Build My Fitness Please
Date Posted:17 December 2012

This week we consider your exercise needs and what you can do to optimise the effectiveness of your exercise. There is no one size fits all when considering any area of your life from diet, lifestyle, sleep and exercise too.
- Some people love building up a sweat while they exercise, while others get overheated easily.
- Some people need motivation to exercise while others wouldn’t think of not exercising most days.
- Some people get easily addicted to exercise, do you?
These and other choices are expression of your unique mind body type according to Ayurveda.
Firstly, no matter what your body type, there are two herbals that are a must when you want to build fitness. They are Premium Amla Berry and Energy Plus which can be taken together.
- Premium Amla Berry is especially nourishing for muscular development, digestion, skin and eyes. The single ingredient in this formula is the most sought after fruit for ayurvedic herbals — Amla (Indian Gooseberry). This fruit is considered a powerful ayurvedic elixir that promotes health, longevity and overall balance for all body types.
- Energy Plus is a combination of two very popular Ayurvedic herbs— Ashwaghanda (Indian winter cherry) and Shatavari (Indian Asparagus). Ashwagandha supports nourishment for the brain, assisting mental concentration and stamina. It also supports muscular stamina.
Secondly answer the questions below to help identify your specific exercise profile. Then select the learn more link to see what is recommended for you. Then enjoy the opportunities summer brings to be active outside as you build your fitness this summer!
Do you…
- Need motivation to begin exercise and do best when exercising with a friend
- Enjoy working up a sweat when exercising
- Like to sleep and can have difficulty getting up early
- Naturally feel relaxed and like to move at a slow and steay pace without rushing
If so, see the Kapha Exercise Recommendations for you...
Do you…
- Enjoy variety when I exercise and by nature am changeable and quick moving.
- Start a project or exercise programme with enthusiasm but can find it difficult to maintain a regular routine
- Get addicted to exercise
- Find your energy comes in bursts and can be short lived
If so, see the Vata Exercise Recommendations for you…
Do you…
- Find your body heat is naturally on the warm side causing you to sweat easily
- Enjoy water sports and prefer not to exercise vigorously in the heat of the day
- Find you can be competitive and like to win
- Enjoy challenges and can be a perfectionist
If so, see the Pitta Exercise Recommendations for you…
Have a great week and enjoy the longer days!
The Get Balance Team
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