddy a medical doctor in the USA who has used Maharishi Ayurveda to help many families stay well in Winter. Why do children get ill in Winter? The conventional view is that children are more prone to flu, colds, upper respiratory infections and other illnesses because their imm...
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Kitchen Corner – Immune Boosting Spices For Winter
Date Posted: 21 June 2012
Winter is a time where the body likes to build immune strength. Timely one might say, with the colds and flu that abound at this time. One tip to help build immune strength, reduce phlegm and to enliven you this winter is to use spices in your lunch or dinner meals. Read on to see how… The exotic colours and heady aromas of spices can elevate an ordinary dish into a sublime feast for the sense of sight, smell and taste. What's more, most spices also come with health supporting properties, so every meal that includes spices can become an experience in supporting health and well-being. Our spice mixtures are precise blends of spices and seasonings that include all six ay...
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Audrey’s Amazing Story
Date Posted: 21 June 2012
Over 5 years ago Audrey noticed she was waking with stiff and sore muscles, as if she had exercised vigorously and was suffering the after-effects. Somewhat puzzled by this Audrey went to see her Doctor in her Rural Medical Centre in Australia. Audrey’s Doctor recognised the need to delve deeper and referred her to a specialist who diagnosed calcification of her lungs. This fibrosis of the lungs had resulted in reduced oxygen flow to the body and a build up of lactic acid causing the muscle aches and pains. It was as if Audrey had just run a marathon. What could the specialist suggest? The usual prognosis was to expect continued deterioration of the...
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Timely Tips for a Great Winter
Date Posted: 21 June 2012
It’s time to wrap up warm and to bring out the slow cooker or pressure cooker for yummy soups and stews to warm you from within. The plummeting temperatures can bring icy winds, rain and snow so it’s good to be prepared. If you’re a winter sports lover than this time of year offers skiing, snowboarding and more! The key to full enjoyment this season is to stay well or to get well as quickly as you can. This article is all about providing you with tips and ways to do just this so you'll enjoy the winter and prepare yourself for a great year ahead. Be Proactive Prevention is better than cure. Be proactive this winter and plan to stay well. Al...
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Beating Physical, Emotional, and Mental Fatigue with Ayurveda
Date Posted: 21 June 2012
Many people are frequent visitors to their doctor's office, desperately wanting to know why they are always so tired and what can be done to remedy this problem. However, western medicine usually cannot offer much, and still, for the most part, does not understand the cause of idiopathic fatigue or chronic fatigue. In most cases, if you consult with a conventional doctor with complaints of lack of energy and lethargy, you are subjected to a series of blood tests, only to walk out with a prescription for an anti-depressant. While depression may be an underlying factor for some, usually it is a matter of cleansing your body and feeding it the proper Ayurvedic nutrition so you can operate at...
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Menopause - nature knows best
Date Posted: 14 June 2012
Just as night follows day and summer follows spring, so too our body goes through cycles. Babies grow to be young girls, who become young woman able to bear children, and then around 35 years reproductive hormones begin to decline (perimenopause). Then around 45-55 years when reproductive hormones have completely declined menstruation ceases completely and menopause (pause of menstruation for a minimum of 1 year ) is considered established. Family support and an understanding partner are crucial to the ease of this transition for a woman. How does Maharishi Ayurveda view Peri- Menopause and Menopause? Nature knows best! Menopause is seen as a p...
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Healthy and Happy Sinuses...
Date Posted: 7 June 2012
Behind your forehead, nasal bones, cheeks and eyes are air-filled spaces which are your sinuses. Mucous membranes line the inside of your nose and sinuses and secrete mucous. This secretion protects your body by trapping external invaders like germs, pollen and dust in the sticky mucous so they don't make their way into your lungs and cause sickness. Ayurveda recognises 3 additional key causes for the build up of sinus congestion. They are: Over-eating beyond digestive capacity, or eating foods that are hard to digest in the evening when digestive power is low. Impurities from incomplete digestion build up in the sinuses (especially while sleeping) causing exce...
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Ayurvedic Healing: Finding the Fountain of Youth Within
Date Posted: 6 June 2012
It does not take very long flipping through channels on the television or through the pages of magazines to see how much of an obsession there is to look younger. However, all the Botox, face fillers, lotions, and creams in the world will not do anything to make your true self feel younger or lead a fulfilling life. That must begin on the inside. The fountain of youth is not in some far mystical land; it lies within your self. Aging is going to Happen, But You Can Choose How Aging is inevitable, everybody knows it, but one can choose to age gracefully, healthily, and still with an inner sense of vitality that reflects on the outside. Appearance may give you a false sen...
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A Happy Prostate
Date Posted: 31 May 2012
Do you or someone close to you experience restricted urine flow or the sensation that the bladder is not completely empty after urinating? Some men experience a need to stop and start again several times when urinating. For some the need to urinate can also be urgent with burning sensations and pain in the abdomen, groin or lower back. What is happening? After the age of 40, a decrease in testosterone levels can cause the prostate gland to enlarge, leading to obstruction in the flow of urine and increased potential for infection. Is there anything you can do to protect yourself or reduce symptoms? From an Ayurvedic perspective the answer is yes. What is ...
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Restore Emotional Balance the Ayurvedic Way
Date Posted: 26 May 2012
Everyone struggles with finding emotional balance from time to time, but for others, it is a continuous and difficult challenge. Western medicine claims they can fix all your issues by simply taking a pill every day; however, their quick fix fails to address the root cause, has unpleasant and dangerous side effects, and only masks the symptoms. People may be well aware that they are experiencing a disruption in their emotional balance or suffering from emotional fatigue , but very few look at their lifestyle choices or diet for answers. Depression, anxiety, phobias, worry, fear, and anger are all signs that your emotional balance is out of kilter...
