Allergy Free This Spring
Date Posted:5 August 2014

Did you notice it’s getting warmer? Even though the weather is still changeable, spring flowers are starting to appear.
Just today a client bought me a lovely bunch of bright and cheery spring flowers, a sure sign that the seasonal change towards spring is about to happen.
Springtime brings people with stuffy noses and runny eyes to see me. As the thaw of winter begins and flowers bloom, the increased levels of pollen can be a problem for some. If this is you, be sure to stock up on Aller Defence to support the body's healthy response to allergies and get a step ahead of nature by detoxifying now with Elim Tox (if you have a normal appetite) or Elim Tox O (if you have a sharp appetite).
Great Tasting Spice Mix
Now’s the time to be proactive. This week make use of our tasty detoxifying spice mixture to help you be prepared. Blend these spice powders together in bulk and store in a jar. Then add this mix to your meals to make a tasty difference, that’s good for you as well.
- 3 parts turmeric
- 6 parts fennel
- 6 parts coriander
- 1 part black pepper
- 2 parts ginger
- 2 parts cumin
Use approximately 1 tsp per person when preparing a meal.
Add to vegetables
Place a small amount of ghee in a frying pan and heat it on medium. Sauté the spices until the aroma is released, being careful not to burn them. Add steamed vegetables, mix lightly and sauté together for one minute. Add salt and pepper to taste. Or you can sauté the spice mixture in ghee and drizzle on cooked vegetables and grains.
Or be creative
Use it as a marinade for shish kebabs, in a curry, stew, casserole, or on barbequed treats. Make up your own ways to use it!
Prevention is better than cure
As we move towards 1 September–the official day of Spring–it is common to have clients come due to the flare up of old aches, pains or stiffness. Nature has already started her yearly process of releasing stored toxins into the blood stream so keep in mind that it will be time to do a gentle de-tox soon. Watch out for our gentle de-tox program to give you a head start.
Wishing you the bliss of balance.
Linda Sinden
Maharishi Ayurveda Practitioner
Get Balance Team
Linda Sinden has been a practising Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant since 1990 and is a regular contributor to our weekly Insights. She has a practice in Auckland, New Zealand and also provides phone or Skype sessions for those who need assistance, but don’t have a consultant in their vicinity.
Skype: Linda.Sinden
Mobile: +64 212237525