Resolving Relationship Stress
Author: Linda Sinden Date Posted:20 November 2017

This week be aware of how you communicate at home and work.
The key to resolving relationship stress more often than not is the "C" word. COMMUNICATION!
Stress in relationships can arise from any situation. A new baby in the house, sleep deprivation, illness, injury, personal habits, hobbies, unpaid bills, outside work commitments, drugs, drinking, unwelcome visitors. The list goes on and on. Whatever the situation, we have to be brave, open and honest, and face up to what is the root cause of the stress. We have to communicate.
Problem is, very often, we can't find the words to convey how we feel. Putting our cards on the table is never as easy as it sounds. Someone is possibly going to be hurt. Use the following steps to good communication to reduce your home stress this week and increase your chances of feeling heard and solving problems amicably.
Non-verbal communication is 80% of the message you send to the other person, i.e. the way you say something is more important than the words you use. So when you approach some-one, remember the STEPS to good communication:
- Smile at the person
Make them feel at ease and let them know its okay and it's safe to talk with you
- Tone of voice
Warm friendly tone, not icy or sarcastic.
- Eye contact
Don’t stare but do show interest or be attentive to the other person.
- Posture
Open and relaxed postures are best – take some deep breaths and relax.
- Space
Too close and the person may feel intimidated, too far away and they can’t talk easily. Usually one arm’s length is a comfortable distance.
If you don't feel confident in expressing yourself verbally, take time to write a letter. Do this in private, take your time to get your thoughts in order. When you are satisfied you can choose whether to give it to the other party, or use it to help you through your discussion.
If Vata is strong in you by nature I suggest you consider taking 2 tablets of Worry Free after breakfast and evening meals.
If Pitta is strong in you by nature then Pitta Rasayana is really great at helping to create calm amidst challenging demands.
If Kapha is strong in you by nature then Blissful Joy is definitely best for you. Take 2 tablets 30-60 minutes after breakfast and evening meals.
Drinking sips of Tranquilitea every 30 minutes is very helpful when under challenging and demanding times.
Be sure to get adequate sleep and if you can find time for a 30 minute walk in nature most days. It does wonder for the heart and soul!
Lastly dealing with stress by expanding your perspective to the spacious freedom within yourself in meditaiton is REALLY helpful! If you want to know how to meditate go here -- Transcendental Meditation AU | NZ
Wishing you great communication this week!
Linda and the Get Balance Team
Linda Sinden has been a practising Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant since 1990 and is a regular contributor to our weekly Insights. She has a practice in Auckland, New Zealand and also provides phone or Skype sessions for those who need assistance, but don’t have a consultant in their vicinity. Email: Skype: Linda.Sinden |
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