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Say Goodbye to Back Pain
Date Posted: 24 May 2012
What’s causing your back or joint pain? Back pain is a general term characterised by a constant ache or sharp pain over any area of the back, most commonly the lower region which becomes worse with repetitive bending, turning or twisting. It can be difficult to isolate the reason for back pain or joint pain and it can be very painful. Maharishi Ayurveda utilises a deep understanding of what causes back and joint pain along with diet, herbals and special external oils to provide a remedial approach that really works. As you read on consider what sort of joint or back pain you are prone to and what you can do about it. Then see the joint health...
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Prozac? St John’s Wort? Try Natural Healing Remedies for Depression
Date Posted: 16 May 2012
People are bombarded with television commercials on a daily basis showing a myriad of pharmaceuticals for just about every condition. If you are shy or do not like being in big groups of people, take a pill. If you are feeling anxious, worried, or depressed, take a pill. However, these seemingly quick fixes have serious and severe side effects. Turning Into a Prozac Nation Prozac was once the most commonly prescribed drug for depression and soon after, the backlash began as more became known about the side effects. Recently, there has been an increased interest in all natural remedies as people began to reject the horrendous side effects of psychotropi...
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Stress and Laughter
Date Posted: 15 May 2012
Recent research has demonstrated what we intuitively know - that laughter is good medicine. Humour and laughter make a positive contribution to your physical and mental health. Learning to adopt a lighter attitude and seeing the funny side of everyday situations gives you the resilience you need to cope on the tough days. If you manage to bring your sense of humour to your conflicts at work and at home, you will go a long way toward improving the quality of your life, as well as boosting your physical health and well-being. Laughter dissolves tension, stress, anxiety, irritation, anger, and sadness. Like crying, laughter lowers inhibitions, allowing the release of pent...
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The Importance of Enjoyment
Date Posted: 15 May 2012
The pursuit of pleasure is not to be sneezed at. The universe has provided us with the environment in which nature throws up opportunities for enjoyment in abundance. We humans, through our innate creativity have put the icing on the cake with art, architecture, music, dance, literature, theatre, games and countless indoor and outdoor activities. Not to mention the enjoyment we get from just plain social interaction with family, friends and workmates. So much to enjoy! It is a sin not to participate in some of it. One thing about clichés - they usually hit the nail on the head. Take this one: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Do you spen...
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When anger arises...
Date Posted: 10 May 2012
Do angry words escape your lips before you have a chance to sanitize them? “How dare you… I’ll tell you a thing or two!” For most of us the answer is yes. Why is it that anger arises in the first place and what can we do about it, especially if anger boils over regularly? Why does anger arise? Feeling angry is part of the early warning system when a personal boundary has been crossed or is in danger of being crossed causing discomfort or danger. Anger highlights a need to take action to protect yourself or your loved ones. Looked at from this perspective anger can be a helpful emotion that prompts action when it is ne...
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Happy tummy…
Date Posted: 10 May 2012
Why is it that sometimes after a lovely meal discomfort can arise requiring a ‘quick fix’ to soothe the burning or relieve bloating and gas? Indigestion can be so irritating and painful. Let’s get to the bottom of these symptoms and see what can be done. Indigestion can be defined as a feeling of fullness, bloating, nausea, heartburn or gassy discomfort in the chest and abdomen, often experienced during meals or shortly afterwards. One in four people experience some signs of indigestion. What Ayurveda says Indigestion and its various symptoms arise when there is a doshic imbalance in the gastro-intestinal tr...
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Beat the colds and flus...
Date Posted: 10 May 2012
According to Maharishi Ayurveda colds start in the stomach due to a build up of impurities from partial or incomplete digestion. These impurities (referred to as 'ama') load the immune system keeping it busy as it helps clean up the micro-channels from this invasion of toxins and impurities. At such a time, should you also be exposed to cold and flu germs then your busy immune system may not be able to mobilise its forces quick enough to curb the invading germs. Cold symptoms such as runny nose, cough, and temperature may result as your body fights until the invading cold is gone and normal healthy functioning of your upper respiratory airways is established. What a mirac...
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Depression and an Ayurvedic Approach to Balancing Emotions
Date Posted: 24 April 2012
Depression affects people from all walks of life and affects women more often than men. Women are more vulnerable to depression, especially during or after times of hormonal changes such as pregnancy and after giving birth, the time just before or while menstruating, and during menopause. During these and other times in anyone’s life, balancing emotions can be difficult. This article is intended for educational purposes and is not intended to treat or diagnose any illness. If you or someone you love has depression, it is recommended that you seek care from a licensed practitioner for a proper diagnosis, treatment and advice. There are numerous types of...
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The Secret to Beautiful Skin
Date Posted: 19 April 2012
Water is a powerful life-giving element. It's cooling ... cleansing ... rejuvenating ... satisfying. Water gives stamina and removes fatigue. It aids digestion and elimination. It soothes emotions and supports the heart. In the ancient ayurvedic texts, water is referred to as nectar. Its powerful properties offer effective prevention therapies for cleansing and replenishing the body inside and out. According to ayurveda, life is based on the five primary elements of space, air, fire, water and earth, each element giving rise to the next: space creates air, air creates fire, fire creates water and water creates earth. Therefore, water contains not only its own unique intelligence...
