Digestion is King
Date Posted:20 August 2013

A properly functioning digestive system is vital for good health. Our digestive system is responsible for all the energy production and metabolism that takes place in our bodies - breaking down food and liquid and creating blood, cells, tissues, organs and bones.
The effects of improper digestion and metabolism can cause disturbances in most parts of the physiology. Poor digestion plays havoc with our skin, causes congestion in our respiratory and cardiovascular systems, weakness in our bones, teeth, nails and hair, impurities (Ama) in our blood and imbalances in the menstrual cycle and more…
- Ama or impurities creates blockages in the physiology and can be a precursor to serious disease.
- When Ama is present, even if we have a healthy diet, if the food is not metabolised properly we will not be getting adequate nutrition.
Read below to identify your tendencies and what is recommended for you:
Is dryness governing your digestion?
Conditions such as weak or irregular digestion, bloating, constipation and irritable bowel respond well to Vata balancing choices.
- Eat a diet of warm, cooked, easy to digest foods. Vata diet >>
- Eat at regular intervals starting with a warm breakfast within 1 hour of waking.
- Avoid raw food and cold food and drinks .
- Include more oil in the diet to help combat the dryness of Vata and lubricate the digestive system.
- Herbal help Take Digest Tone 1 tablet prior meals to strengthen and tone digestion, with 1-2 tablets at bedtime to support regular elimination. Take Digest Plus 1 tablet to reduce bloating and to support healthy digestion and optimal nutrition. Vata Tea - Take 1-2 sips or ¼-1/2 a cup every 30-60 minutes through the day.
- For optimal digestion sit to eat, avoid talking with food in your mouth and eat with full attention, without reading, texting, computer work or watching TV.
- Remain seated for at least 5 minutes after a meal to aid digestion.
- Avoid stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol, or take occasionally.
Is excess heat governing your digestion?
Disorders involving irritation or inflammation including colitis, gastritis, diarrhoea and hyperacidity are soothed by Pitta balancing choices.
- Always eat when you are hungry, never put it off.
- Avoid all acidic food such as tomatoes, oranges, pineapples; sour food such as yogurt, cheese and lemon; and spicy food such as chilli, garlic or onion. Pitta diet >>
- Herbal help Take Aci-Balance after meals to help soothe irritation and inflammation. Take Elimtox O to remove the build up impurities that cause sour breath and body odour. Pitta Tea - Take 1-2 sips or 1/4-1/2 cup every 30-60 minutes through the day.
- Avoid stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol.
- For optimal digestion sit to eat, avoid talking with food in your mouth and eat with full attention, without reading, texting, computer work or watching TV.
- Remain seated for at least 5 minutes after a meal to aid digestion.
Is excess moisture building up in your digestion?
Overall digestive sluggishness is best treated by reducing Kapha.
- Favour Kapha diet >> It is best to limit dairy products and sweet, heavy, cold food and to favour warm and spicy food and drinks.
- Herbal help Take Digest Tone 1 tablet before meals 3 x a day. Take Be Trim 1 to support a healthy body weight and sip Be Trim Tea through the day to help reduce sugar cravings.
- Take Gluco Balance to aid healthy sugar metabolism and Cholesterol Protection to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
- Eat to suit your hunger. Hunger is nature’s indication that your digestive system is ready to process or cook the food. If you can’t digest the food it will just sit in your stomach and cause blockages in the body making it harder to maintain a healthy body weight or to reduce weight.
- Stop eating when you feel full.
- Wait until you have digested your meal before eating again.
- For optimal digestion sit to eat, avoid talking with food in your mouth and eat with full attention, without reading, texting, computer work or watching tv.
- Remain seated for at least 5 minutes after a meal to aid digestion.
Did you know? Midday is the best time to eat your main meal. The sun is highest in the sky and our digestive fires are also strongest at this time. Food eaten at this time is more easily digested than a meal taken at night. It is preferable to eat smaller amounts at breakfast and dinner.
During the night, metabolism is taking place on a cellular level which includes cleaning out the impurities or ama in the physiology. If you are struggling to digest a heavy evening meal, the overall metabolism is impeded. Just compare how you feel in the morning after a large dinner as opposed to eating lightly in the evening. Being asleep between the hours of 10pm and 2am also aids the clearing of ama from the body.
Exercise is a great way to increase metabolism and reduce the build up of sticky Ama. Walking in the morning is particularly beneficial in the case of weak digestion and constipation. It is also useful to take a short walk after meals. Yoga postures such as rolling from side to side with bent knees, the plough, the cobra and the locust are all helpful for balancing the digestive system. Sitting on your feet in a kneeling position also helps to relieve stomach ailments such as hyperacidity and ulcers.
Reducing stress and balancing emotions also assists in most gastrointestinal disorders. Anxiety and fear can aggravate Vata related problems while anger and overwork can compound Pitta related problems. Meditation, yoga and relaxation will help to combat stress and even out emotions.
Herbal help includes
Worry Free for Vata related problems such as fear, worry or restlessness.
Emotional Balance for Pitta problems such as anger, anxiety or feeling overly driven an unable to relax.
Blissful Joy for Kapha related problems such as low mood or low energy.
Wishing you the bliss of balance.
The Get Balance Team.