Tips For Increasing Fertility
Date Posted:27 May 2014

What a joy it is to consider holding your own child, a unique blend of you and your partner, with the delight of getting to know this wonderful person as time goes by. Why is it that sometimes conceiving a child (something that the birds and the bees show us can be quite natural and simple) can be difficult or even out of reach?
Did you know an estimated 15 per cent of couples have difficulty conceiving a child?
- In one third of cases the reasons lie with the man's fertility
- In one third with the women's
- For the last third, both partners experience reduced fertility
Causes of infertility
Ayurveda traditionally explains that infertility can be caused by:
- Poor nutrition, poor digestion or toxin build-up causing obstruction in the reproduction channels
- Too many spicy, salty and hot foods damaging sperm production
- Damage to the reproductive tissue by infection or trauma
- Genetic inheritance
- Overindulgence in sexual activity
- Controlling sexual urges for a long duration
Creating a healthy child
According to Ayurveda, robust health of the mother and father is key to conceiving and creating a healthy child.
To help prepare for conception it is helpful to take the following preparations for 1-3 months to support health
- Vital Man and Stress Relief (as per bottle)
- Vital Lady and Stress Relief (as per bottle)
- Where budget allows take Amrit Kalash Nectar and Amrit Kalash Ambrosia for a nutritional boost and high potency anti-oxidant support.
Lifestyle tips
Robust health is achieved through a:
- healthy lifestyle
- wholesome diet
- enhanced digestive power
- happy life experiences where stress is minimised
- proper development of all the body’s tissue, including reproductive tissue – which is called shukra dhatu in Ayurvedic medicine.
The following Ayurvedic recommendations support healthy conception, a healthy pregnancy and can also be used to support the success of modern fertility treatments:
- Eat and drink at regular intervals and according to appetite. Take the larger quantity of food at lunch and a lighter evening meal.
- Drink eight glasses (woman) and twelve glasses (man) of water and herbal tea each day. Vata Tea and Pitta Tea are particularly useful.
- Eat a wide variety of foods daily and vary your food choices. Favour foods that balance your mind body type:
Vata balancing foods>
Pitta balancing foods>
Kapha balancing foods>
- Reduce stress and do what you enjoy! Practice TM, light yoga and activities that are relaxing for you. Take Stress Relief 1-2 tablets before morning and evening meals to reduce the effects of stress and to help nourish reproductive tissue.
- Go to bed by 10pm and rise before 7am. Good sleep is essential. Take Blissful Sleep to help sleep onset or Deep Rest if you wake in the night. An early morning walk is especially helpful – keep warm if it is winter season.
- Enjoy a self-oil massage in the morning. Choose Vata massage oil to aid relaxation. Choose Pitta massage oil to release intensity and to aid ‘chilling’.
- The following foods help build healthy reproductive tissue. Eat them regularly
Vegetables fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly asparagus and broccoli
Dairy milkshakes made with dates or mango
Grain whole grains and rice pudding
Spices black cumin, regular cumin and turmeric
Wishing you the bliss of balance
Linda Sinden
Maharishi Ayurveda Practitioner
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