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Healthy Hair Tips for You
Date Posted: 19 April 2012
As the weather turns cool most of us face the problem of dry, dull hair during winter. For others a tendency for dandruff, early graying, thinning of hair, or balding can become pronounced as the winter chill increases. The underlying cause of these different types of hair conditions is well understood within Maharishi Ayurveda and there are some simple but key things you can do to make a difference. Here’s what to do… Tips for healthy shiny hair To keep your hair shiny and healthy and to reduce dry brittle hair and split ends make a point of nourishing the scalp and roots of your hair. For best results nourish your scalp and hai...
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Ayurvedic Steps for Emotional Balance
Date Posted: 16 April 2012
While there are some people who enjoy emotional balance , there are many others who struggle with fear, anger, mood swings, anxiety, or depression. Even when individuals understand it is their emotional health that is out of balance, very few look to their lifestyle or diet as not only causes, but also the potential cure. Rather, they turn to prescription medications and hoping for a quick fix to their problem, only to find out they are not as effective as they were hoping or experienced side effects, some of which can be severe. Since poor lifestyle choices, environmental toxins, stress, and poor dietary intake are often the root cause of the issues surrounding ...
Read more one size fits all
Date Posted: 10 April 2012
Some people love vigorous exercise to build up a sweat, while others don't. Which are you? See below to identify your Ayurvedic exercise profile, then see the tips to help maximise your enjoyment and the return on your exercise. Does this sound like you...? I need motivation to begin exercise and do best when exercising with a friend I enjoy working up a sweat when exercising I like to sleep and can have difficulty getting up early I am naturally relaxed and even, or slow in my movements If so, this indicates a Kapha pacifying exercise ro...
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How to Maintain Ayurvedic Balance with Natural Herbal Remedies
Date Posted: 10 April 2012
The importance of maintaining Ayurvedic balance at all times cannot be overestimated. There are various doshas at work in one's body all the time, although one dosha will naturally be more prevalent than others. Furthermore, a particular dosha will be prevalent at any given time of the year, depending on what season it is. The vata dosha is the dosha that is most prevalent during the autumn, so it is important to eat foods that will help to balance this dosha out and restore order in the body. This can be achieved by understanding which natural herbal remedies and Ayurvedic foods are beneficial. Vata Balancing Foods A person who is use...
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Which Ayurvedic Foods and Drinks are Best for the Summer?
Date Posted: 2 April 2012
Most people are familiar with or have at least heard of Ayurvedic foods and natural herbal remedies . These remedies, unlike most commercial medications found in pharmacies and supermarkets, cure medical conditions and problems without causing harmful negative side effects. However, there is more to Ayurveda than simply taking an occasional Ayurvedic remedy from time to time. By eating the right Ayurvedic foods for any given time of the year, one will be able to keep his or her body balanced and in good health. Drinking Right Even regular medical practitioners recommend that a person drink at least eight cups of water e...
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Eating Natural Foods: Why Dark Green Leafy Vegetables Are Important
Date Posted: 24 March 2012
The importance of eating enough fruits and vegetables every day is undisputed. Even doctors who do not believe in Ayurveda understand that 60% of a person’s diet should consist of fruits and vegetables. However, as everyone knows, there are various types of vegetables, and each vegetable provides certain minerals and vitamins that others do not. Anyone who specializes in Ayurvedic foods will tell you that eating dark green leafy vegetables every single day is imperative if one wants to stay in good health. These vegetables contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, and vitamins A, K, B1, and B2. What Do the Greens Do?...
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The 15-Day Ayurveda Deep Detox
Date Posted: 23 March 2012
The 15 Day Ayurveda Deep Detox is a whole-body detox that is gentle, balanced, and without side-effects Which is the right product combination for me? Choose DETOX COMBO 1 If you don't experience heartburn, excess stomach acid or acne these are the products for you Genitrac (MA2) , Herbal Cleanse (MA602) , Elim-Tox (MA1010) , Vata Massage Oil and Vata Tea or ...
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Keeping it cool...Tips to manage Pitta
Date Posted: 23 March 2012
Summer may be winding down, but the heat can still get to us. For those with a natural tendency to more heat it's about keeping Pitta in balance throughout the year, but particularly in summer. For the rest of us this period between the end of summer and onset of autumn is when the heat of summer is naturally released in our physiology so we also have to deal with it. Maybe you know someone who gets hot-headed, prone to bouts of irritability and anger? Here's a self-test: when driving and another motorist cuts in front of you, do you calmly ease off and sit back, or do your hackles rise? Some of us are born with a more Pitta disposition, but it's only when Pitta is out of balanc...
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Eating Natural Foods: How to Balance Vata Dosha
Date Posted: 18 March 2012
Most people understand the importance of eating natural foods in order to stay healthy. Processed foods and foods with a high sugar content have a devastating impact on one's health and are the cause of many modern ailments that were unheard of in years past. However, it is also important to realize that foods can also help to balance out one’s dosha. There is one particular dosha that is prevalent during any given season of the year, and this dosha will affect not only a person’s moods but also his or her health. Summer is the time of year when the Pitta dosha is prevalent, while the Vata dosha is more prevalent in the wintertime. Kapha is prevalent both ...
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Ayurvedic Foods for Health and Longevity
Date Posted: 11 March 2012
Ironically enough, conventional medicine has all but ignored the importance of eating natural foods and living a healthier lifestyle in favor of quick fix prescription medications. In these fast-paced times, emphasis is placed on convenience and quick fast foods, microwaved prepared dinners, and eating on the go instead of eating home cooked meals while sitting and enjoying the moment. Fortunately, there is an increasingly popular push towards healthier living, eating natural foods, and the importance of nutrition. According to Ayurveda, India's ancient and time-honoured science of health, life, longevity, and vitality, food must take a predominant role in promo...
