How to Beat Fatigue
Date Posted:4 March 2014

How to fight fatigue - Are you feeling mentally frazzled, emotionally stressed out, or just plain pooped? If so, you have company. Researchers report that the majority of adults today suffer from stress and tiredness.
A stress-driven body and mind is the major cause of fatigue, and unfortunately, for many people this is a normal state of living in today’s hectic world. Most people have lost touch with the normal experience of “calm energy,” which is a state of low tension and high energy that allows for optimism, confidence, and the stamina necessary to enjoy success, love and happiness.
Happily, Maharishi Ayurveda is well-equipped to restore balance and combat the underlying causes of the general, stress-related tiredness that many people suffer from today.
Causes of Fatigue
According to Maharishi Ayurveda, fatigue is caused by overuse, misuse or no use of the mind, emotions or body. For instance, your job may be easy for you, but if you have to put in a lot of overtime, that can result in fatigue.
Misuse is doing something that is against your nature. If you are an honest person, and you find yourself in a situation where you feel pressured to lie or cheat, that misuse of your mental faculties could cause you to feel fatigued.
An example of physical misuse is knowing that a physical task is beyond your capability, but doing it anyway. Or perhaps your heart is very tender, and you are surrounded by people who are habitually angry—an example of emotional misuse.
Even lack of use can cause fatigue. “Use it or lose it” applies not only to the body, but to the brain and emotions as well.
The first step in correcting fatigue is to determine the cause. You can ask yourself if your fatigue is caused by physical, mental or emotional factors. And is it caused by overuse, misuse or lack of use?
Once you know which behavior is causing the fatigue, one should try to modify or stop the behavior. Become familiar with your stress-point and your own level of comfort. The solution to the problem of fatigue is found in one sentence: proper use of the mind, body and emotions.
Three Kinds of Fatigue
There is a relationship between the three doshas (mind-body operating principles) and the three main types of fatigue. Mental fatigue is associated with an imbalance in Vata dosha, emotional fatigue is caused by an imbalance in Pitta dosha, and physical fatigue is caused by an imbalance in Kapha dosha.
Ama, or impurities caused by undigested food, is a major cause of all three types of fatigue. To avoid all types of fatigue, avoid leftovers, fast foods, foods grown with chemical fertilizers or sprayed with pesticides, or packaged, canned, frozen or processed foods.
To burn away ama, boil two litres of water and steep with the following herbs:
- 3 leaves of basil
- 3 leaves of mint
- 1/4 tsp. cumin seed
- 1 piece of clove
- 1/4 tsp. coriander
Drink it throughout the day. Depending on your mind-body type and imbalances, you may be more susceptible to certain types of fatigue.
How to Fight Fatigue
For Mental Fatigue:
- Vata-pacifying diet and daily routine
- Worry Free Tea and Tablets twice daily
- Go to bed early; avoid mental work right before bed
For Emotional Fatigue:
- Pitta-pacifying diet and daily routine
- Blissful Joy tablets
- Never skip meals
For Physical Fatigue:
- Kapha-pacifying diet and daily routine
- Fatigue Free herbal supplement
By consulting a physician or consultant trained in Maharishi Ayurveda, you can learn specific recommendations for restoring your natural energy levels based on your body type and imbalances.
Article by Linda Egenes
Reprinted with permission from MAPI, USA.