Kapha Imbalance

Qualities: Each dosha has certain qualities. For Kapha these are heavy, solid, cold, unctuous, soft, sweet, steady, and moist and slow by nature. When one or more of these qualities increases beyond comfortable limits for you, then a symptoms of imbalance will arise. The more subtle imbalances arise first in the mind and emotions and then develop into bodily symptoms.
For example if you sleep late for more than a few days in a row and do not exercise you are likely to feel slowed down, lethargic, even low in mood. If your diet is high in refined sugar, salty, fatty or fried foods and your main meal is taken in the evening when digestive capacity is reduced, then weight gain is likely to become an issue for you. Maintaining Balance Nature has made the process of maintaining balance easy for us through the body’s natural desire to maintain balance. There is a tendency deep in the nature of each person to protect health by self-correcting. When one is good at listening to one’s needs within, then one naturally does what is right for health and happiness; sleepy - one sleeps, hungry - one eats, thirsty - one drinks and so on. Balancing TipsBalance the cold and stable qualities of Kapha by being physically active each day. It is good for you to feel your blood pumping and to warm your body. Be sure to pace yourself by breathing comfortably through the nose if you are new to exercise or have not exercised regularly for the last 6 months. Include a range of cardio vascular and body resistance or weight training in your exercise routine. Herbals that help Kapha
Every-day herbals for Kaphas