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The Ayurvedic Approach to Eating Natural Foods
Date Posted: 1 March 2012
Ayurveda, India's ancient science of life, dates back to over five thousand years and still holds as true today as it did when it was developed by sages known as Rishis. The Rishis were masters at observation and meditation, and they used those skills to develop a philosophy of life and healing based on the five basic elements found within the universe – air, earth, ether or space, fire, and water. The five elements and their different combinations create the three doshas – Kapha, Pitta, and Vata. Each person consists of a constitution, or dosha. They may be predominately one dosha or have a constitution exhibiting multiple doshas. By knowing and understanding your dosha, you re...
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Ayurveda and Restoring Supplements for Liver Health
Date Posted: 22 February 2012
The liver is a remarkable and vital organ responsible for facilitating crucial functions within the body. It is also one of the largest glandular organs and is considered the seat of Pitta within Ayurveda. Vital Liver Functions The liver transforms plasma to blood, stores energy, and then releases it as glucose to balance blood sugar when it falls below optimal levels. The liver is also responsible for playing essential roles in sugar, fat, and protein metabolism. Additionally, the liver identifies toxins in order to remove them before they enter the bloodstream. Natural detox remedies and ...
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How to Perform an Ayurvedic Body Cleanse
Date Posted: 8 February 2012
An Ayurvedic body cleanse is designed to improve your health and lengthen your life by removing ama, or toxic impurities from the body. A body cleanse will also have the additional benefit of increasing energy levels while reducing negative thoughts and stress. A herbal body cleanse can be advantageous for everyone, but it is especially beneficial as you get older, since your body develops a tendency to accumulate toxins and impurities. Our bodies were not designed to handle the long-term storage of impurities, which can oftentimes contribute to many health afflictions. Chemicals in the air we breathe, in the food we eat and the ...
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Herbal Remedies for Digestion Aid Proper Elimination
Date Posted: 30 January 2012
One of the most common causes of imbalance in the body is an improperly functioning digestive system. It is essential that you eliminate waste every morning to avoid negatively impacting your physiological, physical, and mental health. Herbal remedies for digestion assist you in maintaining proper elimination of bodily waste. By not following your body's natural clock, your dosha is thrown off balance, and you experience constipation and problems with complete elimination. By storing waste in your body for too long or by not completely eliminating waste, you can begin to experience a toxic build-up of residue ...
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Herbal Body Detoxification with an Internal Body Cleanse
Date Posted: 20 January 2012
Ayurvedic experts have long recommended that followers do periodic internal cleanses in order to prevent disease or afflictions from being manifest and to promote healing and longevity. Just like changing the oil in your car or flushing out the plumbing in your home, Ayurveda uses herbal body detoxification to maintain the balance of your doshas and bodily systems. Herbal body detoxification is especially recommended if you are age 40 or over, as the body's cleansing and rejuvenation mechanisms begin to slow down. Spring is the best time to do a body cleanse, as those mechanisms are at their strongest, just as in na...
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Herbal Remedies for Kids: Know Your Child’s Dosha, Know Your Child
Date Posted: 3 January 2012
Every mother knows her child is unique and special; Ayurveda recognizes that as well. To know Ayurveda is to know life. The principles of an Ayurvedic lifestyle, combined with herbal remedies for kids , can be very beneficial to the emotional, physical and spiritual health of a child. These principles begin with breastfeeding for the optimal start in a child's life. Breastfeeding combined with a happy state of mind of the mother and a loving and secure environment for the baby balances the baby's doshas right from the very beginning and provides the building blocks necessary. When an individual is healthy, all three doshas are properly balanced. In dise...
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Natural Herbal Remedies to Help Teens Harness Pitta
Date Posted: 23 December 2011
The adolescent transition from childhood to adulthood can be intense, both physically and mentally, for any teenager. The swift changes can cause emotional unbalance, mental fatigue , stress, confusion and vulnerability. Ayurveda offers practical applications and natural herbal remedies to help ease this transitory period for teens. According to Ayurveda, Pitta dosha dominates life from mid teens on through early adulthood. The characteristics of Pitta dosha are having a passion for many things, being strong-willed, determined, having initiative and energy, and having good digestion. It is also associated with a high metabolism, heat and bio...
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Increasing Sattva for Emotional Balance with All Natural Remedies
Date Posted: 17 December 2011
Emotional balance, stress relief and a purer state of mind are things we all strive to achieve. According to Ayurvedic tradition, all of creation contains three gunas, or influencers, called sattva, rajas and tamas. These three gunas influence our state of mind and being. Sattva is clear, harmonious and creative; rajas is all activity and movement; and tamas is lethargic, slow, dull and inert. Every individual contains all three gunas to varying degrees and each guna is perpetually interplaying with another. Excessive tamas and rajas can disturb the mind, cause a buildup of stress and tension, and make the body feel fatigued and cumbersome. The way to achieve your goal of ...
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Natural Weight Loss for Kapha Dosha
Date Posted: 10 December 2011
Maharishi Ayurveda separates individuals into three doshas: Kapha, Vata and Pitta. Although a person may have elements of more than one dosha, most are predominantly one dosha. Individuals who are Kapha types may have a harder time with natural weight loss . If an individual dislikes exercise, has an overwhelming propensity for wanting to eat sweets, is larger-boned, slow-moving and often fatigued, they are probably predominately Kapha, and need to restore balance to encourage natural weight loss . Realizing what causes an imbalance in Kapha is integral for restoring and maintaining balance. It is common for a Kapha-type to have a slow o...
