5 Ways to Move and Move More this Week
Date Posted:17 June 2015

Let's Keep It Simple!
Life doesn't need to be complex and neither does keeping active or loosing some extra weight when you need to. Here are five very simple steps to take to help you be active and feel great:
1. Move Just do something
2. Move more Aim for a minimum of 100 minutes of 'huffy puffy' exercise every week and 150 minutes when wishing to reduce weight. Depending on our lifestyle and what we can fit into each day or week, this could be split up into 10-15 minute sessions or a mixture of 10, 20 or 30 minute sessions.
3. Move more often Aim to do something every day
4. Move Quicker Aim to go faster over the same distance or further in the same time
5. Move Differently Choose different activities or do the same activity differently e.g. run or walk a different way everyday, run hills, flat, sand, slower for longer and shorter and quicker.
Helpful Herbals
he best herbals to support exercise stamina and help build lean muscle strength are
- Premium Amla Berry Organic. Take 2-4 tablets prior breakfast and evening meals. This powerful antioxidant nourishes muscular development, digestion, skin and eyes.
- Feeling fatigued? Fatigue Free contains 18 herbs & minerals that support the natural flow of mental & physical energy. It supports the natural cleansing of the pathways that bring nutrients to every cell, organ and tissue.
What's The Best Exercise To Do?
The answer is simple - something you enjoy! If you hate running but were told that you needed to run every week, chances are you either wouldn't do it, or it wouldn't become part of a long term lifestyle change for you.
Vata balancing exercise choices
Pitta balancing exercise choices
Kapha balancing exercise choices
If you do something you love, such as dancing, roller-blading, swimming, ice-skating, cycling, rowing, skipping, boxing, aerobics, walking, etc, then you are more likely to make it part of your weekly activities instead of something you 'do' whenever you wake up, feeling less than pleased with your health, fitness or appearance! Making movement a daily choice makes it easy to achieve your exercise needs in fun and enjoyable ways. Wishing you the bliss of balance!
Linda Sinden has been a practising Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant since 1990 and is a regular contributor to our weekly Insights. She has a practice in Auckland, New Zealand and also provides phone or Skype sessions for those who need assistance, but don’t have a consultant in their vicinity. Email: lindasinden@orbislife.co.nz Skype: Linda.Sinden |
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Wayne, Linda, Theresa and Louise
The Get Balance Team