Pitta 3-15 Day Detox

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Welcome to the Pitta Detox Programme. Just as nature has rhythms so too our body follows set cleansing cycles. Working with these cycles helps us maintain health and restore health also.
Between each season the body naturally likes to cleanse or detox any impurities (ama) that may have arisen in the previous season. Ama is the product of incomplete digestion - it represents sticky toxic matter that can clog the channels of your body that carry nutrients to the cells and waste out of the body.
We like to think of the seasonal cleanses as being like health insurance. The mid season cleanses are designed to flush out the seasonal build up of impurities to help maintain a high level of well-being and life enjoyment.
- If you tend towards loose or soft bowel or have elimination more than 2 times a day, with a tendency for anger, then the Pitta 3-15 Day Cleanse is recommended for you.
Herbal Essentials
- Take 2 tablets of Liver Care 30 minutes prior breakfast and evening meals to support the liver
- Take 2 tablets of Elim-Tox-O 30 minutes after breakfast and evening meals to cleanse the liver, blood, sweat glands and the elimination system.
- Take 2 tablets of Genitrac along with Liver Care in the morning and evening to purify the urinary tract and assist the removal of toxins.
- Apply 1-2 drops of Herbal Nasal Oil oil up each nostril after shower or bath in the morning and again around 5pm.
Note: If you take Amrit Kalash, you can cut your dosage in half when on the cleansing programme. Also, it is better not to combine Elim-Tox with Bio-Immune or Radiant Skin because these formulations have overlapping actions and benefits.
Lifestyle Do’s
- You may need more sleep while detoxifying.
Aim to be in bed before 10 p.m. and get up before 6 a.m. to aid the body's natural purification processes. - Take the following drink on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Bring one cup of pure water (filtered or spring water) to a boil. Let cool down to a drinkable temperature. Add juice of an entire small lime or half of a large lime.
- Follow your morning drink with a baked or stewed apple or pear with 8 prunes or 4 figs:
Baking option:
Put the whole apple or pear in the oven and bake at 350 degrees F for about 30 minutes or until soft. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool before eating.
Follow your apple or pear with eight prunes or 4 figs that have been soaked overnight.Stewing option:
To stew, simmer one sliced apple or pear in two cups of water with three whole cloves and 8 prunes or 4 figs for about thirty minutes or until soft. Remove from heat and allow cooling before eating.If you are still hungry, complete your breakfast with one to two cups of hot, cooked whole-grain cereal, seasoned with cinnamon or cardamom.
- Exercise each day but avoid strenuous exercise or overheating.
Gentle exercise, such as Sun Salutations, walking, yoga or a gentle swim support detoxification by improving digestion and elimination. - Give yourself an invigorating self-massage daily or receive a massage, followed with a warm (not hot) bath or shower.
A Self-Massage loosens deeply embedded impurities, allowing them to flow into the digestive tract, from where they can be easily eliminated through the bowel. The Pitta Massage Oil is formulated to penetrate the surface skin to reach the deeper layers and tissues.Flush out the toxins - Sip Pitta Tea or the following detox tea every 30 minutes from rising to 6pm. Aim to drink a total of 2L for women and 3L for men each day.
Detoxifying tea
Boil 2.5 L of water in the morning for 10 minutes
1. Add 1/4 t. whole cumin
2. 1/2 t. whole coriander
3. 1/2 t. whole fennel to the water and let steep for ten minutes with the lid on
4. Optional add 2 rose buds
5. Strain out the spices and pour the water into a thermos flask
6. Sip throughout the day every 30 minutes. Make a new batch of tea every morning
Dietary Recommendations
- Favour a Light Pitta Diet>>
- Eat at the same time each day and be sure to stop for lunch between 12 noon and 1pm
Avoid fasting or skipping meals. Aim to be hungry and eat at regular meal times. - Sit quietly for a minute at the beginning of the meal (saying grace before meals is one way to do this). This alerts your body that food is on its way and gives your digestion a settled start.
- Eat to only 3/4 of your capacity - equivalent to 2 of your hands cupped per main meal and one hand cupped for a snack. This leaves room for the digestive process to occur.
- Eat your main meal at lunchtime with smaller evening meals. Eat while sitting with full attention, in a settled atmosphere - no TV, no phones, no ipads, tablets, computers or reading. Be fully aware of the taste, smell and quality of your meal as this aids full and complete digestion.
- Engage in pleasant conversation with friends or family (no business meetings or emotional discussions).
- Avoid or greatly reduce caffeinated drinks and alcohol during the cleanse.
Foods to Favour
- Choose foods that are free of pesticides or preservatives and favour organic where you can. Fresh is always best and avoid reheating foods and canned foods.
- Breakfast: Eat cooked prunes and figs at breakfast along with a stewed apple or pear. After 30 minutes if hungry take a warm cereal breakfast such as oat porridge.
- In general, most sweet juicy fruits are excellent cleansers and great for a mid morning or afternoon snack along with a small palm full of nuts if hungry.
- Vegetables: Eat lots of cooked leafy greens. Chop the greens and cook them with Pitta Seasonal Churna for best results
- Grains: Light yet nutritious whole grains such as quinoa, barley, amaranth and small helpings of rice are recommended.
- Kanji, made by boiling basmati rice or barley with lots of water is an excellent hot beverage and helpful for flushing toxins out of the body through the urine.
- Spices: Ginger, turmeric, coriander, fennel and fenugreek help open up the channels of the body and support the flushing of toxins via the skin, urinary tract, colon and liver. Add spices to soups and dahls as they cook, or sauté the spices in a little clarified butter and add to dishes when the cooking process is completed. Use fresh herbs such as parsley and coriander liberally.
- Avoid processed foods or foods with added salt, sugar or refined flours.
After the cleanse… Nourish
When the channels have been gently cleansed they are ready to be nourished with strengthening herbs or tonics.
- Amrit Kalash MA5 and MA7 is the best rejuvenative herbals to help your body rebuild after your cleanse. Take for 1-3 months plus, or substitute with Nervous System Support according to budget.
- Continue to take Liver Care for a further 2 months and bring in Aci-Balance after meals if you have a history of gastric discomfort.
The Get Balance Team
Every-day herbals for Pittas
![]() Pitta tea |
![]() Pitta Seasonal Spice Mixture |
![]() Aci Balance |
![]() Liver Care |
![]() Emotional Balance |
![]() Pitta Aroma Oil |
![]() Pitta Soap |