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Rebalance Pitta for Natural Weight Loss
Date Posted: 4 December 2011
If you are dominantly Pitta, then you generally digest your food well and have no problems burning carbohydrates or sugars. Most Pitta-types do not have a problem with weight gain, but it can occur if this dosha burns too hot for too long. Maintain a proper Pitta balance to encourage natural weight loss . Problems with digestion begin by skipping meals; this is the number one problem for Pitta individuals. When digestion is thrown off balance, ama (toxic waste produced by the body due to incomplete or improper digestion) clogs the body’s channels. Pitta-types should be very careful to not only never skip a meal, but eat at the same time every day. When the stomac...
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Healthy Recipes for Weight Loss: Vata-Related Weight Imbalances
Date Posted: 30 November 2011
In Ayurveda, each individual is predominantly one of three types of dosha: Vata, Pitta or Kapha. Vata types are usually slender and wiry, but they can also experience weight gain due to an imbalance in their dosha. All doshas have the capacity for creating ama, or digestive toxins, due to an imbalance. Healthy recipes for weight loss and all natural remedies can help a Vata-predominant individual shed unwanted pounds and avoid future weight gain. Individuals who are Vata-predominant are more susceptible to mental stress. Mental stress can affect how much they eat, how often, and the types of food they eat. By not eating at consistent times every day or not eatin...
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Improve Your Health with Ayurvedic Foods
Date Posted: 7 November 2011
The term "comfort food" is a misnomer. Rich sauces, cakes and ice cream might give you temporary pleasure, but in the long run they are more likely to lead to discomfort. Think of that the next time you reach for the potato chips or candy bars in the middle of the night! Genuine comfort food is food that satisfies you, while providing you with goodness and nutritional value. According to Maharishi Ayurveda, these foods should be nurturing, wholesome and intelligent. "Intelligent" in this sense refers to the ability of the food to carry nature's intelligence to the body and mind. Known as triptighna, these are fresh, organic, homemade Ayurvedic foods —not preserve...
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Reap the Benefits of an Ayurvedic Therapeutic Bath
Date Posted: 31 October 2011
According to Maharishi Ayurveda, bathing is an important part of your daily routine and a therapeutic activity that can deliver numerous benefits to the body and mind. A relaxing therapeutic bath in the morning is thought to soothe aching muscles, relax the mind, open pores, and deliver moisture to the body's tissues. What better way to start your day? The benefits of a therapeutic bath have been enjoyed for thousands of years. Bathing has always been considered an extremely sacred activity in India. In Mohenjo Daro, archaeologists exploring the Indus Valley Civilisation discovered a large structure, shaped like a pool with steps at either end. Many private home...
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Lose Weight the Ayurveda Way
Date Posted: 28 October 2011
Tired of playing diet tug of war? Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant Linda Sinden shows us how to lose weight permanently and safely. According to Ayurveda, there is no 'one size fits all' approach to losing weight. Some people are naturally round, with mild appetite and a slow metabolism and require a focused effort to lose weight; while others may have a slim-to-thin body shape with a fast metabolism that requires regular meals. Every individual has an ideal weight to fit their unique nature. What type of weight gain do you experience? Kapha Do you gain weight even though you eat small amounts of food?...
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Tips for Beauty and Aging from Maharishi Ayurveda
Date Posted: 23 October 2011
Beautiful, smooth, glowing skin can be yours whatever your age, provided you take into account four key elements: nourishment, rehydration, detoxification and stress management. Maharishi Ayurveda can help you with beauty and aging using herbal skin remedies . Nourishment Your skin should be nourished from the inside and outside, all year round. According to Maharishi Ayurveda, dietary adjustments will improve your skin and nourish it from the inside. Pay attention to your skin, body type, and seasonal dietary guidelines to get the balance right. ...
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Experience the Beauty of Aromatherapy Essential Oils
Date Posted: 17 October 2011
The practice of aromatherapy is simply the use of fragrant oils in a therapeutic way. From adding lavender bath oil to your evening soak to lighting scented aromatherapy candles in your home, aromatherapy is used by millions of people all over the world on a daily basis. You may already be using aromatherapy without even realising it! There are no complex techniques to master; if you don't want to create your own oils you can purchase ready-made aromatherapy essential oils . Aromatherapy has been utilized for thousands of years. The Egyptians used it for medicinal and cosmetic purpo...
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Look and Feel Your Best with Natural Beauty Care from Maharishi Ayurveda
Date Posted: 10 October 2011
The key to achieving true beauty, inside and out, is to give equal attention to the body, mind and spirit. Too often, people concentrate on only one of the three, assuming that will be enough. Don't worry—it might sound like a lot to take on, but in actual fact Ayurvedic natural beauty care tips make it incredibly straightforward. Let's start with something simple: your breathing. This may seem like a no-brainer, but do you breathe correctly? Yes, believe it or not - there is a 'right' and a 'wrong' way to breathe! Take a minute to concentrate on your breathing. Most people take shallow breaths, using only the upper chest. Maharishi Ayurveda pra...
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Essential Aromatherapy Oils Keep You Balanced All Year Long
Date Posted: 4 October 2011
Maharishi Ayurveda places great importance on aromatherapy; using extracts from flowers and herbs, aromas can treat many psycho-physiological issues. Synthetic or chemically-produced fragrances simply do not have the same health benefits and may even cause more harm than good. The most common way of using aromatherapy in Ayurvedic medicine is through a blend of many different aromas. The aromas enter the body through the senses and go straight to the bloodstream. By carefully combining several ingredients, potential side effects of any one single substance can be avoided. Single essential aromatherapy oils can be used, but more often several are combined. In Mah...
