Your Kapha Gentle Detox
Date Posted:29 August 2012

Recommended Duration: 15-30 days
Welcome to the Kapha Gentle Detox. Just as nature has rhythms so too our body follows set cleansing cycles. Working with these cycles helps us maintain health and can prevent the seasonal coughs, colds, flues and allergies that come when the body is in need of cleansing.
Between each season the body naturally likes to cleanse or detox any impurities (ama) that may have arisen in the previous season. Ama is the product of incomplete digestion, it represents sticky toxic matter that can clog the channels of your body which carry nutrients to the cells and waste out of the body.
We like to think of the seasonal cleanses as being like health insurance. The mid season cleanses are designed to flush out the seasonal build up of impurities to help maintain a high level of wellbeing and life enjoyment.
If you tend towards weight gain, sinus or mucous congestion, fluid retention and your bowel elimination is normal and easy then the Kapha Gentle Detox is best for you.
Kapha Gentle Detox
- Take 4-6 tablets of Digest Tone at bedtime.
- Take 2 tablets of Elim Tox 30 minutes before breakfast and evening meals to cleanse the liver, blood, sweat glands and the elimination system.
- Take 2 tablets of Be Trim 1 along with Elim Tox in the morning and evening to support cleansing and enhance fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
- Apply 1-2 drops of Herbal Nasal Oil in each nostril after shower or bath in the morning and around 5pm.
Note: If you take Amrit Kalash, you can cut your dosage in half when on the cleansing program. Also, if you are taking Bio Immune or Radiant Skin it is better not to take these along with Elim Tox because these formulations have overlapping actions and benefits.
Dietary Recommendations
- Eat at the same time every day and be sure to stop for lunch around midday
- Eat your main meal at lunchtime and lighter meals at breakfast and dinner.
- Eat while sitting down in a settled atmosphere; paying attention to the food when you eat (no TV, no phones, no reading).
- Engage in pleasant conversation with friends or family (no business meetings or emotional discussions).
- Eat only when hungry – that is when the previous meal has been fully digested. If you are not hungry sip your detox drinks below and wait until hunger is felt before eating.
- Sit quietly for a minute at the beginning of the meal (saying grace before meals is one way to do this), and wait for a couple of minutes after eating before leaving the table. This gives your digestion a settled start.
- Eat to only 3/4 of your capacity - equivalent to your two hands cupped together (x 2) per main meal.
- Do not fast or skip meals.
Hydration – Flush the toxins out
- Sip Kapha Tea or the following detox tea every 30 minutes from rising to 6pm. Aim to drink a total of 2 litres for women and 3 litres for men each day.
- Detoxifying tea
- Boil 2.5 litres of water for 5 minutes. Take it off the heat and add 3 basil leaves, two thin slices of fresh ginger, 1/4 teaspoon of cumin seeds, 1/2 teaspoon of fennel seeds. Place the water and spices in a thermos, and sip the water at a hot or warm temperature throughout the day from rising to 7pm.
- Make a new batch of tea every morning.
Foods to Favour
- Choose foods that are free of pesticides or preservatives and favour organic where you can. Fresh is always best and avoid reheating foods and canned foods.
- Breakfast: eat 8 cooked prunes along with a stewed apple or pear cooked with 1-2 cloves.
- Vegetables: Eat lots of cooked leafy greens. Chop the greens and cook them with Kapha Seasonal Churna for best results. Favour Kapha pacifying foods>>
- Grains: Light yet nutritious whole grains such as quinoa, barley, amaranth and small helpings of rice are recommended. Kanji, made by boiling rice with lots of water is an excellent hot beverage and helpful for flushing toxins out of the body through the urine.
- Spices: Ginger, turmeric, coriander, fennel and fenugreek help open up the channels of the body and support the flushing of toxins via the skin, urinary tract, colon and liver. Add spices to soups and dahls as they cook.
- Avoid processed foods or foods with added salt, sugar or refined flours.
Lifestyle Do’s
- Be in bed by 10.30 pm and rise around 6am to aid the body's natural purification processes. It is especially important to avoid sleeping during the day and to avoid sleeping in during the cleanse as it increases sluggishness in the body and mind.
- Exercise each day is essential for you during the cleanse. Moderate pace is recommended.
- Give yourself an invigorating self massage daily followed with a warm bath or shower. A self massage loosens deeply-embedded impurities, allowing them to flow into the digestive tract, from where they can be easily eliminated through the bowel. The Kapha Massage Oil is formulated to penetrate the surface skin to reach the deeper layers and tissues.On alternate days have a gentle body scrub using silk gloves or a soft body brush.
After the cleanse… nourish
When the channels have been gently cleansed they are ready to be nourished with strengthening herbs or tonics.
- Amrit Kalash is the best rejuvenative herbal to help your body rebuild after your cleanse. Take for 1 -3 months or ongoing if your budget allows.
- Continue to take Digest Tone 2 tablets prior evening meals for a further 2-3 months. If weight is an issue for you continue to take Be Trim 1 twice daily also. Boil 2.5 litres of water for 5 minutes. Take it off the heat and add 3 basil leaves, two thin slices of fresh ginger, 1/4 teaspoon of cumin seeds, 1/2 teaspoon of fennel seeds. Place the water and spices in a thermos, and sip the water at a hot or warm temperature throughout the day from rising to 7pm.