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Give Your Skin a Boost with Simple Skin Care Tips
Date Posted: 27 September 2011
When it comes to skin care tips , the first thing you need to know is less is more! Let your skin breathe as much as possible. So many beauty products and cosmetics contain chemicals that can dry out the skin, increase sensitivity and trigger allergic reactions. Think about how you would treat a baby's delicate skin; you wouldn't overload it with harsh products and toxic chemicals, so why do that to your own? Maharishi Ayurveda recommends cutting out synthetic products and going back to nature to achieve healthy, glowing skin. These skin care recipes from Maharishi Ayurveda are an excellent way to start breathing new life into your skin! ...
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Natural Hair Care and Nail Care Tips from Maharishi Ayurveda
Date Posted: 19 September 2011
According to the Council of Maharishi Ayurveda Physicians, hair and nails come from the same place—both are formed from the same kind of bone tissue transformation. Of the three types of hair (kesh, the hair on your head, lom, the fine hair on your arms and legs, and samasru, all over body hair), kesh or head hair is the most significant in relation to beauty and general health and wellbeing. Nakh (nails) originate from the same place as kesh. You may be surprised to know that Ayurvedic experts consider kesh and nakh to be waste products! However they are unique in that they tell us a lot about a person's health; take care of yours with natural hair care and ...
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The Ayurvedic Path to Natural Heart Health
Date Posted: 15 September 2011
Did you know that the human heart consists of two separate, but connected, hearts? The physical heart acts as a pump to keep the body alive, while the emotional heart is the fountain of the whole spectrum of positive and negative experiences, from happiness to sadness. There is no doubt that the heart is a complex organ, capable of experiencing pain on two levels: physical and emotional. Physical heart problems may be caused by an accumulation of undigested matter (known in Ayurvedic medicine as "ama"), which blocks the arteries and allows free radicals to attack the system, affecting the heart on all levels. When it comes to emotional heart trouble, this is normally a result of...
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Natural Foot Care from Maharishi Ayurveda
Date Posted: 11 September 2011
If you are suffering from uncomfortable or painful foot problems, you are not alone. Millions of people, all over the world, experience foot problems at some point in their lives. This is hardly surprising, when you think about how much feet are used on a daily basis. Most people are guilty of failing to take proper care of their feet. If you can relate to this, why not consider a natural foot care regimen to keep yours in tip-top condition? Start with these basic foot care tips , which are really easy and quick to implement: Wear comfortable, well-fitting shoes. A good fit means having a little extra room around the toes. If your shoes f...
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The Power of Ayurvedic Massage Oil
Date Posted: 4 September 2011
Abhyanga massage is Ayurvedic full-body self-massage, which is recommended as a daily treatment to support both the mind and the body. In addition, there are other therapeutic massages, some of which utilize Ayurvedic massage oil , that help address a wide range of health issues. Warm Scalp Oil Massage To invigorate the scalp, revive the hair, improve mental clarity and balance the emotions, Maharishi Ayurveda recommends a warm scalp oil massage. Traditionally, the herb used in this oil treatment is Brahmi, which is known as a "Medhya" herb (meaning it helps to focus and soothe the mind, improve sleep quality and memory, and re...
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Sesame Seed Oil Benefits
Date Posted: 20 August 2011
The amazing healing properties of sesame oil have been relied upon since Vedic times to treat a wide range of health issues. Known as "til" oil in Sanskrit, this oil was the subject of a treatise by the ancient Ayurvedic student Charaka. Writing at length about all aspects of Ayurvedic medicine, Charaka claimed that linoleum acid-rich sesame oil is the very best of all oils. The daily Ayurvedic self-massage, known as abhyanga, recommends the use of sesame seed oil, due to its high antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The oil is extremely nourishing, and regular use prevents the skin from drying out. This makes it particularly beneficial for pacifying Vata...
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Herbal Allergy Remedies for Natural Allergy Relief
Date Posted: 19 August 2011
Allergic disease is taking on epidemic proportions across the developed world. It is estimated that 20% of Australians have at least one allergy, one of the highest rates among developed countries. One in three of the UK population will experience an allergy at some stage in their lives, and the figures are similar in the United States. Spring-time Allergies Seasonal allergies, such as those resulting from grass, weed, tree pollen or mould, are a common cause of allergy symptoms. If you are one of the millions who experience itchy eyes, sneezing, a blocked nose and wheezing, you are no doubt desperate to find natural allergy relief . It is not ...
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How to Lose Weight For Good (safely) with Maharishi Ayurveda
Date Posted: 19 August 2011
Do you feel a little more round than you would like? Or do you have a weight problem? Doctors and scientists generally agree that men with more than 25% body fat and women with more than 30% body fat have a weight problem. According to Ayurveda there is not a one size fits all. Some people are naturally more round, with a mild appetite and a slow efficient metabolism that easily gains weight and require a focused effort to loose weight. While another person may have a slim to thin body shape with a fast metabolism which requires regular meals to keep comfortable. Every individual has an ideal weight to fit his or her unique nature. Read below to see what type of weight gain you ...
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Is Your Food Intelligent? (Find out why to eat fresh to stay healthy)
Date Posted: 19 August 2011
Going out for a meal can be difficult if your goal is to have a wholesome and tasty meal. Many cafes and restaurants have the food prepared well in advance of it ready to eat. It's likely to sit behind glass for sometimes days before arriving on your plate. Another scenario is going to your local organic cafe filled with happy thoughts of the healthy meal you're about to consume, only to hear the "PING" of your food being nuked in the microwave. A yurvedic texts are clear: Food contains intelligence. What does that mean? This can be loosely equated with its nutritional value, although includes the quality of the produce, the freshness and "life" of the food. Food can lose this q...
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Panchakarma: The Ultimate Maharishi Ayurveda Treatment
Date Posted: 5 July 2011
Panchakarma is considered to be the most essential Ayurvedic purification therapy; since ancient times this practice has been used by Maharishi Ayurveda to build strength and promote youthfulness, well-being and longevity. Many factors contribute to toxins, impurities and blockages in the body's channels, such as poor diet, poor digestion, environmental toxins and stress. Panchakarma is a sequence of treatments designed to remove toxins and impurities from every single cell in the body, by utilising the organs that the body uses for elimination: sweat glands, intestines, urinary tract and blood vessels. The process helps to boost the body's natural healing remedie...
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Natural Skin Remedies Are the Key to Younger-Looking Skin
Date Posted: 29 June 2011
Achieving younger-looking skin that exudes a wonderful healthy glow is a matter of caring for it from the inside as well as on the outside. The four key elements of skin care, according to Maharishi Ayurveda, are nourishment, rehydration, detoxification and stress removal. By looking at natural skin remedies for each of these elements, you can begin to transform your skin for the better. Nourishment The best way to nourish your skin is to follow a skin-friendly diet. This includes lots of sweet juicy fruits, multiple grains, a wide variety of cooked vegetables and light, easy-to-digest proteins. The juicy fruits boost nutrient...
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Natural Healing Remedies Make Dealing with Stress Easier
Date Posted: 19 June 2011
Dealing with stress can be a stressful experience in itself. Whether it is related to work, personal life, health or a specific life experience, knowing how to relieve stress is not always a straightforward process. As the fast-paced, competitive modern world puts increasingly tough demands on everybody, a growing number of people find themselves suffering from stress-related health problems, including insomnia, anxiety and depression. More and more people are trying to juggle work with family life, and feeling the pressure to excel in every aspect of their lives, which can lead to a huge amount of pressure on both the body and mind. Fortunately, natural healing r...
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Boost Your Sugar Metabolism with Natural Herbal Remedies
Date Posted: 15 June 2011
When you eat, the energy from the food is turned into the fuel your body needs to stay healthy and strong. This process is known as sugar metabolism . In many people, however, this transformation isn’t as effective as it could be. Maharishi Ayurveda practitioners believe that this is due to a Kapha dosha imbalance, combined with a sedentary lifestyle. Using natural herbal remedies to create a Kapha balance can kick start the metabolic process. First of all, how do you know if you have a Kapha dosha imbalance? Some people are more likely to have more Kapha in their mind/body makeup; these people tend to be good-natured, easy-going, and of larger-t...
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How to use Ayurvedic Food choices to Stay Healthy this Winter
Date Posted: 9 June 2011
Each season we pass through is linked to an Ayurvedic Mind-Body type, or “Dosha” . Spring links to Kapha, Summer with Pitta and Winter with Vata. These respective Doshas have a tendency to increase during their associated season - the heat of summer tends to push the Pitta in us, whilst a cold and windy winter tends to increase our Vata. These seasonal movements of the Doshas in our physiologies can be offset by eating appropriately for the season. Time and place are important aspects in choosing what to eat, and most of us unconsciously work to balance these all the time. Take as a simple example the cool beverages and foods we eat in summer, which balances pitt...
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Choose the Right Grains to Balance Your Dosha - Maharishi Ayurveda Guide
Date Posted: 9 June 2011
Current Nutrition facts show that grains give the carbs, iron, protein, calcium, potassium & important B vitamins necessary for a healthy diet. According to the age-old Traditional knowledge of Ayurveda, grains support the creation of healthy bone tissue & muscle, and provide strength and endurance to the body. The right quantity of grains are especially important to growing children on a vegetarian diet. Grains are great for meat eaters and vegetarians alike, but are particularly useful for vegetarians as they assist in the creation of whole proteins when matched with legumes, beans or dairy products. Maharishi Ayurveda suggests having grains with most meals if you are ...
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Why Ayurveda Recommends Herbal Remedies for Menopause
Date Posted: 29 May 2011
Why Ayurveda Recommends Herbal Remedies for Menopause For most women, menopause is uncomfortable; for some, it is extremely upsetting and unpleasant. Unfortunately, it is a natural transition and cannot be avoided. With the right herbal remedies for menopause , however, the transition can be managed to keep discomfort to a minimum. The menopause is the change from the Pitta phase of life to the Vata phase. If a woman has an imbalance in Pitta or Vata already, she is likely to suffer more during menopause. If there is a buildup of ama (digestive toxins) in the channels of the body, it is difficult for nutrition to reach the cells and the body will struggl...
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Relieve Joint Pain: Ama and Vata-Related Joint Issues
Date Posted: 27 May 2011
Relieve Joint Pain with Maharishi Ayurveda Joint issues may be hereditary, caused by obesity, overexertion, stress, diet, lifestyle or a combination of these factors. Ayurvedic medicine highlights two types of joint disorders: Vata-related joint problems and Ama-related joint problems. The first type is connected with poorly nourished joints, low bone density or general joint weakness. The signs of this type of disorder may be cracking noises in the joints, which may worsen as the person ages. Bones that are not adequately nourished will eventually begin to degenerate. The second kind of joint problem is related to an excessiv...
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Strengthen Your Immune System the Natural Way
Date Posted: 21 May 2011
The best time of year to strengthen your immune system is during the winter months. Do this by eating nourishing, light, warm foods that are prepared with immune-enhancing spices. Take Amrit to enhance the mind and body. Stay away from cold foods and drinks, which dampen the digestive fire and increase the sticky, toxic ama that is difficult to get rid of. Start the day in the best way with stewed apples cooked with cardamom. Follow a Vata-pacifying diet in fall and early winter, eating more sweet, sour and salty tastes. Rice, couscous, juicy fruits, squashes, asparagus, vegetable proteins, panir cheese and lassi should form part of a vata-enhancing diet. ...
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Natural Immunity Boosters for Better Health
Date Posted: 18 May 2011
The Maharishi Ayurveda Protection Plus-Respiratory System consists of 26 natural immunity boosters —herbs that are chosen to provide optimum protection against respiratory problems. By separating ama from Shleshaka Kapha, it is easier to enhance lung function. Impurities in the lungs are eliminated, making the area stronger and better-equipped to fight off infection. Protection Plus-Respiratory System is often taken as a preventative treatment if cold and flu bugs are rife. To balance Kapha and boost the respiratory system even further, drink Sniffle Free...
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Natural Fertility Treatments: How to Help Conception the Natural Way
Date Posted: 17 May 2011
A growing number of couples are turning to natural fertility treatments to help them conceive; statistics show that the average sperm count has decreased by 48% since 1940, and that female fertility is also on the decline. This has been attributed to the stresses and strains of modern life, and the high levels of pesticides and chemical fertilizers used in food production. Another factor may be the fact that many women wait until later in life to start a family, deciding to focus on their careers in their 20s, which is the most fertile period of a woman's life. A woman's fertility starts to fall after the age of 30 and drops steeply after the age of 35. By the age of 40, ...
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Four Ways to Beat the Causes of Exhaustion
Date Posted: 17 May 2011
The trouble with tiredness is that its roots can be pretty tough to trace. That is why, doctors often recommend a battery of tests (blood, urine, stool) to try and rule out the usual suspects: thyroid problems, sleep disorders, anemia, anxiety. The real reason you're feeling tired, however, could be as simple as not having slept well for the last few nights. Or having been too hard at work. Or neglecting your lunch. That is why it might well be worth your while to try and ferret out the cause of your fatigue yourself, before you make that doctor's appointment. Ayurvedic physicians believe--and Western doctors agree--that fatigue is your body (and mind's) distress signal to you. ...
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Why Almonds are an Ayurvedic Super Food
Date Posted: 16 May 2011
Almonds are the oldest and most widely grown of all the world’s nut crops. They are the seeds of a fruit tree that is related to plums and apricots. Whole almonds are eaten raw or toasted, while almond oil is used in cosmetics and massage oils. Almonds are also highly regarded in Ayurveda for their nutritional value and Vata-pacifying effect. What's in the Almonds? Worried about gaining weight, many people stay away from nuts and seeds because of their fat content. However, if eaten in moderate quantities, almonds provide several essential nutrients. For one, they are 20% protein. If you eat an ounce of almonds a day (about 24 nuts) you will get about 5.6 grams ...
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7 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power at Any Age
Date Posted: 9 May 2011
According to Maharishi Ayurveda, there are three equally important aspects to mental performance -- "dhi" - learning and comprehension, governed by Vata dosha, "dhriti" - processing and retention of knowledge, the realm of Pitta dosha, and "smriti" - memory or recall, controlled by Kapha dosha. For the best mental performance and realization of the fullest mental potential, Ayurveda recommends paying attention to the three fundamental pillars of good health -- diet, sleep and lifestyle -- to achieve this state of mental wholeness and balance, at any age! Here are the 7 top tips to boost your brainpower: 1: Eat pure, "intelligent" foods...
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Simple Steps Towards Natural Heart Health
Date Posted: 22 April 2011
If you need to be persuaded to look after your heart, a quick reminder of the statistics should do the trick. Heart disease is the number one cause of death of both men and women in the United States. Alarmingly, someone has a heart attack in the United States every four seconds, and one in four Americans suffer from some type of cardiovascular disease. More people die of heart disease than from the next seven main causes of death combined. These are sobering facts, but luckily there are plenty of steps you can take to encourage natural heart health . By following some of these tips, you can greatly decrease your chance of getting heart disease, and help yo...
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Simple Steps to a Herbal Body Detoxification
Date Posted: 21 April 2011
To help your body carry out its own detox, Maharishi Ayurveda offers a range of products that are completely natural and revitalising. Herbal body detoxification can be achieved by taking Elim-Tox or Elim-Tox-O. If you have specific health issues to address in addition to a detox, choose from a number of natural supplements. Herbal Cleanse improves elimination and cleanses the colon, if constipation is a problem. Genitrac works to purify and balance the urinary tract, which is ideal if you suffer from a urinary infection or infrequent urination. As well as taking natural detox remedies , give your body a helping hand by leading a Kapha-pacifying ...
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Elim-Tox and Elim-Tox-O: Natural Detox Remedies
Date Posted: 20 April 2011
If you seem to be particularly susceptible to flu, colds, coughs and allergies, you may have excessive toxins in your body. Toxins can make you feel constantly tired, particularly after meals, and lacking in appetite and energy. Many people put this down to having eaten too much, eating the wrong types of food, or not exercising enough. While these are certainly important factors, it may be that your body is simply in need of a thorough spring cleaning with natural detox remedies . In Ayurvedic medicine, great importance is placed on the seasons and how they affect both body and mind. In Ayurveda, spring is known as the Kapha season, because the cool, wet weather...
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Herbal Remedies for Sleep Can Transform Your Life
Date Posted: 19 April 2011
Various kinds of sleep problems affect a huge number of people across the world, men and women, of all ages and from all backgrounds. Sleep deprivation is not, of course, a modern condition, but many aspects of fast-paced modern life may be to blame for exacerbating the problem. So many people are struggling to juggle work, family, social commitments alongside other necessary daily tasks, and often sleep is one of the first things to be sacrificed. It is easy to dismiss a poor night's sleep and assume that you will make up for it the following night, but too often the following night is just as unsettled, and days of poor sleeping habits become weeks, then months. In extreme cases of slee...
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